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Re: New Automated BIRTHDATE feature for Metasploit Framework

From: tnagareshwar at (Nagareshwar Talekar)
Date: Sat, 8 Oct 2005 16:22:58 +0530

Hi all,
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On 10/8/05, Nagareshwar Talekar <tnagareshwar at> wrote:

Hi all,

*What is this ?*

This is new birth date feature for metasploit framework. Currently there
is no date ( vulnerability disclosure date ) information for exploits listed
in metasploit framework.

This new feature will automatically update date information for the
exploits. Once the date is updated for exploits you will be able to see it
through the "Show exploits" and "info <exploit name>" commands in the

*How and to whom it will be useful? *
This is very useful feature for everyone who is playing with exploits.
Often the pen testers or any one who involved in testing exploits wants to
try out recent exploits. As of now they need to manually go through the
various websites to check out the disclosure date for vulnerabilities. Now
they can see the vulnerability date corresponding to exploits in the
msfconsole directly and hence save their valuable time concentrating on
the actual work

*How to enable this automatic birthdate feature for metasploit framework?*

Its quite simple. Just take the back up of the MSF framework and proceed.

You just have to replace following three files. ( Files are present in the
zip file )

a) $framework$\msfconsole

b) $framework$\lib\Msf\

c) $framework$\lib\Msf\

Once you replace this files, start msfconsole and type "help". You will
see new command "update" with its description.

Now just type "show exploits" , you will see one more field displaying
"Unknown" which is in fact birth date for exploits. In order to
automatically update this birth date

for all the exploits , type "update" at msfconsole . After that you may
have to restart msfconsole if any of exploits files date has been updated.

After restarting msfconsole , now type "show exploits" and you will see
the birth date for the exploits. Type "info <exploit name>" , you will see a
new field called "birthdate" displaying date for that exploit.

For more information on this feature , please refer to the attached
document which explains about working of this feature and many

more details...

Moore , I hope you will integrate this feature to MSF for next release.
Let me know if any of you have any problems , concerns regarding this.

Happy Hunting :)

Thanks all

With Regards

With Regards
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