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Using specific encoder in exploit module

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 09:12:51 -0600

It is not possible for an exploit to specify its own encoder -- this is by 
design so that you can use any encoder that happens to work with your 
exploit. The correct way to limit encoders is just by setting the 
Payload->BadChars field to the appropriate value. In the case of a 
payload that must be alphanumeric-only, use the following snippet:

        'Payload' =>
                'Space'     => 614,
                'BadChars'  =>
                  join('', map { $_=chr($_) } (0x00 .. 0x2f)).
                  join('', map { $_=chr($_) } (0x3a .. 0x40)).
                  join('', map { $_=chr($_) } (0x5b .. 0x60)).
                  join('', map { $_=chr($_) } (0x7b .. 0xff)),


On Thursday 05 January 2006 09:05, mozilla at wrote:

I need a coding sample for setting a specific encoder in an exploit
module, I tried this ...

'Encoder' =>
   'Keys' => ['+alphanum'],

in $info, but doesn't seem to work.

thx ;-)

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