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Secret Messages Come in .Wavs

From: InfoSec News <isn () C4I ORG>
Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 02:58:57 -0600,1283,41861,00.html

by Declan McCullagh
2:00 a.m. Feb. 20, 2001 PST

FAIRFAX, Virginia -- Neil Johnson has a job that's nothing if not
unusual: He investigates how to uncover concealed messages embedded in
sound and video files.

A researcher at Virginia's George Mason University, Johnson is one of
a small but growing number of digital detectives working in the field
of computer steganalysis -- the science of detecting hidden

"I analyze stego tools," said the 32-year-old security specialist who
is the associate director of GMU's Center for Secure Information
Systems. "I try to find out what can be detected or disabled. I see
what their limitations are."

The tools he's talking about include programs such as Steghide, which
can embed a message in .bmp, .wav and .au files; and Hide and Seek,
which works with .gif images.

Most computer-based steganography tools have one thing in common: They
conceal information in digitized information -- typically audio, video
or still image files -- in a way that prevents a casual observer from
learning that anything unusual is taking place.

The surprising news, according to Johnson and other researchers:
Current stego programs don't work well at all. Nearly all leave behind
fingerprints that tip off a careful observer that something unusual is
going on.

Johnson's work on steganalysis may seem obscure, but it has important
law enforcement and military applications. The National Security
Agency and police agencies have underwritten his research -- his
center's graduate program at GMU is even certified by the NSA.

The Pentagon funds related research at other institutions, and the
Naval Research Laboratory is helping to organize the fourth annual
Information Hiding Workshop in Pittsburgh from April 25 to 27.

Earlier this month, news reports said U.S. officials were worried that
operatives of accused terrorist Osama bin Laden now use steganographic
applications to pass messages through sports chat rooms, sexually
explicit bulletin boards and other sites. That complicates the NSA's
mission of "sigint," or signals intelligence, which relies on
intercepting communications traffic.

A close cousin of steganography that's had an uptick in interest
recently is watermarking, particularly for copyright purposes. Some
publishers and broadcasters, worried that digital works are too easy
to copy, are turning to encrypted copyright marks and serial numbers
injected into the electronic versions of books, audio and video.

The practice of steganography has a distinguished history: The Greek
historian Herodotus describes how one of his countrymen sent a secret
message warning of an invasion by scrawling it on the wood underneath
a wax tablet. To casual observers, the tablet appeared blank.

In World War II, both Axis and Allied spies used invisible inks such
as milk, fruit juice and urine, which darken when heated. They also
used tiny punctures above key words in documents that formed messages
when combined.

Steganography differs from encryption, though in practice they're
often combined. Unlike stego, which aims for undetectability,
encryption relies on ciphers or codes to keep a message private after
it has been detected.

Gary Gordon, vice president of cyber-forensics technology at WetStone
Technologies, based in Freeville, New York, said that his firm has
made progress in creating a tool to detect steganography.

"The goal is to develop a blind steganography detection prototype,"
Gordon said. "What we've done is gone out, using Web spiders, and
downloaded pictures from the Web and run the tool against them."

Steganography, Gordon said, primarily turns up on hacker sites. But he
and his associates also found instances of steganography on heavily
traveled commercial sites such as Amazon and eBay.

Nearly any kind of file can be used by steganographers. One program,
called snow, hides a message by adding extra whitespace at the end of
each line of a text file or e-mail message.

Perhaps the strangest example of steganography is a program called
Spam Mimic, based on a set of rules called a mimic engine by
Disappearing Cryptography author Peter Wayner. It encodes your message
into -- no kidding -- what looks just like your typical, delete-me-now
spam message.

Gordon said his lab has had the most luck detecting stego when
messages are hidden in JPEG images. "Steganography is not necessarily
a negative thing," Gordon says. "It can be used for defense
information and warfare purposes."

WetStone's "Steganography Detection and Recovery Toolkit" is being
developed for the Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, New York. The
project overview, according to the company, is "to develop a set of
statistical tests capable of detecting secret messages in computer
files and electronic transmissions, as well as attempting to identify
the underlying steganographic method. An important part of the
research is the development of blind steganography detection methods
for algorithms."

Gordon said the effort arose from a study the Air Force commissioned
from WetStone on forensic information warfare in 1998. The company was
asked to identify technologies that the Air Force needed to guard
against and it highlighted steganography as one of them.

In addition to the NSA and the eavesdrop establishment, military
installations, government agencies, and private employers could be
affected by steganography. An employee or contractor could send
sensitive information via e-mail that, if hidden, would not arouse

Law enforcement agencies, on the other hand, seem most worried about
steganography's effects on forensic examinations, such as when a
computer is seized as evidence and examined by police. A suspect
successfully using steganography could embed incriminating evidence in
something innocuous -- a digital family photo album, for instance --
and escape detection.

George Mason University's Johnson is building a stego-detector, a
program he says examines hard drives "like a virus scanner" and
identifies the electronic fingerprints sometimes left by
steganographic applications.

"Different authors have different ways to hide information to make it
less perceptible," Johnson says. "The author may come up with ideas
that nobody else is using. That tool may have a special signature.
Once that signature is detected, it can be tied to a tool."

Johnson says that in one recent case his techniques helped police to
nab a suspect who raised suspicions after repeatedly e-mailing
innocuous photographs to addresses that appeared to be of family
members -- but he never received any replies. "I identified the stego
signature that law enforcement used to catch the guy," Johnson says.

He says the Steganos program is one of the least detectable and
provides "the most pleasing results."

Johnson admitted the NSA funded his early research, and said the spy
agency brought him to its Fort Meade headquarters for an intensive
question-and-answer session with many other government agencies
represented. But he refuses to reveal who is funding his current
project, except to say it is a law enforcement agency.

He also refused to say how far along his stego-detector is in the
development process. "I'm not releasing that information." However, he
did say that "it's vanilla enough to be compiled and adapted to run on
almost anything."

The CIA declined to comment, and the FBI and NSA did not return phone

First-generation stego programs typically embedded information in the
least significant bits that represented the pixels of an image. But
images, especially compressed ones, often have predictable patterns
that are disrupted when an image is inserted.

The ability of an observer to detect steganography typically increases
as the message grows longer. But embedding a one-bit message -- a yes
or a no -- in a 1 MB MP3 file would be all but impossible to detect.

"The more stegotext we give the (observer), the better he may be able
to estimate the statistics of the underlying covertext, and so the
smaller the rate at which Alice will be able to tweak bits safely,"
write researchers Ross Anderson and Fabien Petitcolas in a 1998 paper.

They say: "Given a covertext in which any ciphertext at all can be
embedded, then there will usually be a certain rate at which its bits
can be tweaked without (anyone) noticing."

Anderson, a reader in security engineering at Cambridge University,
dismisses most commonly used stego products as providing inadequate

"There are about three or four generations of stego software,"
Anderson says. "The stuff you can download is first generation and
easily defeated."

He said that "uncompressed audio and video give you a lot of
bandwidth. For covertness reasons, you'd probably want to hide your
traffic in traffic that's very common."

His recommendation? A Windows program called MP3Stego, designed by a
former student with whom Anderson has co-authored papers.

Another paper, by Cambridge researchers, described the design of a
steganographic file system for Linux. It allows users to "plausibly
deny" the number of files stored on a hard drive.

"There are tradeoffs between reliability and message size and
robustness," Anderson says. "There's also a tradeoff between bandwidth
and detectability.... The tradeoffs between bandwidth, robustness and
detectability are beginning to be understood. They're not completely
understood. That's one of the edges of research. "

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