Metasploit mailing list archives

making your own payload

From: andre.ludwig at (Andre Ludwig)
Date: Tue, 6 Dec 2005 12:26:33 -0500

use meterpreter and then push pwdump to the client and then execute it...

The gods that be (skape, HD, spoon, etc)  can correct me, as i am a
bit rusty but i do rem something about meterpreter being able to
utilize encryption (simple encry but none the less it wouldnt be clear

If that is the case you would get at least +1 l33t points for doing
that way,  for a bonus of +10 l33t points you could create a meterpter
module that could be loaded that did the pwdump for you (no need to
push a file to the filesystem that way).  (didnt someone mention that
they already had such a module?)

again feel free to correct me if i am wrong, been a while since i have
toyed around with things (sad huh)...


On 12/6/05, pagvac <unknown.pentester at> wrote:
I'll probably use the upexec payload since it seems very ideal in this case.

Let me explain my exact scenario:

When pentesting, some of the things we all do are very much the same
all the time.

For instance, I do the following steps all the time after getting a
shell with admin privileges on a Windows machine (workstation, server
or domain controller):

-enable a tftp server on my laptop (I use Solarwinds TFTP server)
-connect to my tftp server from the compromised target and download
the pwdump executable and dll file (which is required to run the

So what I did is the following. I wrote a simple and crappy program in
C that drops pwdump2.exe and samdump.dll once it's executed. After
that it dumps the passwords hashes (by calling the dropped
pwdump2.exe) and prints them on the screen.

From this point on I can just grab the hashes from the remote shell
with a simple-and-lame copy and paste.

Anyways, I attached the .c and .exe file in case anyone is interested.
The reason why I wrote this is because I wanted make the
root-shell/dump-hashes process a single shot attack.

But now that you guys pointed me out the upexec payload, it seems to
me very stupid to waste my time setting up a tftp server on my laptop,
when I can just tell metasploit to transfer and execute my
"pwdump2.payload.exe" file when exploiting the target.

Thank you very much for your help to both of you.

On 12/6/05, mmiller at <mmiller at> wrote:
On Tue, Dec 06, 2005 at 04:24:04PM +0000, pagvac wrote:
I have an executable file which I would like to convert into a
payload. That way I could use it with all the exploits that metasploit

This executable automates many tasks that I usually do on the target
machines after comprising them when doing penetration testing.

The problem is that I have no idea on how to remove all the nulls
(0x00) so that the exploit doesn't break.

I'd like to have some references on documentation/tools that can help
me create this payload and successfully run it with metasploit on
existing exploit modules.

Question: are all payloads compatible with metasploit? In other words,
can I get a shellcode from an external resource and use it
successfully with metasploit?

Converting an executable into shellcode is typically infeasible due to
the nature in which most executables are compiled.  One of the
constraints also becomes the size of the shellcode produced and the
manner in which it is to be transferred to the target.  Is there a
reason that you can't use the upexec payloads (upload and execute)?


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