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Does open source software enhance security?

From: InfoSec News <isn () c4i org>
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2004 03:49:09 -0600 (CST)

By Thomas C Greene in Washington
Posted: 05/03/2004 

Analysis - There are several reasons why open-source software provides
for superior computer and network security, but the computing public
seems confused about why this is so.

Many attribute the security advantage to the very fact of openness.  
It's long been popular to cite the "many eyes" theory, which holds
that flaws are discovered and fixed because selfless programmers spend
countless hours carefully combing through the source code and alerting
the development teams. In this way, we're told, the mere fact that
source code is available leads to enhanced security.

Wishful thinking

Actually, the people most likely to spend hour after hour reviewing
source code are blackhats looking for a novel exploit. Code review is
hardly the only way to attack, but it is obviously more difficult with
closed-source software. Some attacks against closed-source systems
have been discovered through reverse engineering, a tedious and not
entirely dependable process; but reversing is difficult, and only a
minority of attackers are capable of it. Having the source code at
one's disposal is a convenience.

Security through obscurity can work to a point because fewer attackers
are capable of reversing a closed product profitably. Of course, once
the obscurity is lost, the code becomes a target for a larger number
of attackers. And because it is meant to be closed, it may possess
more bugs and security holes than code that's meant to be examined

Due diligence

There are advantages to openness, though not the one most often cited.  
Open source developers have got to be more careful and
security-conscious than their closed-source counterparts. This
encourages a better product overall.

There is a corresponding disadvantage in closed-source software:  
obscurity may inconvenience blackhats a bit and help limit the number
of potential attackers, but it works only so long as obscurity is
maintained. Secrecy can be useful, but it is a fragile defense. Once
the code is released, the software becomes an easier target than it
once had been; but because it was developed with the assumption that
it would not be released, it is likely to be sloppier and easier to
exploit than code developed with the assumption that world+dog will be
welcome to review it. Closed-source products aren't necessarily
inferior; but, human nature being what it is, they often turn out
inferior. Few people are as diligent as possible when they can easily
conceal their shortcuts and mistakes.

Another security advantage in openness is the fact that end users can
place more confidence in their applications, utilities and clients
when the source code is available for review by anyone who wishes to
examine it. It is simply impossible to conceal spyware, adware and
secret phone-home capabilities in products that can be examined

So there are indeed a couple of security virtues in openness itself:  
knowing that the source has got to be made public encourages good work
habits among developers, and malware functions can't be concealed. And
yes, the code can be reviewed and bugs discovered before exploits are
developed, though this is chiefly a matter of wishful thinking. The
blackhats are likely to be well ahead of the whitehats when it comes
to security-oriented code review.

One word: modular

It's beyond dispute that open source systems are potentially more
secure than Windows, but the most important advantages don't come from
openness per se. They come instead from the coincidence that open
source systems, like Linux and BSD, are modeled on UNIX, which is
designed in a more modular fashion than Windows. Such systems are more
transparent to the user or administrator, and have far fewer
interdependencies - two factors that are exceptionally good for

The deep integration and multiple interdependencies among Windows
components is a major security challenge in itself. It is deep
integration that makes the scores of exploits against the Internet
Explorer browser so serious and difficult to fix, for example.

When a Windows component or application is broken, it is often because
Windows itself is broken. Fixing a flaw affecting one component can
reveal related flaws in numerous others. And sometimes, other
components will have developed with dependencies on the actual bug, so
that by fixing Windows, you may well break several applications that
depend on code that was never right to begin with. This is what makes
Windows patch development so difficult and time consuming.

On the other hand, the more modular architecture of UNIX and its open
source cousins enables developers to fix a major component without
needing to re-work the kernel, or re-work other system components
dependent on flawed code buried in the guts of the operating system.  
This is why bugs in open source components, such as the Apache Web
server or the Mozilla browser, can be fixed in a matter of days, while
corresponding Windows components, like the IIS Web server or Internet
Explorer, might take weeks or even months to sort out.


Another advantage of having fewer system interdependencies is the
ability to simplify and harden a system by disabling unnecessary
services and networking components. For example, Microsoft has made
Windows dependent on RPC (Remote Procedure Call), a service that
enables one machine to execute code on another. It cannot be disabled,
though it should not be enabled unless it's needed, especially on an
Internet-connected machine. On UNIX-style systems, RPC can be disabled
without penalty. Other examples that come to mind are Terminal
Services, which is unnecessary and potentially insecure on many
machines, but upon which a handy service called Fast User Switching
depends; and Client for Microsoft Networks, on which a nice, third
party security application, PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), depends.

There are about fifteen other questionable Windows networking services
that, while not necessary for other essential components to function,
are enabled by default (e.g., DCOM, which enabled the Blaster worm to
spread recently). On the other hand, I can think of no potentially
insecure daemon that can't be disabled on a *nix system, or a
networking feature that can't be safely uninstalled. And most Linux
distros enable very few such daemons by default (though The Register
did find recently that the new Xandros Desktop went a bit over the top
in that department).


Windows XP is the first multiuser Windows system intended for home
use. Unfortunately, it can easily be set up as a single-user system,
with the owner running as root (or the administrator in Redmond
parlance). I would imagine that most XP systems not set up by a
professional admin or a power user are running from the admin account
by default, because most users are unaware of the security benefits of
isolating, or sandboxing, users. The chief benefit is that malware run
from a user account will have fewer privileges, and therefore less
impact, on the system overall.

Microsoft has stuffed up the multiuser environment even further by
enabling powerful code like ActiveX controls to access the guts of the
system when run from a user account, undermining the inherent security
of the user sandbox.

And because Windows administration is so GUI-dependent, it is often
necessary to log in to the admin account to get anything accomplished,
which again encourages home users to work from it by default.  
UNIX-like systems can be administered easily from a user account,
either by logging in to a shell as root, or by using a GUI admin
interface such as SuSE's YaST or Mandrake's DrakX and logging in as


UNIX-like systems are transparent to users and administrators. It's
easy to see what processes are running, and to understand the
dependencies among them. A Windows system often has scores of
processes running, and it is often difficult to determine what effect
killing one will have on another. Windows also stashes data in
numerous obscure locations, such as the Registry, making data hygiene
difficult to practice. It has numerous databases like those maintained
by the Indexing Service, the famous index.dat files, and the Registry.  
Configuration files are difficult to locate, often unreadable, and
options must be chosen with proprietary tools like Regedit and GUI
interfaces. UNIX-like systems, on the other hand, use simple text
configuration files that are easy to locate, and that can be edited,
and even write protected, easily.

Overall, the UNIX family of systems are designed to be immensely
easier to monitor, to simplify, and to administer for security. They
feature fewer interdependencies, more transparency, and better
isolation of users.

So, while openness provides a couple of security advantages in itself,
the chief reason why Linux and BSD offer superior security is not so
much because they're open source, but because they're not Windows.

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