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'glibc detected - double free or corruption'

From: theart at (Arthur Donkers)
Date: Sat, 4 Jun 2005 08:34:32 +0200 (CEST)


I ran into the same problem when using scanrand2 on Fedora Core 3. The
solution is to set MALLOC_CHECK_ to 0 (zero) and not to 1 like thus:

export MALLOC_CHECK_=0

The glibc of Fedorea Core 3 seems to have been compiled with ultra paranoid
set so any free that looks suspicious will generate this error and kill
the 'offending' process.

Goog luck,


On Sat, June 4, 2005 0:52, Anthony Riehm said:
Running the Framework on Fedora Core 3; when trying to perform an exploit
(seemingly randomly) will begin the process and then stop with an error

*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0912d4d0 ***

This happens on versions 2.2, 2.3, and 2.4 of Framework... but it doesn't
it every single time.

I did a search for that error message and other people have had that
on Fedora Core 3, in other programs. One person suggested doing:

export MALLOC_CHECK_=1

but even this didn't fix the problem; I just got other errors.

/* Disclaimer :   you hire my skills, not my opinions, those are mine !  */
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/* phone : (+31) 595 557057    is not a     computer simulation of me'   */
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