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Call For Papers - THOTCON 0x6 - Chicago's Hacking Conference

From: InfoSec News <alerts () infosecnews org>
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 13:12:18 +0000 (UTC)

***BEGIN THOTCON TRANSMISSION**********************************************

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What: THOTCON 0x6 - Chicago's Hacking Conference
When: 05.14-15.15
Call for Papers: Opens 10.01.14

*** ABOUT *****************************************************************
THOTCON (pronounced \ˈthȯt\ and taken from THree - One - Two) is
a hacking conference based in Chicago IL, USA. This is a non profit non-com
mercial event looking to provide the best conference possible on a very lim
ited budget.

*** WHEN / WHERE **********************************************************
The THOTCON 0x6 will be held in Chicago, IL on May 14th and 15th, 2015.

It will be held at a location only to be disclosed to attendees and speaker
s during the week before the event. It will be in Chicago and close to a CT
A train stop, accessible by bus, cab, and plenty of parking.

*** FORMAT ****************************************************************
The event will have 2 (two) tracks over 2 days.

There will be a mix of 45 minute and 20 minutes talks selected.

Topics we are interested in: Internet of Things, Medical Devices, Industria
l Control Systems, Computer/Human Interfaces, Wearable Computing, Offensive
/Defensive Techniques, Chaotic Actors, Surveillance, Intelligence Gathering
, Data Visualization, Transportation Systems, Legal Issues, Mobile, Locks,
Video Games, 0day, Trolling the Trolls and Beer.

Note: THOTCON does NOT broadcast or record any of the talks presented at ou
r conferences.

*** SPEAKER PERKS *********************************************************
All Speakers will be given free admission to the conference as well as one
(1) free attendee badge (to bring a guest). All speakers will also have acc
ess to the THOTCON VIP Lounge. This means you will have access to free food
 and drink and all day. We don't have anything else to give, except you can
 tell your mom and your friends you spoke at THOTCON. Oh yeah, there is als
o the Speaker's Dinner the night before the con that you will be invited to
as well. At the dinner you will also get some special branded THOTCON swag.

Talks selected as keynotes (2 per day) will be given a Gold badge. A Gold B
adge allows the holder to attend THOTCON free for life.

*** HOW TO SUBMIT *********************************************************
If you are interested in speaking at this event, please send your completed
 speaker application [below] to cfp () thotcon org.

Once we receive your submission, you will get an email back within 48-72 ho
urs. If you do not hear back from us, please resend.

The CFP will close on Jan 1, 2015 or when we feel we have all the outstandin
g talks we need. We anticipate having all speakers selected by Feb 1, 2015.

*** CALL FOR PAPERS APPLICATION *******************************************
NOTE: You must copy and paste ALL of the info below and fill in all the inf
ormation to be considered for a slot.

Speaker Info
1. Name or Handle or Both:
2. Country/State/City of Residence:
3. Phone Number:
4. Email Address:
5. Have you presented at a con before?
6. If so, which one and when?
7. Brief Bio: [will be printed on website and program]
8. Twitter Handle:
9. Blog or Website:

Presentation Info
1. Presentation Title: [be creative]
2. Presentation Synopsis: [<1 page please]
3. Is there a demonstration? Y or N
4. Is this about a new tool? Y or N
5. Is this about a new exploit? Y or N

1. Shirt size: [Men's Sizes]
2. Favorite Beer:
2. Anything you would like to share:

Grant of Copyright Use

I warrant that the above work has not been previously published elsewhere,
or if it has, that I have obtained permission for its publication by THOTCO
N and that I will promptly supply THOTCON with wording for crediting the or
iginal publication and copyright owner.

Yes, I, [insert your name], have read the above and agree to the Grant of C
opyright Use.

Agreement to Terms of Speaking Requirements

If I am selected to speak, I, [insert your name], understand that I must co
mplete and fulfill the following requirements or I will forfeit my speaking

1) I will complete my presentation within the time allocated to me - not ru
nning over the time allocation.

2) I understand that THOTCON will provide 1 LCD projector, 1 screen, and mi
crophone. I understand that I am responsible for providing all other necess
ary equipment, including laptops and machines (with VGA output), to complet
e my presentation. THOTCON will also provide a semi-stable wifi internet co
nnection during the conference. If you have a live demo you MUST make a vid
eo of it as a backup. Having a demo fail without a backup video will result
in loss future THOTCON speaking opportunities.

I, (insert your name here), have read the above and understand and agree to
 the terms as detailed in the Agreement to Terms of Speaking Requirements.

Agreement to Terms of Speaking Remuneration

1) I understand that I will be responsible for my own hotel and travel expe

2) I understand that I will be given 1 THOTCON attendee badge as remunerati
on for my speaking at the conference.

I, [insert your name], have read the above and understand and agree to the
terms as detailed in the Agreement to Terms of Speaking Remuneration.

***END THOTCON TRANSMISSION************************************************



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