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problem on reverse-vnc , generated with msfpayload

From: sigtrap at (Sigtrap)
Date: Wed, 24 May 2006 14:12:17 +0200 (CEST)

Does Metasploit 2.6 (msfpayload) still generate errornous standalone reverse-vnc executables?
I still can't make it work...

Ursprungligt Meddelande:
Fr?n: H D Moore <hdm at>
Till: framework at
Datum: m?ndag, mars 27 2006 16:49
?mne: Re: [framework] problem on reverse-vnc , generated with msfpayload
This is somewhat of a known bug - something we do in the VNC payload 
doesn't mesh with the executable template we use for wrapping payloads. 
Not sure when it will be fixed, but I will make sure we announce it when 
we do.


On Saturday 18 March 2006 03:27, Hamid . K wrote:
Hi ,

Last day I was playing with msfpayload , to generate
some stnad-alone payloads, and use msfcli
payload_handeler to use them . ( old topic on same
list )
but I get runtime error , while executing my
reverse-vnc.exe .

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