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Global Demographic Surprises by Nicholas Eberstadt

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sat, 31 Jul 2004 09:00:27 -0400

Begin forwarded message:

From: Esther Dyson <edyson () edventure com>
Date: July 31, 2004 7:46:35 AM EDT
To: dave () farber net
Subject: Fwd: Global Demographic Surprises by Nicholas Eberstadt

Dave - please note instructions at end. this is one of the more interesting, non-screedish pieces I have read in a long while. But I would love to know what the screeders make of it....


From: Foreign Policy Research Institute <fpri () fpri org>
To: Esther Dyson <edyson () edventure com>
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Subject: Global Demographic Surprises by Nicholas Eberstadt
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 22:19:19 -0400
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 31 Jul 2004 02:13:01.0569 (UTC) FILETIME=[E7E7C710:01C476A3]

Foreign Policy Research Institute

By Nicholas Eberstadt

Volume 5, Number 5
July 2004

Nicholas Eberstadt  is the  Henry Wendt  Chair in  Political
Economy  at  the  American  Enterprise  Institute  (AEI)  in
Washington. This  piece is  based on  an article  that  will
appear  in  the  Fall  2004  issue  of  Orbis  (due  out  in
September) and  on a  presentation to  FPRI's Study Group on
America and the West.


                   By Nicholas Eberstadt

Contemporary world  population patterns  are shaped  by  the
"demographic transition"  concept introduced to the field by
the great  demographer Frank  Notestein several  generations
ago. That  schema offers a stylized description of the great
shifts in  modern population patterns. Death and birth rates
start out  high, but  more or  less  in  equilibrium.  Then,
advances in  knowledge and  improvements in income result in
broad declines  in mortality, precipitating rapid population
increase. Finally,  socioeconomic development  brings  about
sustained fertility  reductions  via  voluntary,  deliberate
changes in  childbearing patterns, at which point births and
deaths once more come into balance.

While Notestein's  schematic may  still describe  the  human
condition  in  broad  stroke,  today  we  can  observe  some
important    and     surprising    exceptions    to    these
generalizations. Four  of these unanticipated trends are (1)
the rapid  spread  of  sub-replacement  fertility,  (2)  the
emergence of  unnatural gender  imbalances  among  the  very
young, (3)  sustained increases  in  death  rates,  and  (4)
American "demographic exceptionalism."

Sustained reductions  in family size in the context of peace
and social progress-were first witnessed in late eighteenth-
century Europe.  In the first half of the twentieth century,
European countries  unveiled another demographic first: non-
catastrophic sub-replacement  fertility. During the interwar
period, a  number  of  European  states  reported  fertility
patterns that,  if continued,  would  lead  to  an  eventual
stabilization and  indefinite population decline thereafter,
absent offsetting  immigration. These low fertility regimens
were entirely  voluntary: heretofore,  such low  birth Rates
had virtually  always  been  attended  by  war,  pestilence,
famine, or  disaster. Europe  experienced a  baby boom after
World War II, but sub-replacement fertility has now returned
with a vengeance.

To maintain  long-term  population  stability,  a  society's
women must  bear  an  average  of  about  2.1  children  per
lifetime.  According  to  projections  of  the  U.S.  Census
Bureau, Europe's  total fertility  rate (or  TFR--births per
woman per  lifetime) is  about 1.4.  Indeed, nearly  all the
world's developed  regions--Australia and New Zealand, North
America, Japan,  and the  highly industrialized  East  Asian
outposts of  Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and South Korea--
are reporting  sub-replacement fertility. (Israel remains an
exception.) But  sub-replacement  fertility  is  clearly  no
longer mainly  a developed-nation  phenomenon. If the Census
Bureau's projections  are roughly  accurate, just about half
the world's population lives in sub-replacement countries or

Apart from  Mongolia, according to the Census Bureau, all of
East Asia  is sub-replacement,  as are Thailand and Burma in
Southeast Asia,  Kazakstan and  Sri Lanka  in  South-Central
Asia, many  Caribbean societies,  and  most  South  American

Perhaps the  biggest surprise,  given received notions about
the Arab/Muslim  expanse,  is  the  recent  spread  of  sub-
replacement fertility  to parts  of the  Arab and the Muslim
world. Algeria, Tunisia, and Lebanon are now sub-replacement
countries, as is Turkey. And there is the remarkable case of
Iran, with  a current  TFR of under 1.9, which is lower than
the United States'. Between 1986 and 2000, the country's TFR
plummeted from  well over 6 to just over 2. If modernization
and  Westernization   are  the   handmaidens  of   sustained
fertility decline,  as is  often  supposed  by  students  of
demography, both  terms are  apparently being given a rather
new meaning.

