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Black Hat USA Videos available to D/L

From: InfoSec News <alerts () infosecnews org>
Date: Wed, 1 Apr 2009 01:22:34 -0600 (CST)

Forwarded from: jmoss <jmoss (at)>

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Hey InfoSec readers,

I am proud to announce that the audio and video from BH USA 2008 is now 
available for free download, and is in several formats, the first of 
which is a large, hi-res
format with video-sync speaker and presentation:

BLACK HAT EUROPE 2009 - Register now!
Time is running out to register at the late rate of €1295, so please 
consider signing up promptly if you have plans to attend. The onsite 
price that applies after
April 1 is considerably higher. This applies to Training sessions as 
well as the Briefings portion of the event.

If you’re planning to attend Black Hat Europe, you can begin mapping out 
the presentations you want to see by visiting our Briefings Schedule 
page at:

- - All Your Packets Are Belong to Us - Attacking Backbone Technologies 
by Enno Rey and Daniel Mende. Enno previewed this presentation at our 
last webcast, and it is
a truly fascinating and sobering look at threats to the carrier space.

- - Stripping SSL To Defeat HTTPS In Practice  by Moxie Marlinspike. 
This is an expansion and update to the presentation that Moxie gave at 
Black Hat DC, where it got
possibly the most press of any talk at the event.

- - Fun and Games Using In-Memory Execution on Mac OS X by Charlie 
Miller and Vincenzo Iozzo. This is a presentation by two Mac security 
experts that explores a whole
new vector for attacks on OS X. This presentation also had a very 
promising preview on our last webcast.

BLACK HAT USA 2009      
July 25-30 isn’t as far away as it might sound.  We’re returning to 
Caesars Palace on the Las Vegas Strip, and this year we’ve got a lot 
more space to work with.
We’re well into our preparations to bring you a great conference. All 
your favorite events will be back, as well as some new surprises!

We’re still accepting proposals for Black Hat USA 2009 until May 1, 
2009.  If you’ve got something you want the security world to hear, 
submit it at Early selection begin May 1st, with the 
selection process done June 1.

If you like the idea of helping to set the agenda for Black Hat, it’s 
also a good time to get registered and begin helping us rate and review 
our presentations.  Paid
delegates have access to information about all submitted presentations. 
The ratings and reviews we get from you help us to create the Briefings 
lineup. This year the
CFP system gets some usability updates to better navigate the hundreds 
of submissions the USA conference gets.

Caesars has added (another!) conference expansion for this year and 
Black Hat will be taking advantage of it. The expanded space means quite 
a few things - less
traffic congestion in the hallways, for starters.  What we’re really 
excited about, though, is the fact that we’ll have a meet and greet room 
for each track. This
means that after each presentation you’ll be able to follow the 
speaker(s) into a designated Q&A session and spend some time in a 
quieter, more personal setting with
the speaker and other audience members. This has worked successfully for 
Black Hat at the smaller conferences and now we are going to try it on a 
much larger scale at
the USA event.

FACEBOOK – we’re trying out a Facebook fan page. If you’re a Facebook 
user, we’d love to have you join and use it as a place to communicate 
and share with us. The
link is:

TWITTER – We’ve been twittering since Black Hat USA 2008 covering Black 
Hat updates, speakers in the news, and security news that is relevant to 

LINKEDIN – We have a group on LinkedIn that’s over 3,000 members strong.  
In a time of economic volatility, it’s good to network with likeminded 
people. Join in at:

Choose whatever method works best for you, but get involved with our 
growing community. 

Jeff Moss

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