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unable to reproduce WMF exploit

From: exceed at (/dev/null)
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2006 13:02:20 +0100

Sorry, for off-topic...

Seem that everybody was able to reproduce the WMF exploit except me :)

Here are the steps I performed:

- use ie_xp_pfv_metafile
- set PAYLOAD win32_exec
- set CMD cmd.exe
- exploit

msf ie_xp_pfv_metafile(win32_exec) > exploit
[*] Waiting for connections to
[*] HTTP Client connected from, sending 1592 bytes of 

The file is saved on disk, but when I open directory in Windows Explorer 
nothing happens. Well, few times explorer.exe crashed, but that's all. No 
cmd.exe execution. I don't have indexing disabled...

I have tried even with the old versions of the explot, I have tried with Gzip 
and chunked disabled, I have tried with EXITPROC seh and thread, I used FF, IE 
and even wget. I don't have DEP enabled, I don't use any AV on my test box...

The most amazing thing: when I try calc.bmp generated by Mr.Moore it works 
like a cham... Obviously I am doing something wrong.


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