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Is Your Computer a Smoking Gun?

From: mea culpa <jericho () DIMENSIONAL COM>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 12:24:46 -0600

Is Your Computer a Smoking Gun?
By Bronwyn Fryer

After sitting in on an Internet Relay Chat conducted by the notorious
underground hacker group Global Hell, 18-year-old Paul Maidman woke up
earlier this year to find Federal agents knocking on his door.  According
a June 2 story in the Washington Post, the FBI seized Maidman's computer
from his New Jersey home, suspecting that it held evidence concerning the
hacking group that had attacked the Bureau's own Web site.

Maidman was reportedly questioned for hours. His case is currently under
investigation, and he has not been charged with any wrongdoing. But it may
be a while before he can visit any chat rooms. Why?  Because the FBI is
still holding his computer in jail, suspecting it of storing information
that could lead to Global Hell's bad guys.

It's enough to give a private citizen the shivers. Consider this: Does
your system have a dubious past? Has the janitor been doing things with
your business's computers that he shouldn't have? Have you been hanging
out in off-the-wall chat rooms? Has your computer ever transmitted a
virus? If any of these is the case, could Big Brother come thumping?

To find out more about whether your system can be slapped in the clapper,
read why the Feds are coming down hard on hackers and why you shouldn't
hold your breath if your machine is ever nabbed.  Read on to find out how
to protect your computer, and as ever, don't forget to check out this
month's Hot Line.


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