There are  no reliable methods for anticipating just how low
fertility levels  may  sink,  or  how  long  sub-replacement
fertility may  persist in  various locales. One consequence,
however, is  already clear:  it will  force a great aging of
the populations affected.

All of  the developed  countries are already "graying." This
is most  pronounced in Japan, where, by the year 2025, it is
expected that  one out  of nine  people will be 80 or older.
Japan's prospective aging is unprecedented, and the scale of
the  transformation   suggests  the   enormousness  of   the
challenges that  will accompany it. Japan, Europe, and North
America are  places  where  people  traditionally  got  rich
before they  got old.  In the  decades ahead,  many national
populations are going to get old before they get rich.

China promises  to be  the most  important  case  in  point.
Thanks to  low levels  of mortality,  its population control
program, and  its now-low  fertility, China  is aging  at  a
breathtaking velocity. Between 1975 and 2000, China's median
age jumped  from just  over 20  to about  30; by 2025, it is
projected to  rise by  nearly another decade. By then, it is
quite possible  that China's  median age will be higher than
America's. But  China is  much poorer than Japan or the U.S.
were at every comparable stage of their aging processes.

China's rapidly  aging population  faces  a  looming  triple
bind. Apart  from the  family, China  lacks  any  functional
nationwide arrangements  for pensioning  its elders. Thus, a
great many  Chinese will  have to  continue to work into old
age. But  working  life  in  China  typically  entails  more
physical labor, which does not favor the frail, than work in
Japan or  the United  States.  China's aging problem has the
makings of a slow-motion humanitarian tragedy.

China is  also witnessing  a strange, unnatural, and growing
disproportion between  its numbers  of baby  boys  and  baby
girls, and  it is  not the  only country  in which  this  is
happening. In  ordinary human  populations,  around  104-105
boys are  typically born for every 100 girls. However, since
the advent  of its  coercive  one-child  policy,  China  has
broken this  natural  biological  rhythm.  Its  1982  census
counted almost  109 baby  boys for  every 100 baby girls; by
1995, the reported ratio was up to almost 116 boys for every
100 girls, and by 2000, it was approaching 120:100.

This astonishing  ratio could  be a  consequence of  massive
statistical falsification  as parents  bend the rules of the
population program  by concealing  baby girls.  If  so,  one
would expect to see more normal sex ratios at slightly older
ages: say,  the years 1-4. But even here, China's registered
ratio of  boys to  girls was  about 121:100,  and the  ratio
exceeded 130:100 in several provinces.

And China's mounting gender imbalance cannot be explained by
poverty or  lack of education. It has emerged in a period of
extremely  rapid   development   and   pronounced   economic
progress.   Moreover,   higher   female   illiteracy   rates
correspond with lower imbalances: Better education for women
is a predictor for greater gender imbalances.

China's population  control program  stands  as  an  obvious
suspect, since the imbalances did not emerge until after the
plan was  promulgated in  the late 1970s, and the imbalances
have grown  progressively worse  during  the  years  of  its
implementation. Yet  this policy cannot be the sole culprit.
In other  parts of East Asia, including South Korea, Taiwan,
Hong Kong,  and Singapore  -- none of which forcibly control
population growth  -- unnatural  gender imbalances  at birth
have also  been recorded  in recent  years. It  may be  that
throughout East  Asia we  are witnessing a collision between
an  immensely  strong  cultural  preference  for  sons,  new
regimens of  sub-replacement fertility,  and a  diffusion of
ultrasound  and  other  technologies  that  permit  prenatal
gender determination.  Skewed sex  ratios at  birth would be
the inexorable consequence of this collision.

And the collision is not only happening in East Asia. Gender
determination   technology   is   now   nearly   universally
available; sub-replacement  fertility is  fast becoming  the
planetary  norm;   and  a  strong  son-preference  has  been
expressed in a number of cultures worldwide. One of these is
Punjab, India.  In a  major survey undertaken there a decade
ago,  when   fertility  levels   were   still   well   above
replacement, women  expressed a  preference for a boy over a
girl 10:1.  And according  to India's latest census, in that
state's youngest  age groups,  there were 126 young boys for
every 100 young girls.

