Metasploit mailing list archives

Problem in writing exploits

From: thegnome at (Simple Nomad)
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:31:55 -0500

On Tuesday 10 October 2006 10:44, Cristiano de Nunno wrote:
Hello to everybody.

I followed the tutorial on writing exploits shown in this page:

(Exploit Module Tutorial (English))

But I actually couldn't exploit the server.
I admit I'm a total noob and that's why I'm looking for help here.
I'll explain in fw words the problem I have.

I used the vuln1_*.pm included in the framework documentation, and I
calculated the offset with pattern0ffset application included, and that is
ok. The problem is the ESP reg value. The tutorial tell me to pull out this
value with gdb, writing it in the exploit pm file and increasing it a bit;
the problem is that each time I run the exploitable server the esp reg
value changes, and in such a way the exploit doesn't work. My server
crashes with segmentation fault, but no payload is executed.
I set up the msfconsole in the right way, with right addresses and port, I
think the problem is in that esp reg value.

I saw a lot of exploits uses 1 hex value which works on all the machine,
how is this possible if it changes each run the vulnerable program runs? I
read about windows programs and their fixed call value to overwrite eip
reg, and I understand that, but under unix how can I do something similar?

Tnx to everyone :)

Sounds like you are running into one of the security features in the Linux 
kernel (I am assuming Linux). Google for exec-shield for an idea. Usually 
these features are fairly easy to turn off. For example exec-shield is:

        echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield
        echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield-randomize

However all of this is way beyond the list charter. I'd recommend a couple of 
books, such as "Gray Hat Hacking", "Hacking: The Art of Exploitation", and 
"The Shellcoder's Handbook".


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