Metasploit mailing list archives

Adding an exploit

From: seclists at (Jason Johnson)
Date: Sun, 1 Aug 2004 16:59:54 +0900

If by adding new exploits, you mean the ones on the site such as the
distcc_exec exploit, then all you have to do is copy the exploit file
( into you exploit directory.  Framework will add it to
your list of available exploits automatically.  To find the exploit
files, go to the exploits page
(, click on
the exploit you want, and then right click and save-as the link next
to NAME (
 Copy the file into your exploit directory, and voila!
Now if you mean, where do you get new exploits that aren't already on
the site.  Feel free to write some or wait until 2.2 comes out, which
is supposed to have some new exploits.

On Sat, 31 Jul 2004 20:39:35 -0400, mafioso1823 at
<mafioso1823 at> wrote:
When a new exploit comes out how can i add it to the framework?

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