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V3.0 Alpha error

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Sat, 22 Jul 2006 00:28:44 -0500

It seems like many linux distributions are not including the openssl and 
zlib modules by default. Try to find the ruby module packages for these 
in your distribution, or uninstall the OS ruby package and 
rebuild/reinstall from source.


On Friday 21 July 2006 21:42, encrypted code wrote:
Not sure what exactly the problem is on this one, I have openssl
installed, and have reinstalled the packages as well as the
dependancies for this, and i still get the same errors. Any suggestions
would be great. Thanks

Error That I receive.
root at Unix-S1:/usr/r00t/framework-3.0-alpha-r3/framework-3.0-alpha-r3#
./lib/rex/proto/smb/crypt.rb:1:in `require': no such file to load --
openssl (LoadError)
        from ./lib/rex/proto/smb/crypt.rb:1
        from ./lib/rex/proto/smb.rb:4
        from ./lib/rex/proto.rb:2
        from ./lib/rex.rb:44
        from ./msfconsole:9
root at Unix-S1:/usr/r00t/framework-3.0-alpha-r3/framework-3.0-alpha-r3#

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