That figure cannot be taken as an exact indication of gender
imbalance at birth: differential mortality and/or migration,
for instance,  may have  affected this reported outcome. Yet
the true  sex ratio  at birth  in  Punjab  may  not  be  far
different from  the extraordinary  disparities reported  for
the very  young. Contrary  to  expectation,  with  increased
affluence, education,  and contact with the outside world in
China,  the  gender  imbalance  has  increased,  and  it  is
starting to  do the  same in  the Caucasus;  parts of  Latin
America and  Eastern Europe;  even subpopulations within the

The consequences  of this  growing gender  imbalance will be
felt when these children grow to be prospective husbands and
wives. The  "marriage market"  will be  unable to  clear  in
locales where  matrimony is the expectation, sub-replacement
fertility the  reality, and  extreme gender  imbalances  the

It has  generally been  assumed that  with improved  income,
increased globalization,  and the attendant spread of ideas,
knowledge, and technology, mortality would gradually decline
worldwide, and  countries' mortality  levels would gradually
converge. Most  of the  twentieth century  seemed to confirm
such  expectations.  Between  1900  and  2000,  global  life
expectancy at  birth probably doubled, soaring from about 30
to well  over 60  years. And  from 1950 to 1980, there was a
marked convergence  of life  expectancy between the more and
less developed nations.

In the  twenty-first century,  it  appears  that  major  and
pervasive health  setbacks will  be a characteristic feature
of the  global population  profile. These steep increases in
mortality do  not seem  to be  transitory, but will probably
continue for  decades. By  U.S. Census  Bureau  projections,
over 40  countries are  anticipated to  have  a  lower  life
expectancy in  2010  than  they  did  in  1990.  The  Bureau
envisions a  20-year-long decline  in  life  expectancy  for
those countries. Clearly these are no trivial interruptions.

Most of the health setbacks relate to HIV/AIDS, which is the
proximate factor in virtually all of these reversals in sub-
Saharan Africa.  But it  is not the only, or even the major,
factor elsewhere.  Most of  the former Soviet countries, for
example, are  projected to suffer long-term declines in life

The Russian  Federation is  perhaps the  most  striking  and
anomalous of  the states  suffering  from  long-term  health
retrogression. Russia's  life expectancy  at birth  today is
about four  years lower  than it  was forty  years ago.  Its
health reversal  is concentrated  in the working age groups.
This peacetime  death explosion  has been  triggered not  by
tuberculosis or  HIV/AIDS, but by cardiovascular disease and
injuries. Alcohol,  of course,  has played its part: indeed,
one Russian  study determined  that almost half of the young
and middle  aged men  who died  of injury  or cardiovascular
disease were  drunk at  the time  of death.  Russians now in
their 30s,  40s, or  50s have already accumulated a lifetime
of insults to their health.

In Japan, each new generation enjoys better survival chances
at any  given age.  The situation  is totally  different  in
Russia, where  the worst  death rates  at any  given age are
found  among  the  youngest  men.  To  judge  by  mortality,
Russians are now less healthy than their parents were at the
same   age.   Under   such   circumstances,   it   will   be
extraordinarily difficult  to  improve  the  health  of  the
society as a whole.

A final  surprise involves  what  we  might  call  America's
"demographic exceptionalism."  The U.S.  is the singular and
major exception  to the  demographic rhythms  characterizing
virtually all other affluent Western states.

In Western  Europe, total  populations  are  anticipated  to
decline between  2000 and 2025, with a substantial shrinkage
in the  under-55 population and pronounced population aging.
In the U.S., overall population aging is much more moderate;
the overall  population is  projected  to  increase,  and  a
higher number  of young  people are  expected in  2025  than

Part of  this difference  is attributable  to a  significant
divergence in fertility patterns. As already noted, Europe's
overall TFR  stands in  the 1.4 to 1.5 range, with Italy and
Spain on  the low  end, at about 1.2, and France and Ireland
on the  high end,  at about 1.8. The U.S. fertility rate has
been over  2.0 since  1990 and  is  just  under  replacement
today--somewhere between  2.0 and the 2.1 replacement level,
making it about 40 percent higher than Europe's.

America's fertility  levels  have  diverged  not  just  from
Europe's but  from those of the rest of the developed world.
The U.S.  TFR is  much higher  than Japan's 1.3-1.4, and the
gap is  even greater with some of the other high-income East
Asian countries.  Even much of North America doesn't look so
"American" these  days: whereas  the  U.S.  and  Canada  had
nearly identical  fertility levels  back in  the  mid-1970s,
Canada looks  pretty European  today, and  the U.S.  looks--
well, pretty  American. While  the States is reporting a TFR
of over 2, Canada's is around 1.5.

