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Re: 'Hacker' security biz built on FBI snitches

From: InfoSec News <isn () c4i org>
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2002 11:00:44 -0500 (CDT)

Forwarded from: Aj Effin Reznor <aj () reznor com>

William/All.  While these articles may be timely, they're highly
inaccurate.  Mr. Greene all but admits to publishing little more than
rumour and crap with no fact checking or basis in reality.

I would hope that bile of this nature does not pollute what is perhaps
one of the few non-corporate security mailing lists left today.

"InfoSec News was known to say....."

On Monday I reported a speech by Gweeds at H2K2, in which the grand
hypocrisy of hackers weaseling their way from the scene to the
mainstream by forming security outfits was denounced very nicely. A
torrent of e-mail denouncing him soon followed, some of which I've
posted here.

Posted unattributed.  Perhaps in the future showing the author of a
given mail may make it worth a little more; carry more weight or
legitmacy. It can be assumed that since things like "facts" can easily
errode all of this series of articles, Mr. Greene may find it in his
best interest to not actually mention where anything came from.

Even I was attacked merely for reporting what he'd said. Suffice it

Lest we go from reporting with integrity to tabloid journalism,
reporting what someone said should be maybe replaced with fact
checking.  Reporting rumours is hardly newsworthy.

He also named names in the speech, in particular ISS, L0pht/@Stake
and Sir Dystic, three prime examples of energetic blackhat pimping
for venture capital and cushy jobs, Gweeds believes. In particular,

I don't see Sir Dystic having made a fortune off of Back Orifice, what
may be his most well-known application to date.  I see him behaving
rather responsibly to the newfound attention it garnered him.  Were he
writing for a techy-based news site, he'd probably also check for the
reality behind statements issued to him, unlike *some* people that
come to mind.

expressed a suspicion that L0pht/@Stake was somehow connected to
NIPC (the National Infrastructure Protection Center), which may have
helped the h4x0r glam rockers gain credibility and rise in profile
among influential members of the federal bureaucracy. This
connection also helped get Mudge a high-profile hacker-hysteria FUD
session before Congress, he suspects.

Sure, he *suspects* it.  Clever to just tag that on to the end.  He
may also *suspect* that aliens live under the White House and that Al
Gore created the Internet.  Suspicion of ideas does three things:  
Jack.  Shit. Produce salivation in marginal journalists.

On Monday, when I posted the first item in this series, I didn't
know personally if the speech was punctiliously accurate, but it
absolutely rang true to me. All too true.

It rang true?  Then you believe the content regardless of accuracy? It
only rang loudly, because someone who admits sociopathic tendcies
decided to stand in front of acrowded room and make alarming

Pop sensationalism is the fix, and Mr. Greene behaved like a junkie.

Surely no one imagined that I wouldn't dig deeper into this
deliciously nasty confluence of FUD, favors and venture capital
flowing between the blackhat community and the Feds, with the cons
serving as a handy, mediating conduit.

No, I'd fully imagine (and expect) that you wouldn't do a damn thing
unless required to.

And indeed, Gweeds appears to have hit on a number of dirty little
secrets, though with a few minor inaccuracies, none of which is
sufficient to undermine his basic thesis. There does indeed appear
to be a circle jerk between commercialized blackhat sellouts and the
Feds; and the cons do appear, perhaps inadvertently, to provide the

If Mr. Greene has not noticed yet, many companies, esp. those focusing
on security, in particular computer/network/internet security, are
commonly contacted by the Feds for a variety of reasons.  Can we
expect l0pht to sellout into something as high-profile as @stake and
NOT talk to Feds?

venue and privacy needed for such liaisons. And finally, there does
seem to be a significant amount of snitching for favors and 'trust'
building going on between the two 'communities', a la the despised
JP model.

Care to share?  I haven't seen anything yet beyond suggestion and

Flamboyant anti-establishment gestures and costumes do not a
blackhat make. Your friendly neighborhood hacker turned young
security businessman may well be looking to 'develop' your exploit,
hack out a patch and pimp for proppies on BugTraq, and then rat you
out to the Feds for gain and favor. This is how it works:

I'm not even sure what is attempted to be said here.

Soon after I posted my report Monday, @Stake's Chris Wysopal (aka
Weld Pond) vehemently denied any connection with NIPC to me in an
e-mail exchange. He further insisted that I 'correct' the
inaccuracies in Gweeds' statements. I explained that it wasn't
proper for me to edit someone else's words, or even to express
doubt, unless I believed or at least suspected that the statements
were inaccurate. In this case I didn't.

Of course not!  Stated earlier it "rang true" to you, and was
everything you were looking for.  When blindly following the cult
leader, disciples rarely stop to check references along the way.

