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Speak up for open access | EFFector 30.13

From: "DAVID FARBER" <dfarber () me com>
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2017 19:09:16 -0400

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From: EFFector List <editor () eff org>
Date: August 24, 2017 at 6:58:32 PM EDT
To: dfarber () me com
Subject: Speak up for open access | EFFector 30.13
Reply-To: EFFector List <editor () eff org>

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In our 723rd issue:

Open Access Can’t Wait. Pass FASTR Now.

When you pay for federally funded research, you should be allowed to read it. That’s the idea behind the Fair Access 
to Science and Technology Research Act (S.1701, H.R.3427), which was recently reintroduced in both houses of Congress.

Under FASTR, every federal agency that spends more than $100 million on grants for research would be required to 
adopt an open access policy. The bill gives each agency flexibility to implement an open access policy suited to the 
work it funds, so long as research is available to the public after an "embargo period" of a year or less.

Part of what's important about open access is that it democratizes knowledge: when research is available to the 
public, you don't need expensive journal subscriptions or paid access to academic databases in order to read it.

FASTR is a huge step in the right direction and can be used as a foundation for stronger open access in the future.

Fighting Neo-Nazis and the Future of Free Expression

On the Internet, any tactic used now to silence neo-Nazis will soon be used against others, including people whose 
opinions we agree with.

For any content hosts that do reject content as part of the enforcement of their terms of service, or are pressured 
by states to secretly censor, we have long recommended that they implement procedural protections to mitigate 
mistakes—specifically, the Manila Principles on Intermediary Liability.

In GoDaddy and Google's eagerness to distance themselves from American neo-Nazis, no process was followed. Policies 
give guidance as to what we might expect, and an opportunity to see justice is done. We should think carefully before 
throwing them away.

EFF Updates

DOJ Backs Down From Overbroad J20 Warrant. But Problems Still Remain.
The government has backed down significantly in its fight with DreamHost about information related to the J20 
protests. Late on Tuesday, DOJ filed a reply in its much publicized attempt to get the hosting provider to turn over 
a large amount of data about a website it was hosting,—a site that was dedicated to organizing and 
planning protests in Washington, D.C. on the day of President Trump's inauguration.

In the brief, DOJ substantially reduces the amount of information it is seeking, including some of the most obvious 
examples of overreach.

2017 Pioneer Award Winners Named
EFF announced recently that whistleblower and activist Chelsea Manning, Techdirt editor and open internet advocate 
Mike Masnick, and IFEX executive director and global freedom of expression defender Annie Game are the distinguished 
winners of the 2017 Pioneer Awards, which recognize leaders who are extending freedom and innovation on the 
electronic frontier.

The award ceremony will be held on September 14 in San Francisco. The keynote speaker is Emmy-nominated comedy writer 
Ashley Nicole Black, a correspondent on Full Frontal with Samantha Bee who uses her unique comedic style to take on 
government surveillance, encryption, and freedom of information.

Thai Activist Jailed for the Crime of Sharing an Article on Facebook
Thai activist Jatuphat "Pai" Boonpattaraksa was sentenced recently to two and a half years in prison—for the crime of 
sharing a BBC article on Facebook. The Thai-language article profiled Thailand's new king and, while thousands of 
users shared it, only Jutaphat was found to violate Thailand's strict lese majeste laws against insulting, defaming, 
or threatening the monarchy.

Jatupat's case is only the latest in the Thai government's increasingly repressive and arbitrary attempts to chill 
expression online and censor content critical of the state.

Congress is at Home, So Pay Your Members a Visit
Members of Congress go back to their home districts in August. Constituents can request meetings with them during 
this time by contacting their local congressional offices. If you do so with a few local allies, you'll likely be 
able to meet with staffers and perhaps even your member of Congress directly.

With so many issues vital to digital rights looming in the congressional calendar, this August is a critical time for 
Internet users to pressure Congress to do the right thing on mass surveillance, net neutrality, and rules that 
insulate platforms for liability based on content written by users.

How Captive Portals Interfere With Wireless Security and Privacy
If you have ever wanted to use the wireless Internet at a coffee shop or library, you have probably had to click 
through a Terms of Service screen with an "I agree" button to do it. These kinds of screens are called captive 
portals, and they interfere with wireless security without providing many user benefits.