Much of  the developed  world  is  caught  up  in  what  Ron
Lesthaege and  Dirk van  de  Kaa  have  dubbed  "the  second
demographic transition" -- a shift to smaller desired family
sizes and  less stable  family unions.  If this  is the  new
demographic revolution,  Americans look  to be the developed
world's most prominent counterrevolutionaries.

America's relatively  high TFR does not seem to be explained
by  any  particular  region  or  ethnicity.  There  are  big
fertility differences  between some  states, but  42  states
reported TFRs  above 1.9  that year  and 33 reported TFRs of
2.0 or  higher. In  all of  Europe, by  contrast,  the  only
country with an estimated TFR above 2.0 is Albania.

America's ethnic  fertility differentials do not account for
its demographic  divergence from  Europe. Hispanic Americans
maintain relatively  large family  sizes in the U.S., with a
TFR of around 2.7, but excluding them by no means eliminates
the gap  between the  U.S. and  the rest  of  the  developed
world. Nor  can the  differential be  explained by factoring
out African-American  fertility (which  is higher  than  the
"Anglo" rate,  but much closer to the Anglo rate than to the
Latinos'). In 2000, America's Anglo TFR was 1.84 -- about 10
percent less  than the U.S. national average, but still more
than 30 percent above Europe's.

No obvious materialist explanation for America's demographic
exceptionalism seems  to exist.  U.S.-Western Europe  income
differences  are   not  tremendous.  One  might  think  that
fertility would  be higher  in societies  that  devote  more
public  resources  to  child  support,  but  social  welfare
programs are  far more  generous in  most of  Western Europe
than in the U.S.

So how  can we  explain this fertility discrepancy? Possibly
it is  a matter  of attitudes  and outlook.  There  are  big
revealed  differences   between  Americans   and   Europeans
regarding a  number of important life values. Survey results
highlighted in  the Economist  (Nov. 2003)  point to some of
these. Americans  tend to identify the role of government as
"providing freedom,"  while Europeans  are inclined to think
of  government  in  terms  of  "guaranteeing  one's  needs."
Attitudes about  individualism, patriotism,  and religiosity
seem to  separate Americans  from much  of the  rest of  the
developed world.  Is it  entirely  coincidental  that  these
divergences seem  to track  with the  big cleavages  between
fertility levels  in the U.S. and so much of the rest of the
developed world?

The difference  between a  TFR of 2.0 and one of 1.5 or 1.4,
other things  being equal, is the difference between virtual
long-term population stability and a population that shrinks
by almost  a  third  with  each  passing  generation.  A  UN
Population Division  study of what levels of net immigration
flows would be necessary for developed countries to maintain
both  their   overall  population   and  their   working-age
population (15-64 years of age) over a 55-year time horizon.
For the  pre-enlargement EU,  a  net  inflow  of  about  2.5
million people  a year  would be  needed  to  stabilize  the
population,  and   about  4.3   million  to   stabilize  the
workforce. But net immigration into the EU in the late 1990s
averaged  just  700,000  a  year.  For  Japan,  300,000  net
newcomers a  year would  be needed for population stability,
and  600,000   for  workforce  stability.  But  Japan's  net
immigration rate today is approximately zero. The U.S. could
maintain its  population with  just 116,000 net immigrants a
year, but  net annual  immigration  has  averaged  nearly  1
million. If  these exceptionalist  trends continue,  America
will age much more slowly than Europe or Japan. And the U.S.
share of  world population  will not  diminish steadily  and
dramatically in  the decades  ahead, as Europe's and Japan's
seem set to do.

Western European countries accounted for about 12 percent of
global population  in 1950; this was down to about 6 percent
by 2000,  and in  the  admittedly  tentative  Census  Bureau
projections for 2050, it is placed at barely 4 percent. Over
this same span, Russia's projected share of world population
falls from  over 4 percent to barely 1 percent; Japan's from
3 percent  to 1  percent. The  U.S., on the other hand, only
drops from  about 6  percent in 1950 to about 4.5 percent in
2000 and then is projected at an almost constant 4.5 percent
for the following half century.

While the rest of the developed areas gradually drop off the
roster of  the world's  major population  centers, the  U.S.
actually rises, from fourth largest in 1950 to third largest
in 2000,  which it  is projected  to remain in 2050 as well.
Drawing   international   implications   from   such   crude
comparisons is  hazardous. But  from  a  purely  demographic
standpoint,  the   U.S.,  virtually  alone  among  developed
nations, does  not look  set to be going off gently into the

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