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problem on reverse-vnc , generated with msfpayload

From: elite_netbios at (Hamid . K)
Date: Sat, 18 Mar 2006 01:27:13 -0800 (PST)

Hi ,

Last day I was playing with msfpayload , to generate
some stnad-alone payloads, and use msfcli
payload_handeler to use them . ( old topic on same
list )
but I get runtime error , while executing my
reverse-vnc.exe .

some more details :
payload connect back to me and I get the coutresi
,but seems when VNC screen is going to load ,
reverse-vnc.exe terminate with general runtime-error.

some ideas that I thought could be root of problem:
*= AUTOVNC=0 which is default . chaned it to 1 but no
luck .
*= vncdll.dll in path. I copied it to path of
rev-vnc.exe , but no luck again.
*= placing vncView.exe in path of msfcli ? 


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