"I am not going to write a 'point of view' piece that is parallel to
an article that leads the reader to believe that patent falsehoods
are true. Letters to the editor are much different than qualifying
statements where they stand or issuing an errata," he replied.  
"[Several] statements by Gweeds are false. They were spoken by a man
with an agenda. You have become his FUD platform."

Me, a FUD platform -- right. There's a definite pot/kettle equation
in play here, as we'll see.

No, not really.  Weld has always been something of a straight shooter.
I don't see Mr. Greene shooting straight here at all.

And that is strictly correct, though not entirely true. NIPC is not
where L0pht's Fed relationship was developed. But according to
documents I've received, L0pht did have a relationship with FBI
Special Agent Dan Romando, or 'dann0' as they called him, a Boston
agent with a cybercrime-enforcement background. Our dann0 was an old
friend of Mudge's from high school; and our dann0 had also been an
intern in Senator Thompson's office before joining the FBI.

Shocking news, Mr. Greene.  It's typical for Federal agents to
approach workers in the security industry.  Why?  Typically, they know
more.  They have a better feel for the pulse of what's really
happening.  We aren't shielded by layers of firewalls or on protected
networks.  Many of us are hanging out in the wind, taking hits,
watching what happens.

It should be of little news *to anyone with a clue* that Feds and
private sector rub elbows.  Call it knowledge transfer, if you'd like,
but many of us in the private sector are happy to share conceptual
knowledge with a goverment that really needs help.  If our gov gets
spanked, the whole nation gets spanked.

If you want to know how L0pht got an invitation to testify "at the
request of Senator Thompson," you'll find Agent Romando's hand all
over that one. Ditto for Mudge's famous meeting with then-President
Bill Clinton.

Any documentation to share this one, or is the shot in the dark?

And why did dann0 Romando bother to help the L0pht cyber-ninjas gain
national fame? Was it out of friendly loyalty?

It's been known to happen.

I wish it were. I have evidence indicating that L0pht members served
as confidential FBI informants and actively solicited dirt on fellow
blackhats. I have evidence indicating that they've offered to pay
cash for such information. And they name dann0 Romando specifically
as their FBI handler. That's right, those anti-establishment
pop-underground h4x0r heroes have at least attempted, probably with
success, to rat out their friends and enemies in service of good
relations with the FBI.

Put up or shut up.

When a guy like Mudge addresses a gaggle of naive,
technically-illiterate Congressmen, claiming to be able to break
into any network on Earth, only a fool will imagine that the
consequence will be anything other than more Draconian laws. That's
how Congress

No, the claim was that they could take down the entire Internet.  
Even a gaggle of naive, technically-illiterate journalists could
recognize the difference between compromising any machine or network
and taking the Internet itself into non-existance.

I see that history, not facts and conjecture, but document history,
cannot even be reflected properly by the funhouse mirror that is Mr.

And Wysopal calls me a FUD platform....

Hint:  You are.

'Sploits for me, jail for you

The Sploits rock!  Ever seen them play live?

Since you really don't have any skillz worth mentioning, no
background in computer science, no military cryptography training,
you'll have to learn to talk the talk. Outrageous clothes and
piercings (preferably from a nail gun), blue hair and bad skin
freely exhibited at cons are a big plus here. Journalists love this
kind of shit and will usually assign you a high, imaginary threat
level. Teenagers will too.

Funny, sounds like you are describing Gweeds, your own pipeline to
unfounded claims.

Develop relationships with members of the real blackhat underground.  
Hit them up for kewl new 'sploits they're using. Maybe pay cash for
them; maybe barter for them with other kewl 'sploits or illegal gear
you're cobbling up in your basement, like pager monitoring devices,

Once upon a time pager monitoring devices were legal.  Point is moot.

"Russ Cooper, who publishes the NTBugtraq newsletter exposing
security risks in Microsoft products, called the group "eight
brilliant geniuses."

What, pray tell, has Mr. Greene himself done?  Clearly ignorant to the
field of Information Technology Security, we can safely establish that
he wouldn't recognize genius if he liberally skewered it.  Also taking
for granted the words of a virtual unknown (whom Mr. Greene himself is
"pimping" as a fount of knowledge) seems to be propagating the very
cycle he is trying to establish as bad.  Bad reporter, bad!  No
exclusive for you!

Go in front of Congress every chance you get: remind them of how
scared they should be. Tell them that the Internet is about to be

If you aren't scared, you're either ignorant, or blind, or dumb, or...
a journo.  But I repeat myself.  (Apologies to Mark Twain.)

To those of you that read this far...HI!  Seriously, I don't enjoy
ranting like this, people.  But the sad truth is that, as with other
FUD, there are people out there believing it.  Some, I'm sure, on this


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