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Are elite universities 'safe spaces'? Not if you're starting a union

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2017 12:59:38 -0400

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: September 10, 2017 at 12:40:32 PM EDT
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Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Are elite universities 'safe spaces'? Not if you're starting a union
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Are elite universities 'safe spaces'? Not if you're starting a union
For all their trigger warnings and safe spaces, places like Yale and Columbia are not very democratic when it comes 
to unions
By Thomas Frank
Sep 9 2017

It’s back-to-school season in America, and that means it’s the time of year when the pundit class is moved to lament 
the sad state of elite higher education. Over the next few weeks, our thought-leaders will scold this year’s class of 
overly sensitive Ivy League students, what with their safe spaces and trigger warnings.

Tough-minded columnists will sputter against fancy colleges that are covering up offensive sculptures and censoring 
offensive speakers. Readers will be invited to gape at the latest perversity served up by our radicalized 
professoriate and to mourn the decline of their dear old alma mater. What, oh what is this generation coming to, they 
will cry.

But while they weep, let us turn our attention to an entirely different aspect of life on the American campus that 
doesn’t fit into the tidy narrative of fancy colleges coddling the snowflake generation. Let us look instead into the 
actual conditions under which the work of higher education is done. Let us talk labor.

In August 2016, the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) in Washington decided that graduate students who teach 
classes at private universities can be considered employees of those universities, eligible to form unions and 
bargain collectively with their employers. It was the end point of a decades-long process in which the Board has 
oscillated between ruling in favor of grad student unions and then against them. 

In the aftermath of the NLRB decision, graduate student teachers at Columbia and Yale universities, both schools in 
the Ivy League, held elections and voted to form unions. More organizing elections are scheduled for the next few 
weeks at a number of other private universities, and as the school year gets under way grad students should 
rightfully be negotiating new contracts throughout the United States. 

But here’s the catch: thanks to the election of Donald Trump last November, the NLRB will soon be under the sway of 
his extremely anti-union Republican party. 

Once Trump’s members are seated on the Labor Board, there is every likelihood they will revisit the matter of 
graduate student teachers and reverse themselves on the question, which would in turn permit university 
administrations to refuse to negotiate and even to blow off the results of these elections. 

A radicalized university that lives to coddle young people would sit down immediately at the bargaining table and 
give those graduate students what they want. 

A corporation that is determined to keep its employees from organizing, on the other hand, would stall and delay and 
refuse to recognize the union until Trump’s new, right-wing NLRB can saddle up and ride to the rescue. And guess 
what: that is exactly what these universities are doing – refusing to begin contract negotiations, filing challenges 
to the elections, appealing this and that.


Americans sometimes find it difficult to feel sympathy for the problems of graduate students, who are on track to 
earn prestigious degrees from prestigious universities. Why, they wonder, do such students need to resort to a 
workplace strategy we associate with dockworkers and coal miners? 

When I talked to them, members of the unions at Columbia and Yale gave all sorts of reasons for joining up, most of 
which would be familiar to workers in nearly any quarter of the economy. They want to get paid better for their work, 
to have a say in the conditions of their employment, to have a complaint procedure that actually works (this last 
being particularly important in a workplace like academia that is well-known for sexual harassment). 

The grander reason looming behind everything, however, is that the universitiesripped the old academic social 
contract to shreds some decades ago. 

The trade-off used to be that, after many years of hard and poorly compensated labor teaching college kids, graduate 
students collected their PhDs and headed out into the world to become professors, an honored and well-compensated 

But perches in the professoriate have become rare, mainly because universities figured out that the more hard-working 
graduate students they could bring in to teach classes, the fewer full professors they needed. Then they began 
replacing those professors with poorly paid adjuncts, a different but closely related story.

It is exploitation of the baldest sort. As I was writing this, a story came over the wire about an English teacher at 
a university in California who lives in a car, grading her students’ papers in the parking lot of the local Wal-Mart.


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