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Amazon's aggressive capitalism model is destroying American communities

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 09:14:34 -0500

Begin forwarded message:

From: Kimi Wei <kimiwei88 () gmail com>
Date: February 19, 2019 at 12:58:15 AM EST
To: David Farber <farber () gmail com>
Subject: Amazon's aggressive capitalism model is destroying American communities

Capitalism is failing in America, and Amazon is both the cause and beneficiary of much of the breakdown. Jeff Bezos 
said, “We’ve had three big ideas at Amazon that we’ve stuck with for 18 years, and they’re the reason we’re 
successful: Put the customer first. Invent. And be patient.” He might have added three capitalist practices familiar 
to his company: (1) Pay no taxes; (2) Drive competitors out of business; and (3) Exploit workers. 

Anarcho-capitalism: The sordid details of Amazon’s tax avoidance

In 2018, according to its own SEC filings, Amazon claimed a refund on its $11 billion in U.S. profits. It did the 
same on nearly $6 billion in profits in 2017. The company has reportedly positioned itself to avoid even more future 
taxes with unspecified tax credits.

In the most extreme form of capitalism taxes do not exist. This is called “anarcho-capitalism.” Among all 
corporations, Amazon may be the leading advocate of this philosophy. They haven’t paid federal income tax for the 
past two years. They set up headquarters in Luxembourg for tax breaks that are now being challenged. They claim 
minimal profits on hundreds of billions in revenue, resulting in one of the lowest profit margins among major 
corporations, and thus much less tax. Of course, Amazon claims to be using tax credits from past losses that stemmed 
from investment in research and development (R&D). But the company appears to overstate and obfuscate the R&D 
numbers. Its only ‘explanation’ of R&D in its annual report comes in an ambiguously all-encompassing section called 
“Technology and Content.” Plus, that’s no excuse to dodge taxes. Walmart and Google each spent nearly $12 billion on 
technology in 2018, almost as much as Amazon, but Walmart paid 28 percent in federal taxes, and Google 14 percent.

We learn much more at the state level. Amazon has played one state against another for tax breaks over the years, 
most recently negotiating an estimated $3 billion tax credit from the state of New York before residents rebelled – 
as well they should have. The Economic Policy Institute found that employment levels don’t significantly change in 
communities with new Amazon warehouses, and a recent study by The Economist concluded that the opening of a 
fulfillment center in a given community actually depresses warehouse wages. Furthermore, as an indication of the 
folly of wooing corporations with state subsidies, Upjohn research found that in the great majority of cases 
incentives are not even a part of a company’s decision to locate in a given area.

Most insidiously, Amazon’s seemingly fair-minded acceptance of state sales taxes likely has a dark side. For years 
the company fought the state tax as it built a competitive advantage over smaller firms. Now that it’s firmly 
established, online variety and convenience have replaced price as the primary incentives for most consumers, and so 
Amazon now supports a sales tax, very likely to discourage competition. Evidence comes from one study that found 
Walmart 34 percent cheaper than Amazon in four of five product categories. 

Monopoly: Amazon and the killing of competition

Kiplinger compiled a remarkable list of 49 companies, many of them familiar to almost all Americans, that are in 
danger of being driven out of business by Amazon. One of them, Toys ‘r’ Us, has already succumbed. Sears is nearly 
gone. Others include Barnes & Noble, Kroger, Rite Aid, Best Buy, Etsy, Yelp, Pandora, and even stalwarts like Target 
and Trader Joe’s and UPS and Fedex and Office Depot and Staples. Investopedia agrees, adding Macy’s and even 
Walgreen’s and CVS and Costco.

In a summary of “The Myth of Capitalism,” by Jonathan Tepper and Denise Hearn, it is argued that “an increase in 
market concentration across the United States has resulted in a system that is not true capitalism, since freedom is 
being restricted…Amazon is crushing retailers…It can determine what products can and cannot sell on its platform, and 
it competes with any customer that encounters success.” Columbia University and UN economist Howard Steven Friedman 
adds, “Monopolies are one example of capitalism failing. Monopolies have virtually no competition and can dictate 
prices to their customers unless they are restricted by regulators.”

Of course, along the way Amazon has destroyed or dismantled or discouraged many smaller businesses. Like the jewelry 
store in New Mexico owned by Candelora Versace, who said her customers have started buying gems online, in part to 
avoid state taxes, and then visiting her store just for the settings. She considers the far-reaching effects of 
Amazon’s tax avoidance: “The roads don’t pay themselves. The schools don’t fund themselves…When they don’t want to 
pay the tax, it cheats us.”

Labor in decline: The economic and physical abuse of Amazon’s workers

Amazon warehouse workers make about $13 per hour. That’s not a living wage for a U.S. family of four, and not even 
for a single person in many areas of the country. So the employees of this super-rich company turn to food stamps, 
letting U.S. taxpayers take care of them. In Ohio and Pennsylvania, one in ten Amazon workers were recently on SNAP. 
In Arizona, one in three. Along with the low pay comes intolerable working conditions, with overheated warehouses and 
employees using water bottles to avoid bathroom breaks in order to meet their schedules. And worse, employees have 
suffered workplace injuries that leave them homeless, disabled, or unable to earn an income. Employees are also 
forced to deal with constant surveillance, anti-union pressure, and the threat of losing their jobs. Much of Amazon’s 
over-hyped R&D spending is focused on the development of robots to replace human workers.

Capitalism has failed workers, and it has caused a surge in inequality that gets worse with each passing year. In 
Capital in the 21st Century, Thomas Piketty showed that for 40 years, from 1970 to 2010, labor’s share of national 
income (wages and salaries) has declined. Stanford research reveals that “the declining labor share at the economy 
level is driven by the growth of large firms.” Like Amazon.

A good reason for democratic socialism

There may be no better argument for democratic socialism in America than the way individual state leaders have been 
falling over each other trying to lure corporations to their states with tax subsidies. We Americans have never been 
able to cooperate in ending this pointless waste of tax money that should be going to education and jobs and 

Does Jeff Bezos have any sense of social responsibility for all the societal benefits heaped upon his company? Amazon 
has arguably benefited more than any other company from what The Economist calls the “game-changing breakthroughs” of 
the Internet, which was built with our tax money through the National Science Foundation since the 1980s, and before 
that by the taxpayer-funded Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Fortune refers to Amazon’s actions as 
“extracting public money for its own enrichment.”

But perhaps the Amazon boss doesn’t care. According to The Atlantic, “Bezos has argued that there is not enough 
philanthropic need on earth for him to spend his billions on.” If that truly reflects the man’s attitude, it shows an 
incomprehensible ignorance or disdain on his part. Bezos himself said, “The only way that I can see to deploy this 
much financial resource is by converting my Amazon winnings into space travel…I am going to use my financial lottery 
winnings from Amazon to fund that.”

Good work, Jeff. Benefit from seventy years of public inventiveness and productivity and funding, and then fly off to 
the skies before you have to pay for it.

Kimi Wei
kimi () thewei com  @kimiwei

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