HTTPS sites trigger false-positive "untrusted connection" warnings that train users to ignore them completely, and 
the presence of a log-in window may lead users to inaccurately believe that wireless networks with captive portals 
are safer than those without.

For most networks, captive portals don't provide access benefits, they only make users less safe.

EFF’s 2016 Annual Report
At EFF, we keep very busy. Our past is invariably tangled with the present—long-running court cases that stretch on 
for years, and hard-won battles that it turns out we have to re-visit. Our 2016 Annual Report includes reflections 
from several EFF staff members on the work we do, and why we do it. In looking back, we look forward with fresh 
resolve. We hope you will, too.

EFF Wins Court Ruling Upholding Invalidation of Bad Patent That Threatened Podcasters
EFF won a court ruling this month affirming that an infamous podcasting patent used by a patent troll to threaten 
podcasters big and small was properly held invalid by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

A unanimous decision by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit will, for now, keep 
podcasting safe from this patent.


YouTube's Crackdown on Extremist Content and ISIS is Also Hurting Researchers and Journalists
Content censorship on YouTube interferes with the work of professionals trying to document abuses. (Business Insider)

Building America's Trust Act Would Amp Up Privacy Concerns at the Border
A bill calling for increased use of surveillance technology at U.S. borders elicits concern from privacy advocates. 

Palestinian Leader Curbs Social Media Expression in Decree
The Palestinian president imperils free speech in a cryptic mandate. (AP News)

Supported by Donors

Our members make it possible for EFF to bring legal and technological expertise into crucial battles about online 
rights. Whether defending free speech online or challenging unconstitutional surveillance, your participation makes a 
difference. Every donation gives technology users who value freedom online a stronger voice and more formidable 

If you aren't already, please consider becoming an EFF member today.

Donate Today


Editor: Camille Ochoa, Activist
editor () eff org

EFFector is a publication of the Electronic Frontier Foundation.

Membership & donation queries: membership () eff org

General EFF, legal, policy, or online resources queries: info () eff org

Reproduction of this publication in electronic media is encouraged. MiniLinks do not necessarily represent the views 
of EFF.

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Members make it possible for EFF to fight for your rights. Become a member today.

EFF at Dragon Con 2017
EFF returns to Dragon Con in Atlanta September 1-4 to participate in a series of panels about technology, civil 
liberties, activism, and pop culture.

Black Girl Nerds' 3rd Annual Blerd Tweetup
EFF is proud to sponsor Black Girl Nerds' Third Annual Tweet-up at Dragon Con. Join us at Joystick Gamebar in Atlanta 
on September 1 for food, games, and a costume contest with prizes. The event is free, and no Dragon Con pass is 
required for attendance.

26th Annual Pioneer Awards
On September 14, we will celebrate the work of the 2017 Pioneer Award winners Annie Game, Mike Masnick, and Chelsea 
Manning, featuring a keynote presentation from Emmy-nominated comedy writer Ashley Nicole Black. The event will take 
place from 6 pm to 10 pm in Delancey Street's Town Hall Room in San Francisco.

Job Opening: Event Coordinator
EFF seeks an energetic event coordinator to plan and execute events in support of the Development Team's fundraising 
and outreach goals. The ideal candidate has coordinated successful public-facing programs, is adept at learning 
unfamiliar software, is an excellent communicator, and is passionate about strengthening the movement to protect 
civil liberties.

Job Opening: Senior Software Engineer
EFF is seeking a senior software engineer to join our Engineering & Design team in our San Francisco office. A 
successful candidate will have broad knowledge of web technologies and frameworks, ability to assess new 
technologies, experience implementing solutions quickly, leadership in building consensus around technical decisions 
and getting team buy-in, and the ability to collaborate with and deliver for a diverse group of colleagues.

Job Opening: Web Developer
EFF is seeking a software engineer to join our Engineering & Design team in our San Francisco office. The Engineering 
& Design team is responsible for EFF's web presence and the architecture that underlies it. You'll work with EFF's 
activists, attorneys, and technologists to build web applications that help protect civil liberties online.

Job Opening: Writer/Policy Analyst
EFF is seeking a full-time writer for the activism team. This position will focus on free speech, net neutrality, and 
digital copyright and will have adaptability to cover a wide range of other issues as well.

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