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LulzSec Announces April Fool's End To Retirement

From: InfoSec News <alerts () infosecnews org>
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 04:54:44 -0500 (CDT)

By Mathew J. Schwartz
March 21, 2012

They're back: The hacktivist group formerly known as LulzSec--whose members announced that they were calling it quits after a 50-day hacking spree and then continued their efforts with Anonymous and AntiSec--has announced that it will resume its attacks.

In characteristic Anonymous fashion, the group announced its impending return Saturday via YouTube video. "Several days ago we decided to swiftly bring back our humble hacking group and set sail towards the Interwebz once again, much to the dismay of corrupt governments and corporations across the planet. It's ridiculous to believe that by arresting the six prime members of LulzSec that you've stopped us. You haven't stopped us, you have merely disrupted the active faction," the video said in a computer-generated British accent.

The group announced that it would officially resume attacks on April 1, 2012. The video continued, "Lulzsec will start targeting governments, corporations, agencies, and quite possibly the people watching this video. We are here for the lulz, the fame, the anarchy, and the people."

The announcement was previewed one day prior via the FawkesSecurity Twitter channel in a tweet that read, "Expect something BIG and rather Lulzworthy very soon. CIA, FBI, Interpol, you're all on teh (sic) list." Wednesday, meanwhile, tweets from the same Twitter channel promised that "Anonymous will target national infrastructure" and create a "global financial meltdown" as part of what's been dubbed "Project Mayhem."


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