Metasploit mailing list archives

Metasploit Updates

From: shirkdog_list at (M. Shirk)
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 14:50:07 -0400

Site designe is simple, just like what I am going back to.

And thank you for all of your work, which helps me to learn the true nature 
of software.


From: H D Moore <hdm at>
Reply-To: framework at
To: framework at
Subject: [framework] Metasploit Updates
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 01:25:29 -0500

Hello everyone,

We finally updated the web site - it should be much easier
to navigate and less abrasive on the eyes. If you have any suggestions
for improvement (or would like to volunteer some design/graphics help),
please email me offlist.

The first round of updates as release for the 2.6 tree:

rras_ms06_025: This module exploits a stack overflow in the Windows
Routing and Remote Access Service. We have a couple other exploits in the
works for this service, but it seems that some of them still aren't
patched :-)

ms05_030_nntp: This module exploits a stack overflow in Outlook Express's
NNTP client interface. Another fun client-side bug, thanks again to MC
for providing it.

cesarftp_mkd: This module exploits a (still unpatched) vulnerability in
CesarFTP. Three different people submitted modules for this bug, but MC
s was best in terms of quality. The fact that he also provided a MSFv3
version probably helped as well :-)

niprint_lpd: This module exploits a worthless bug in a little-used
service. It was added as an educational module and was inspired by
Immunity's VisualSploit demo. The original demo is still online at:

We also have a few Office exploits in the works. The "big scary targeted
Word exploit" from last month is actually fairly unreliable and annoying
to convert into an exploit. The new "big scary targeted Excel exploit"
isn't that exciting either, but we will try to produce a module for it in
the near future. The bug discovered by kcope and exploited by naveed
looks like a lot more fun and is a standard stack/seh smash:

Over the weekend, we migrated all of our CVS trees to a single Subversion
repository. With any luck, we should be able to open up public access to
the Framework development tree in the near future. Thanks again for all
of the community support and enjoy the new modules!


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