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Floyd Landis takes aim after drugs admission

From: InfoSec News <alerts () infosecnews org>
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 00:32:23 -0500 (CDT)

[Back in February 2010 Floyd Landis was accused of hacking into a 
doping lab - - WK]

By Owen Slot 
The Times
May 21, 2010 

After four years and 1 million spent attempting to prove that he was 
innocent of taking banned performanceenhancing drugs, Floyd Landis opted 
for honesty yesterday and, in acknowledging a career built on lies, 
tried to bring down with him as much of the world's cycling 
establishment as possible in the process.

His biggest target was Lance Armstrong, who has been ducking and weaving 
past allegations such as this for more than a decade and, in such 
encounters, invariably manages to land the last punch. Already, albeit 
at this early stage, it would seem that Landis has swung and missed.

Landis, 34, has claimed that Armstrong was his partner in a regime of 
illegal doping when they were with the US Postal team together and he 
names a number of other American riders who were allegedly part of the 
same set-up. He then goes up the power chain and claims that Armstrong.s 
long-term coach, Johan Bruyneel, guided him on the path to drug-taking 
and he implicates the International Cycling Union (UCI), the sport's 
world governing body, in being party to overlooking such illegal 

Much of the above has been written, discussed or gossiped about before. 
The shock in this case is in the public way that Landis has gone about 
it and in the detail of his allegations. 


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