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Bug-Zapping, Microsoft Style

From: InfoSec News <isn () c4i org>
Date: Thu, 22 May 2003 00:54:02 -0500 (CDT)

By Alex Salkever 
MAY 20, 2003 

Mike Nash takes offense when people (like me) bash Redmond's software,
because it's up to him to make it safe. Here's his defense

Looking for a tough job? Try Mike Nash's. He's the executive in charge
of Microsoft's "Trusted Computing" initiative charged with building
more secure software. Nash has the unenviable task of taking on
Redmond bashers who decry Microsoft's lax security. And he has to
convince the world that, yes, Virginia, Microsoft products are secure.

It may be ugly, but Nash has taken this one on with relish, leading
brown-bag breakfast lectures on security topics at the Microsoft
Campus and, by his account, infusing the new religion of security into
every corner and cubicle of the software-development process. When I
wrote a piece criticizing Microsoft's latest operating system as
suffering from the cardinal sins of complexity and code bloat (both of
which promote vulnerability) in late April, Nash called me to respond
and give me his take on why Microsoft (MSFT ) products are a lot more
secure these days and probably should be getting more credit (see BW
Online, 4/29/03, "For Windows, Less Fat Means Fewer Bugs").

It was an interesting conversation, and he made some good points. So
in the interest of fairness, this week's column will probe Nash's
point of view on this hot topic.

CAN'T KNOW IT ALL.  The argument that code bloat means less secure
software is based on simple mathematics. Complexity rises very quickly
for each additional element added to any system or equation. With
complexity comes vulnerability, because mere mortals -- even the
brainiacs at Microsoft -- have a hard time wrapping their minds around
millions of lines of code. In fact, no one disputes that it would be
truly impossible right now for any human being to have an effective
working knowledge of all the parts of a complex operating system, be
it Windows, Unix, Linux, or Apple's OS X.

The way society and business have thus far conquered complexity is
through automation and process controls. Engineers don't have to use
slide rules to calculate tensile strength required of cable strands on
suspensions bridges because sophisticated computer programs do it for
them. Likewise, space flight is possible only through rigorous
processes that harness hundreds of individual minds into a disciplined

Nash argues that Microsoft is now using both approaches to mitigate
complexity risks inherent in big software. And he says Microsoft is
already producing much safer products because of new automated tools
to spot bugs and better processes to emphasize software security.

FLAW FINDERS.  Here's a thumbnail sketch of his points. Over the last
year, Microsoft has begun more extensive use of programs designed to
automatically detect bugs in code. One is called PREfix, and the other
is called PREfast. Both were developed by the folks at Microsoft
Research, and both use complex algorithms to search for software
constructions that will likely result in flaws.

PREfix was first used to find problems in Windows 2000 code, but Nash
claims it's greatly improved and has been used more proactively in
more recent software-development processes. PREfast is a smaller, less
complicated program that software developers can use to pinpoint
obvious bugs. Microsoft developers employ it to vet their code, and
Nash says outside developers are also starting to use PREfast.

As for process, Microsoft's big initiative to train all its software
engineers in secure software design got wide publicity. The company
halted all code development in early 2002 for several weeks to put
everyone through the training. Microsoft also changed its
code-checking process. Rather than having dedicated security engineers
come in after the fact and clean up the code -- a process that can be
disruptive -- Microsoft chose to designate a lead security person for
each component of the Windows source code.

GIVE SERVER A CHANCE.  "From a process perspective, we have provided
accountability to all parts of the operating system. We created
specific accountability system so that we know every component of
source has a developer responsible for the security quality of that
source," says Nash.

Neither concept is entirely new. Researchers have been working on
automated bug-fixing tools for years, although they're particularly
hard to build because distinguishing bad code from good code is often
a matter of taste and opinion, and closing one type of vulnerability
can open another. Sun Microsystems (SUNW ), IBM (IBM ), and other big
software shops have long followed similarly rigorous security
mechanisms, and they've been rewarded with reputations for relatively
strong security.

Nash argues, however, that the people who bash Microsoft should give
Windows 2003 Server a chance because it's the first generation to
really reap full benefits from Redmond's new tools and process.

