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Donald Trump and the Erosion of American Greatness from Spiegaal

From: "Dave Farber" <farber () gmail com>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2017 15:10:11 -0500

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From: Dewayne Hendricks <dewayne () warpspeed com>
Date: November 7, 2017 at 2:45:08 PM EST
To: Multiple recipients of Dewayne-Net <dewayne-net () warpspeed com>
Subject: [Dewayne-Net] Donald Trump and the Erosion of American Greatness
Reply-To: dewayne-net () warpspeed com

[Note:  This item comes from friend Shannon McElyea.  DLH]

Donald Trump and the Erosion of American Greatness
Some say Donald Trump's presidency does not present an existential threat to the American Republic. But after a year 
of MAGA, it has become clear that a disaster is unfolding whose consequences for humanity and decency will be 
By Roger Cohen
Nov 6 2017

Ten months into the Trump presidency, the world has not gone over a cliff. Nuclear brinkmanship with North Korea has 
not produced Armageddon. That this must be considered an achievement is testimony to how alarming Donald Trump's 
erratic belligerence has been. Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany has concluded that Europeans must now take "our 
destiny into our own hands." Dismay is widespread. The post-war order, stripped of its American point of reference, 
is frayed to the breaking point.

This is no surprise. Trump's election, like Britain's perverse flight from the European Union, reflected a 
blow-up-the-system mood. The tens of millions of Americans who elected Trump had few illusions about his irascibility 
but were ready to roll the dice in the name of disruption at any cost.

The president, who continues to act principally as the rabble-rousing leader of a mass movement, is the ultimate 
provocateur. He jolts the facile assumptions of a globalized liberal elite. Rising inequality and rampant impunity 
for the powerful certainly demanded such a jolt. But the question remains: How dangerous is Trump to the world and 
the American Republic?

One school of thought argues: Not very. For all the presidential mouthing and angry ALL-CAPS dawn tweeting, there's 
no sign of the wall on the Mexican border; and NATO is no longer "obsolete" (at least some days of the week); and the 
"One China" policy has not been scrapped; and the Iran nuclear agreement endures for now, despite Trump's outrageous 
refusal to recertify it; and the United States embassy is still in Tel Aviv; and the North American Free Trade 
Agreement hangs on. Even Trump's decision to quit the Paris climate accord has not yet been made effective.

So perhaps Defense Secretary James Mattis and H.R. McMaster, the national security adviser, have ring-fenced Trump's 
recklessness. Perhaps they have neutralized his ahistorical ignorance. Trump's "America First" may be a slogan of 
impeccable fascist pedigree, but it will not upend the world.

I wish I could believe this, but I am dubious. A disaster is unfolding whose consequences for humanity and decency 
will be substantial. America's word, which has constituted the undergirding of global security for more than seven 
decades, is a fast-devaluing currency. Trump is likely to become more capricious in the coming months. The 
investigation by Robert Mueller into possible collusion between the Kremlin and the Trump presidential campaign has 
already led to the indictment of the president's campaign manager, Paul Manafort. War was ever a great distraction 
from domestic difficulty.

Stepping into the Void

Already, Russian president Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping of China are stepping into the void. This is inevitable. The 
message from the Trump White House is one of withdrawal - from global responsibility above all, be it for the 
environment, European stability or the fate of the Middle East. 

If the Iran nuclear deal is working but Trump chooses to trash it because the Islamic Republic did not become a 
benign power overnight - the deal was about centrifuges not Iranian support for Bashar al-Assad's butchery in Syria - 
then why on earth should any other nation conclude a treaty with bait-and-switch America?

The most terrifying thing to me about the insults hurled in recent weeks between Trump and the North Korean leader, 
Kim Jong-Un, was that it was impossible to distinguish between them. The American president had descended to the 
level of a tantrum-prone totalitarian despot.


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