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windows_ssl_pct :: no default target error

From: grep at (Greg Poirier)
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 12:13:02 -0500

Given the following commmand-line and its corresponding msfconsole

./msfcli windows_ssl_pct RHOST= PAYLOAD=win32_bind E

I receive the following error:

[*] Exploit does not default targets, one must be specified.

./msfcli windows_ssl_pct RHOST= PAYLOAD=win32_bind O

Exploit and Payload Options

  Exploit:    Name      Default          Description
  --------    ------    -------------
  required    RHOST    The target address
  required    RPORT     443              The target port
  optional    PROTO     raw              The application protocol (raw
or smtp)
  Payload:    Name        Default    Description
  --------    --------    -------
  required    EXITFUNC    thread     Exit technique: "process",
"thread", "seh"
  required    LPORT       4444       Listening port for bind shell
  Target: Target Not Specified

At this point I considered the possibility that RHOST and TARGET were
reversed... this proved incorrect:

./msfcli windows_ssl_pct TARGET= PAYLOAD=win32_bind E
Error: Missing required option: RHOST

exploits/ shows that GetEnv{'TARGET'} is used to
define the $target_idx variable.  A simple explanation of the TARGET
variable in the $info->{'UserOpts'} hash would be very helpful.


"paranoia means having all the facts" --wsb
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