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(BN) Google Said to Have Tried to Get Support Over Attack

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Fri, 15 Jan 2010 13:40:59 -0500

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From: "CONNIE GUGLIELMO, BLOOMBERG/ NEWSROOM:" <cguglielmo1 () bloomberg net >
Date: January 15, 2010 1:13:16 PM EST
To: dave () farber net
Subject: (BN) Google Said to Have Tried to Get Support Over Attack

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+-- --- --- --- -------------------------------------------------------------------+

Google Said to Have Tried to Get Support Over Attack (Update2)
2010-01-15 14:37:38.419 GMT

    (Updates share price in 10th paragraph.)

By Ari Levy, Brian Womack and Rochelle Garner
    Jan. 15 (Bloomberg) -- Google Inc. approached other
companies to seek their help drawing attention to a cyber attack
from China last month and was frustrated by their reluctance to
come forward, according to a person familiar with the matter.
    Google announced this week that it was one of at least 20
companies targeted in a “highly sophisticated” computer attack
and wanted others to talk about the incident, the person said.
The companies refused, and Google made the announcement by
itself, the person said.
    Since then, three other companies, Adobe Systems Inc.,
Juniper Networks Inc. and Rackspace Hosting Inc., have said they
were targeted by cyber attacks. The reluctance of companies to
join Google in its initial announcement illustrates the pressure
on them to protect their business in China, the world’s third-
largest economy, said Barry James, who helps manage $2 billion
at James Investment Research in Xenia, Ohio.
    “Companies are not going to be cutting off their nose to
spite their face,” James said. “It’s an underlying problem
that exists in terms of dealing with a country where they don’t
necessarily follow all the same rules that we do. More
experienced firms have a better grip on how to navigate that.”
    In disclosing the attacks, Google said it plans to stop
censoring Web-search results in China, a move that may lead to
the closing of its Chinese site and offices in the country.
Mountain View, California-based Google said the attacks were
directed at e-mail accounts of human-rights activists.
    Jill Hazelbaker, a spokeswoman for Google, declined to
comment on how the company handled the matter.

                         China Revenue

    Google probably can afford to leave China, said Marshall
Meyer, a professor of management at the University of
Pennsylvania’s Wharton School.
    “If they were making a lot of money, I don’t think they’d
do this,” said Meyer, who teaches an MBA course on how
companies operate in China. “You have to cultivate good
relationships with the government -- no way around it.”
    Less than 2 percent of Google’s $21.8 billion in revenue
came from China last year, according to Jefferies & Co. By
comparison, China accounted for 13 percent of Intel Corp.’s
sales in 2008, the last time the company disclosed results from
the country. Cisco Systems Inc. made 11 percent of its revenue
from the Asia Pacific region, excluding Japan, in the most
recent quarter.
    Google rose $1.87 to $591.72 at 9:32 a.m. New York time on
the Nasdaq Stock Market. The stock has almost doubled in the
past year.

                      ‘All About Profit’

    Dan Slane, chairman of the U.S.-China Economic and Security
Review Commission, a federal agency, said he was surprised more
companies aren’t standing up with Google.
    “It’s all about profit, and I understand where the silence
is coming from, but they are missing the long-term picture,”
Slane said in an interview. Chinese leaders’ “end game is to
extract as much technology out of American companies as they
can, transfer that to their own companies and, when they feel
those companies have reached a level of technical maturity, show
the American companies the door.”
    Google co-founder Sergey Brin pushed the company’s
executives to take a stand against the attacks and end its
censorship of Web-search results in China, according to another
person familiar with the matter. As part of the discussion,
Google executives analyzed the financial effect of the company
leaving China, the person said.
    Yahoo! Inc., the second most used U.S. search engine, was
also among the companies targeted by the attack in China, a
person familiar with the matter said this week. Yahoo, which
said it “stands aligned” with Google in condemning Chinese
cyber attacks on users, said that it doesn’t generally disclose
attacks on its computer systems.

                      Microsoft’s Stance

    Technology companies such as Microsoft Corp. and Intel have
spent years building businesses in China, the world’s largest
Internet and mobile-phone market.
    Microsoft Chief Executive Officer Steve Ballmer said
yesterday in an interview with Bloomberg Television that his
company intends to stay in China and wants to be “part of the
solution” in the country.
    Intel, the world’s biggest chipmaker, said there is no
change in its view of the Chinese market and it hadn’t seen
evidence of a “broad-based attack” on its systems.
    “We have nothing to say concerning other companies’
views” of the Chinese market, said Chuck Mulloy, a spokesman
for the Santa Clara, California-based company.
    Cisco, the world’s largest maker of networking equipment,
said it’s closely following discussions of censorship in China.
    “As Cisco is not a service or content provider and doesn’t
participate in the censorship of information by any government,
we cannot comment regarding the specifics of any of our industry
peers,” the San Jose, California-based company said in a

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--With assistance from Ian King in San Francisco. Editors:
Jonathan Thaw, Jeffrey Taylor, Stephen West

To contact the reporters on this story:
Brian Womack in San Francisco at +1-415-617-7218 or
bwomack1 () bloomberg net;
Rochelle Garner in San Francisco at +1-415-617-7136 or
rgarner4 () bloomberg net;
Ari Levy in San Francisco at +1-415-617-7133 or
alevy5 () bloomberg net

To contact the editor responsible for this story:
Jonathan Thaw at +1-415-617-7168 or
jthaw () bloomberg net

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