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Facebook uses artificial intelligence to predict your future actions for advertisers, says confidential document

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 15 Apr 2018 09:57:17 -0400

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: April 15, 2018 at 4:21:52 AM EDT
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Facebook uses artificial intelligence to predict your future actions for advertisers, says 
confidential document
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[Note:  This item comes from friend David Rosenthal.  DLH]

Facebook uses artificial intelligence to predict your future actions for advertisers, says confidential document
By Sam Biddle
Apr 13 2018

Since the Cambridge Analytica scandal erupted in March, Facebook has been attempting to make a moral stand for your 
privacy, distancing itself from the unscrupulous practices of the U.K. political consultancy. “Protecting people’s 
information is at the heart of everything we do,” wrote Paul Grewal, Facebook’s deputy general counsel, just a few 
weeks before founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg hit Capitol Hill to make similar reassurances, telling lawmakers, 
“Across the board, we have a responsibility to not just build tools, but to make sure those tools are used for good.” 
But in reality, a confidential Facebook document reviewed by The Intercept shows that the two companies are far more 
similar than the social network would like you to believe.

The recent document, described as “confidential,” outlines a new advertising service that expands how the social 
network sells corporations’ access to its users and their lives: Instead of merely offering advertisers the ability 
to target people based on demographics and consumer preferences, Facebook instead offers the ability to target them 
based on how they will behave, what they will buy, and what they will think. These capabilities are the fruits of a 
self-improving, artificial intelligence-powered prediction engine, first unveiled by Facebook in 2016 and dubbed 
“FBLearner Flow.”

One slide in the document touts Facebook’s ability to “predict future behavior,” allowing companies to target people 
on the basis of decisions they haven’t even made yet. This would, potentially, give third parties the opportunity to 
alter a consumer’s anticipated course. Here, Facebook explains how it can comb through its entire user base of over 2 
billion individuals and produce millions of people who are “at risk” of jumping ship from one brand to a competitor. 
These individuals could then be targeted aggressively with advertising that could pre-empt and change their decision 
entirely — something Facebook calls “improved marketing efficiency.” This isn’t Facebook showing you Chevy ads 
because you’ve been reading about Ford all week — old hat in the online marketing world — rather Facebook using facts 
of your life to predict that in the near future, you’re going to get sick of your car. Facebook’s name for this 
service: “loyalty prediction.”

Spiritually, Facebook’s artificial intelligence advertising has a lot in common with political consultancy Cambridge 
Analytica’s controversial “psychographic” profiling of voters, which uses mundane consumer demographics (what you’re 
interested in, where you live) to predict political action. But unlike Cambridge Analytica and its peers, who must 
content themselves with whatever data they can extract from Facebook’s public interfaces, Facebook is sitting on the 
motherlode, with unfettered access to staggering databases of behavior and preferences. A 2016 ProPublica report 
found some 29,000 different criteria for each individual Facebook user.

Zuckerberg has acted to distance his company from Cambridge Analytica, whose efforts on behalf of Donald Trump were 
fueled by Facebook data, telling reporters on a recent conference call that the social network is a careful guardian 
of information:

The vast majority of data that Facebook knows about you is because you chose to share it. Right? It’s not tracking. 
There are other internet companies or data brokers or folks that might try to track and sell data, but we don’t buy 
and sell. … For some reason, we haven’t been able to kick this notion for years that people think we will sell data 
to advertisers. We don’t. That’s not been a thing that we do. Actually it just goes counter to our own incentives. 
Even if we wanted to do that, it just wouldn’t make sense to do that.

The Facebook document makes a similar gesture toward user protection, noting that all data is “aggregated and 
anonymized [to protect] user privacy,” meaning Facebook is not selling lists of users, but rather essentially renting 
out access to them. But these defenses play up a distinction without a difference: Regardless of who is mining the 
raw data Facebook sits on, the end result, which the company eagerly monetizes, are advertising insights that are 
very intimately about you — nowpackaged and augmented by the company’s marquee machine learning initiative. And 
although Zuckerberg and company are technically, narrowly correct when they claim that Facebook isn’t in the business 
of selling your data, what they’re really selling is far more valuable, the kind of 21st century insights only 
possible for a company with essentially unlimited resources. The reality is that Zuckerberg has far more in common 
with the likes of Equifax and Experian than any consumer-oriented company. Facebook is essentially a data wholesaler, 


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