Metasploit mailing list archives

Metasploit Framework 2.1

From: hdm at (H D Moore)
Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2004 04:03:14 -0500

Version 2.1 of the Metasploit Framework is now available from the web 
site. Although this is primarily a maintenance release, it does contain a 
few new exploit modules.

    - Many Cygwin-specific bugs have been fixed
    - The console interface has improved tab completion
    - The logging feature now works as advertised
    - Improved msfpescan can now read memdump output
    - The memdump and socketNinja tools are now included

The bug fixes alone are more than worth the time to upgrade. If you 
currently use the Framework under Windows, we strongly urge that you 
upgrade; quite a few features and payloads simply don't work with version 
2.0. We plan on making the official 2.1 release announcement this coming 
Tuesday, so enjoy the -1 day code :)


PS. Check out the new "exploits" section at the Framework project page; 
you can now download the latest versions of the exploit modules directly 
from the web site. All new exploits developed before the final 2.2 
release will be made available via this page. Once we get some free time, 
we plan on adding exploitation and usage notes to this page. 

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