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Vulnerabilities Doubts

From: chapolin_123456 at (Chapolin Colorado)
Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 19:35:33 -0300 (ART)

  a lot of confusion was made about my need for that..i gave the msn example, because I meant that i wanted 
to know a way to discover what port do I use without knowing about the other machine. How can I make this fake web 
server to send the payload to someone?? It's not a hacking stuff, it's just that all the ppl that I can test framework 
on is friend on my msn..that's why. So i was just playin around guys that share apartment with me, study with me, etc, 
just to know how it works, but it just didn't. How can I make this link to send to the other person?? And then, how do 
I know what port to use?? that's my doubt..sorry about confusions..
  Tnx again

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