Metasploit mailing list archives different offset for different languages

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Tue, 13 Dec 2005 10:21:22 -0600

Since the French/Italian SEH offsets are different from english, I was 
wondering what the offsets were for other non-english languages. If 
anyone has a Spanish, German, or other non-english installation and could 
look into it, it would be appreciated. I would hate to rewrite the 
exploit for Italian/French support only to find out that Spanish is 4 
bytes off from Italian and thats 4 bytes off from English (the jump chain 
gets tricky then - have to use returns that end in \xXX\xEB.


On Tuesday 13 December 2005 10:16, msf-list at wrote:
The FR offsets is different ok but is it 360 (like Italian) or is
another one (for example 364)? This because is always 360 HDM can (can
? :-) add only few lines for most languages but if every lanuage have a
different offset the line are more.......and more........... maccherons english :-)

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