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Blood on the Political Waters

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2004 07:51:10 -0400

From Capitol Hill Blue

Blood on the Political Waters
Sep 6, 2004, 18:47

OK, America, get over it. Admit it: We love attack politics. The bigger and meaner the lies, the more spellbound we become. We absorb baseless charges, are drawn to them and even select our candidates in response to them, rather than dismiss them as the gutter trash we know them to be. We feign horror, but hypnotically follow just like kittens hooked on dancing, hanging strings. If the Republican primary for the open U.S. Senate seat in Florida didn't prove this point, then nothing ever will.

Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Mel Martinez pulled ahead of former Rep. Bill McCollum after polls showed Martinez trailing just days earlier. Martinez won by a surprising 45 percent-to-31 percent margin. How'd he do it? According to The Washington Post, by painting a solid conservative (one viewed by party higher-ups as too conservative to win the general election) as "the new darling of the extreme homosexuals" (as opposed to, perhaps, moderate homosexuals?) and other unmentionable sinners.

McCollum, gay-friendly? Carson Kressley, he's not.

Middle-of-the-road? Please. While in Congress, he voted to ban late-term abortions and to bar adults from helping to transport minors seeking abortions. He supported the balanced-budget amendment and the line-item veto. He voted to ban gay adoptions in D.C., to prohibit burning the U.S. flag and to end preferential treatment by race in college admissions. No free-spender, gay-rights supporter or civil libertarian he.

And yet, Martinez painted him as such because McCollum supported protections for gays in a hate-crimes bill that later failed. Would Martinez have voted no? (That it's OK to murder or harass gays, but not persons of color?)

Florida Republicans were so upset with Martinez over these and other attacks on McCollum (for supporting stem-cell research _ a centrist position) that former Sen. Connie Mack wrote to 1,500 Florida GOP activists, saying Martinez's campaign "sunk to a new low in Florida" that would only "doom our party in November" (again, quoting the Post).

Wake up, Sen. Mack. Those doom days are over. Martinez's attacks won't "doom the party." They'll help "undecideds" make up their minds and raise turnout. Look at what they did for Martinez.

When I spent time in Rome, I marveled at what seemed to be a fairly common phenomenon. Whenever there was a loud car or motorcycle crash, crowds would gather out of nowhere to marvel at the mess. The Italian love of blood and gore seemed such a contrast, coming from the same society that gave us Michelangelo, Bellaggio and da Vinci. (Of course, the Coliseum was the site where Christians were fed to the lions, too, but whatever.)

In our society, there is no such contrast. We just love a good fight. Why else would wrestling be one of the top draws on cable television?

I'm not sure there ever was an attack-free era in American politics. The two parties certainly had better superficial relations when I covered Congress in the 1980s than they do now (party leaders visibly revile each other these days). Former House Speaker "Tip" O'Neill, D-Mass., and onetime Republican leader Bob Michel of Illinois would disagree mightily in floor debates over issues, but go arm-in-arm to the golf course when it was all over. Maybe it was an act. But in recent times the GOP has perfected the "art of the skewer." Democrats (not the 527 groups, but the candidates themselves) seem stubbornly if not self-destructively committed to playing Nice Guy or Nice Gal, as the case may be.

Sen. John Kerry is finally getting hip. But it may be too late.

He has brought former President Bill Clinton's top attack dogs into his campaign, and their influence was obvious in Kerry's late-night attack last Thursday at the close of the Republican National Convention.

Al Gore played the nice guy _ and look where it got him. Clinton was craftier. He could attack with the best of them and make it seem as if he wasn't. In less than two months, we'll know whether Kerry has it in him to fight an opponent much more nimble, adroit and well-funded than the Viet Cong.

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