MULTILAYER SECURITY.  Microsoft has has made one giant step by
eliminating one of its biggest security bugaboos: It now ships its
latest operating system with many key capabilities turned off by
default. That means Joe User booting up his system for the first time
won't automatically launch Windows' built-in Web server and open his
machine to the Internet at large without realizing it. More important,
Nash claims that the Windows development team has built in precisely
the type of multilayer security that hardcore security engineers have
long advocated.

That's no small feat. Nash points to a particular vulnerability
reported in Microsoft Security Bulletin 03-007. This was a way that a
malicious hacker could type in an extremely long URL into a publicly
accessible portion of the Windows 2000 OS, crash the system, and
possibly take it over. Microsoft issued a fix for that program some
time ago.

But as an academic exercise, Nash and his team examined Windows 2003
Server with regard to the vulnerability described in 03-007. They
discovered that even had the flaw been present, Microsoft's secure
development efforts had broken a series of weaknesses that would have
allowed 03-007 to escalate to a much more serious level. That's
because in Windows 2003, the input fields for URL commands for key
programs used to share and develop Web sites are just 16 kilobytes,
much shorter than the 64 kilobytes required to execute the 03-007
vulnerability. And the piece of software that allowed a hacker to take
over the whole OS after exploiting 03-007 runs in a much more
protected manner in Windows 2003.

Translation? It's much harder to get the keys to the OS's inner
sanctum, even if you can break in the front door. "It comes down to a
realization that we need to do at multiple levels everything possible
to make vulnerabilities go away so that even if they do exist, they
don't cause a problem," says Nash.

EXPOSED KERNAL?  Of course, that's Nash's version. Some security
experts who often critique Microsoft products have pointed out that
Redmond's decision to move the Web server portion of Windows into the
OS's "kernel" could be a recipe for disaster. The kernel is the inner
core of the OS. As such, it controls the system's most basic
functions. So hackers accessing the kernel by any means can usually
exert significant control over the entire system. The security
advocates worry that putting into the kernal a part of the OS that
must interface with the public Internet means you're exposing at least
one part of the kernel to all the hackers on the planet.

Further, Microsoft remains in the security doghouse for its slow
response in fixing some security holes. That may or may not be fair.  
Open-source advocates love to claim that many vulnerabilities reported
in Linux and other open-source software are quickly tackled by the
coder community and often fixed in a matter of hours. In many cases,
that's true. But Jonathan Schwartz, the executive vice-president of
Sun's software group, has told me that on several occasions when he
has reported bugs to a prominent Linux vendor, it told him it didn't
know when it would be able to get a fix out.

Schwartz is hardly a disinterested observer, but I did see the e-mail
exchanges, and, well, he certainly made his point. Worse than claims
of tardy responses to some bugs is the bad reputation Microsoft has
gotten for its own security patches that break systems. As a result,
many Windows systems administrators take a wait-and-see attitude
before applying a patch on the logical theory that a running system,
even if it's vulnerable, is better than a crashed one that brings a
company to a halt.

BAD BUG COUNT.  On balance, however, Nash has outlined extremely
positive steps. But he says don't take his word for it. He points out
that if you tally serious vulnerabilities, Microsoft fares better by
some measures than either Linux or Sun.

Take CERT Advisories. CERT is a federally funded computer-security
research center at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, and it
functions as an information clearinghouse and early-warning system for
the computer-security field. CERT advisories are used to call
attention to significant threats to Internet infrastructure.

Microsoft operating systems had 5 CERT advisories in 2002. Sun's
Solaris OS had 12 during that same period, and Red Hat's Linux
distribution -- the leading Linux variety -- also had 12. For all
software products grouped by vendor, Microsoft had 7, and Sun had 13.  
All open-source software had 22. "You can find this on the CERT site,"  
says Nash. "It's all there."

One can certainly dislike Microsoft for its strong-armed marketing
tactics. But it's getting harder to fault Gates & Co. for lack of
effort on the security side. I'm still not convinced that so much code
in one place won't ensure problematic vulnerabilities, but I do
believe Microsoft is burning the midnight oil trying to prevent them
from happening.

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