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Opcode db suggestion and msfencode question

From: RaMatkal at (RaMatkal)
Date: Thu, 26 May 2005 13:40:10 +0200

Well, assuming you are exploiting something on win32, you can use an
entirely alphanum geteip.  Other platforms rely on a small non-alphanum
stub to get eip which can generally lead to problems.  Here's an

$ perl -e "\xcc" | ./msfencode -e PexAlphaNum GETPCTYPE=win32
[*] Using Msf::Encoder::PexAlphaNum with final size of 123 bytes

Give that a shot and see if it works for you.

on first glance, msfencode is producing alphanum shellcode, however it seems
to be broken?

I've tried a couple of different things but nothing seems to work....

basically i am trying to do a JUMP -700 bytes which is alphanum encoded.....

in order to achive this,  i tried doing a

sub ebx, 2a4         # 81EB A4020000
jmp ebx                # FFE3

since ebx is 676 bytes away from where i want to jump.

so i tried doing:
perl -e 'print "\x81\xeb\xa4\x02\x00\x00\xff\xe3"' | ./msfencode -b
"\x00" -e PexAlphaNum GETPCTYPE=win32

which produced:
[*] Using Msf::Encoder::PexAlphaNum with final size of 139 bytes

Unfortunately the above shellcode causes an exception....

I tried encoding a few other instructions as well but they all seem to cause
the same exception when memory is accessed from [ecx] which contains

Am i doing something really wrong here?



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