Metasploit mailing list archives

Additional Logging Patch

From: chuck.lists at (Chuck)
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2005 17:06:08 -0500

Hello all,

   I have put together a little patch (attached) that adds some
additional logging to the Metasploit Framework, basically added on to
what the developers already had in there.  I think that this will be
useful in Pen Tests to help keep track of what exploits were run
against which hosts and which worked.  The additions / changes I have

- Console start and stop is logged.  On start, hostname and username is logged.
- Exploit attempts and checks have more info logged (including hosts,
ports, payload, and target)
- Filename for session logs has been changed from using "unix time" to
using a date format of yyyy-mm-dd_hh-mm-ss.
- msflogdump program updated to display the administrative information
that appears at the top of session logs and also to display timestamps
on the session information

   As before, no logging is enable by default, you have to turn the
logging on using
"setg Logging on" in the console.

   I have tried to make the code in this patch work on Unix and
Windows, but I haven't tested it on Windows so I hope that it works. 
The code may be a little rough but it seems to work in my testing so I
figured I would go ahead and put it out for others to use and
hopefully build on.  If anyone else has done anything similar to (or
better than) this please let me know.

   To the framework maintainers: Thanks a bunch for all the work that
you have put in to this awesome tool.  Feel free to ignore this patch
if it conflicts with other things that are in development.

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