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Runing application remote server side

From: omid.zs at (Omid ...)
Date: Sat, 3 Jun 2006 16:46:52 +0430

Dear Jerome;
i have access to write and read to the server. i try to use Pstools and some
Remote Execute tools, but no answer. i have access as a limited user, who
can read and write, but have no access to execute. do you know any solution?
any suggestions?

On 6/3/06, Jerome Athias <jerome.athias at> wrote:


how do you have access?
using a MSF exploit module?

maybe try The Meterpreter

Omid ... a ?crit :
i have a problem about running a ".exe" file remotely in a windows 2003
i have access to server to upload, read, and write some files to server
but i need to execute my uploaded ".exe" file remotely on server
any idea?
thanks a lot.

- O m i d ...
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