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Massive new study traces how corporations use charitable donations to tilt regulations in their favor

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2019 01:46:29 +0900

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: January 23, 2019 at 12:37:48 AM GMT+9
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Massive new study traces how corporations use charitable donations to tilt regulations in 
their favor
Reply-To: dewayne-net () warpspeed com

Massive new study traces how corporations use charitable donations to tilt regulations in their favor
How corporate contributions turn nonprofit groups into lobbyists for big business.
By Christopher Ingraham
Jan 17 2019

Back in 2011, when AT&T and T-Mobile were attempting to gain approval from the Federal Communications Commission for 
an ultimately doomed $39 billion merger deal, an unusual coalition of interest groups submitted comment to the agency 
in support of the merger: the NAACP. The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD). A homeless shelter in 
Louisiana. The Asian Pacific Islander American Scholarship Fund.

The groups were united by two common threads. The first was their lack of any apparent stake in telecommunications 
policy. The second was the fact that they had all recently received donations from AT&T, in some cases totaling six 
figures or more.

Although AT&T denied any quid pro quo over its contributions to nonprofit groups, the donations raised eyebrows on 
Capitol Hill and elsewhere. The president of GLAAD resigned over the contributions, as did a number of board members. 
Ultimately, the merger fell through.

While it’s tempting to write off the incident as a one-time blunder — heavy-handed corporate lobbying gone amok — new 
research from Marianne Bertrand at the University of Chicago and others finds that’s not the case. Merging 
charitable-giving data of Fortune 500 companies with a complete record of public comments submitted to the federal 
government on proposed regulations between 2003 and 2015, Bertrand and her colleagues are able to trace how 
individual corporations influence the rulemaking process via nonprofit donations.

The data set compiled by the researchers demonstrates three crucial findings: First, after a firm donates to a 
nonprofit organization, that group becomes more likely to comment on rules that the firm has also commented on. 
Second, the organization’s comments in those cases have more similarities with the firm’s comments than with comments 
from other nonprofit organizations not receiving money from the firm. And finally, when a firm and its grantees 
comment on a rule together, regulators' final remarks on the rule are more likely to be in line with the firm’s 
comments on the rule.

The research “unearth[s] a channel of influence going from corporations to policymaking that was not measured 
before,” co-author Matilde Bombardini said in an email, “both in terms of monetary magnitude and impact on the 
agency’s views on the various regulations.”

The paper exclusively considers federal rulemaking, which is the process by which agencies deliberate on how laws and 
policies are interpreted and carried out in the real world. When an agency proposes a rule (for instance, a telecom 
merger approval, the addition of a new drug to a list of controlled substances or the applicability of mandatory rest 
requirements for different types of workers) it typically allows public comment on the proposal for a period of 30 to 
60 days. Individuals and other interested parties — including lawmakers, businesses and nonprofit organizations — are 
allowed to weigh in on the proposal.

At the end of the period, the agency issues a final rule. The rule may be unchanged from its initial iteration, or it 
may be altered or even withdrawn completely based on the public input received. A conceptual diagram of the process 
would look something like this:

But Bertrand and her colleagues found evidence that, in many cases, the process is not that simple. Comments received 
from businesses and ostensibly independent entities may be linked by money that flows well outside the process. When 
that happens, the final rule is more likely to reflect the donating corporation’s views.

“Naturally firms favor profits — i.e., private benefit — over the social good,” study co-author Raymond Fisman said 
in an email. “So Coke wants to sell more soft drinks even if [there are] increases in obesity. Supposedly independent 
nonprofits are meant to provide input that acts as a counterweight. If they’re co-opted, they won’t.”

To draw these conclusions, Bertrand and her colleagues first identified 629 charitable foundations operated by 474 
firms appearing on the Fortune 500 or Standard & Poor’s 500 composite index lists at any point from 1995 to 2016. 
Using IRS data, they then identified all 225,180 nonprofit entities receiving gifts of greater than $5,000 from these 
charitable foundations from 1998 to 2015.

Next they pulled the complete set of public comments on proposed rules submitted to between 2003 and 
2016. They were then able to identify not only when individual corporations commented on a proposed rule, but also 
when nonprofit organizations that firm had donated to commented on the same rule.

They found that when a firm donates to a nonprofit group, it’s associated with a two- to four-fold increase in the 
likelihood that the nonprofit group will comment on the same proposed rule as the firm. “The magnitude of this effect 
is large,” the researchers wrote, with some degree of understatement.


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