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Parkland school shooting survivors give voice to a nation's outrage - CNN

From: "DAVID FARBER" <dfarber () me com>
Date: Sat, 17 Feb 2018 16:01:18 -0500

These young survivors of the Parkland shooting give voice to a nation's outrag
By Dakin Andone, CNN

Updated 2:46 PM ET, Sat February 17, 2018

They should be worrying about their grades or where they're going to college.

Instead, the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in South Florida were shot at, packed into closets to 
avoid the unrelenting spray of bullets and ushered out of their classrooms -- hands above their heads, by police in 
military-style gear.

As the nation grapples with the mass shooting in Parkland, the young survivors of Wednesday's massacre have raised 
their voices in outrage to demand action from lawmakers, from President Donald Trump, and from any other adult with 
power who can do something to make this stop.
Emma Gonzalez, senior

Florida student to politicians: We call 'BS' 01:17
Emma Gonzalez, sitting on the floor of a dark auditorium, was convinced the shooting was a drill. When it was clear 
what was unfolding, she comforted some of the students around her before first responders opened the doors and told 
them to run.

We're going to make sure these debates that happen in the House of Representatives and stuff like that, they go through 
in our favor to make sure that we are safe. I know there was supposed to be a debate or a talk (on concealed-weapons 
license applications and background checks), and I know that was postponed today. And I want to make sure that the 
students who were involved make sure that that talk doesn't ever happen. That we do not decrease the regulation on 
guns, that rifles of this caliber are not to be sold.

David Hogg, senior

Student to lawmakers: We're children, you are the adults 00:45
David Hogg, a student journalist, took out his phone to document his classmates hiding in the dark, waiting for first 
responders. His little sister, a freshman, was also hiding across campus. She lost two of her best friends.

This is not just another mass shooting. No shooting is just another mass shooting. This needs to be a turning point. 
This shooting was the result of a number of situations and individuals, but action can still and should still be taken 
to prevent something like this from happening. People in Congress, people in state legislatures, just lawmakers in 
general, need to stand up and not let these political divisions prevent them from saving children's lives. Cause this 
can happen and it will happen again if they just make false promises and don't take action. Because ideas without 
action remain ideas, and when that happens, children die.

Lyliah Skinner, junior

Lyliah Skinner and her classmates had been hiding in a classroom for more than an hour before the police burst into the 
room, ordering the students to drop to the floor. They were later led out, hands up.

If people can't purchase marijuana or alcohol at the age of 18, why should they be given access to guns? I have had 
this conversation with my friends too many times. We shouldn't have to talk about this. This country needs stricter 
laws to help prevent other kids, like me and my classmates, from ever having to experience this. Words mean nothing. 
Actions do.

Lyliah Skinner

Carly Novell, senior

Parkland survivor: 70 years ago, my grandpa also hid 02:33
Carly Novell spent two hours hiding inside a closet to escape the shooter, much like her grandfather did during a mass 
shooting in September 1949. She went viral on Thursday after slamming a conservative pundit's tweet.
I just want people to stop talking about it and then not doing anything. People keep saying, your 'thoughts and 
prayers' and all of these things. But it doesn't make a difference if nothing ever changes. This happens over and over 
again and people are dying. And it seems like it doesn't matter because, like, what are thoughts and prayers going to 
do when people are already dead? ... We didn't know what was going on, but while we were in there, we were all still 
talking about gun control and how something needs to change.

Cameron Kasky, junior

Parkland student makes demand to lawmakers 01:57
Cameron Kasky had just left the school with his little brother, who has special needs, when the alarm went off. But 
after running toward the parking lot, they were told to go back inside, where they huddled in a room and listened to 
"terrifying noises" before a SWAT team came to get them.
I'm not trying to take everybody's guns away, but there was a 19-year-old who legally bought an AR-15, which is a 
weapon of war, and if he had been through the least bit of screening, somebody would have said, 'This person does not 
need a weapon like that.' And I think there need to be a lot more regulations put on guns and it needs to be a lot 
harder to get them.

Isabelle Robinson, senior

Isabelle Robinson hid with dozens of students and teachers in a side closet in the school's culinary classroom. They 
waited for roughly 90 minutes before first responders helped evacuate the building, leaving their backpacks behind.

This shouldn't be a fight between two different parties. This should be a coming together where we all realize that 
something is wrong. And even if we disagree on the way to fix it, we all just need to talk about it and stop being 
angry and stop slandering other people because that doesn't help anyone. And that's why people die, because we just 
can't get along. And I don't think pushing blame on anyone is a good idea because it just makes people more angry even 
if that blame seems to make sense.

Kelsey Friend, freshman

Student: I heard shot that killed teacher 02:01
As the shooting unfolded, Kelsey Friend was hurried into a classroom by her favorite teacher, Scott Beigel. While she 
and her classmates huddled inside, trying to stay quiet, Beigel went down the hall. Soon after, the students heard the 
gunshot that killed him.
Something actually does need to happen. After Sandy Hook, after all the other shootings, and then having it happen at 
my own school? Something needs to be done or it's going to continue, because I understand people are crazy, but guns in 
crazy people's hands is deadly. And I lost two of my closest people to me because of guns and no one's doing anything 
about it.

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