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Former FCC chairman: Deregulation is a right-wing power grab

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 08:11:16 -0400

Date: Fri, 30 May 2003 22:15:41 -0700
From: "Robert J. Berger" <rberger () ibd com>

Former FCC chairman: Deregulation is a right-wing power grab

Reed Hundt says Monday's historic vote is "the culmination of the attack by
the right on the media."
[Note: Better to view the original HTML page as the interview questions are
differentiated from the responses by font style - Rob]
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By Eric Boehlert

May 31, 2003  |  The Federal Communications Commission will meet in
Washington on Monday for a historic vote on the future of media ownership in
the United States. By all accounts, the Republican-dominated commission will
ease long-standing rules so that more and more of the nations newspapers and
broadcast stations can be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands.

Underlying that agenda, Clinton-era FCC chairman Reed Hundt sees something
more primal unfolding: an extraordinary conservative power grab that could
shape the political landscape for generations.

For all the philosophical conflict over diversity in the media and the
efficiency of the free market, Hunt told Salon this week, the vote is really
about an alliance of interests between the political right and the corporate
media. "Conservatives," he said, "hope Š that the major media will be their

In today's political and media environment, there's plenty of evidence that
those hopes will come true. ABC News recently appointed conservative
commentator John Stossel to co-host its primetime magazine "20/20." "These
are conservative times...," an ABC source told TV Guide. "The network wants
somebody to match the times."

The FCC's two Democrats have strongly opposed the deregulation measure
that's been pushed by current FCC chairman Michael Powell, a close ally of
the Bush White House, and public response to the proposal has been heavily
opposed. But Hundt's radical critique is all the more striking because he is
an establishment lawyer thoroughly versed in the diplomatic niceties of high
government office. He attended prep school with Al Gore and law school with
Bill Clinton and served as FCC chairman under Clinton from 1993 to 1997. He
is now a senior advisor at McKinsey and Co., the international consulting

The FCC has long had rules regulating media ownership, based on the
assumption that the number of broadcast frequencies is limited. The
regulations were designed to ensure that radio and television stations
remained diverse, independent voices and could withstand predatory
conglomerates. But on Monday the FCC is expected to dump those rules.

A company like the News Corp., owned by conservative world-media mogul
Rupert Murdoch, will be able to hold newspapers, television stations and
radio stations in the same market. Conglomerates such as the News Corp. (Fox
TV, Fox News, Fox Sports, 20th Century Fox Studio, the New York Post,
HarperCollins Publishers) and Viacom (CBS, MTV, Paramount Studios and the
Infinity radio network), would be allowed to snatch up more and more local
TV affiliate stations nationwide. And, critics say, small and medium-size
broadcast companies and newspaper publishers will likely be swallowed up by
bigger competitors.

In the telephone interview Wednesday, Hundt warned that the massive media
deregulation will exacerbate the dangerously close relationship that's
emerged between sprawling U.S. media companies and the government. "If
Dwight Eisenhower were alive today," he said, "he'd be warning us about the
dangers of the military-industry-media complex."

During Hundt's term as FCC chairman, the landmark Telecommunications Act of
1996 was passed. As originally drafted by Republicans in Congress, the
legislation would have virtually stripped away all media-ownership limits.
In the end, Clinton signed into law a compromise version that allowed only
the radio industry to be deregulated.

At the time, Hundt was among the few to warn of the consequences. The new
laws would allow "a few companies to buy all the radio licenses in the
country," he said then. "I don't believe that's good for this industry or
for this country."

His words proved prophetic. Since the law's passage, Clear Channel
Communications, which in 1995 owned approximately 40 radio stations, has
expanded to approximately 1,200 outlets, nearly 1,000 more than its closest
competitor. Together with Viacom-owned Infinity Broadcasting, it dominates
an industry once made up of hundreds of competitors. Few people -- other
than employees of Clear Channel and Viacom -- would suggest that radio as a
source of news, information or entertainment has improved in any way because
of consolidation. In fact, most would say it's become noticeably worse.

And that, Hundt told Salon, plays directly into conservatives' agenda.

What do you think is behind the push for deregulation?

I think that fundamentally what we have here is a political debate. And
let's just say that the [Bush] administration does not think that the big
winners in the media consolidation game will be either the New York Times or
the Washington Post.

Who will be the big winners?

Well, the conservative movement owns the FCC, the courts, Congress, the
White House.

So you think that politics is more than a small part of what's going on?

Politics is always the greater part of all antitrust, and the debate now is,
How do you apply antitrust to the media, which traditionally has been the
job of the FCC? So it's not surprising that politics is the greatest single
shaping influence on the outcome here.

Michael Powell and the proponents of deregulation say, "Look, if we don't do
this, if we don't change the ownership rules, the courts will" -- and that
federal courts have already struck down a number of the current ownership

Well, it's the same crowd. The courts we're talking about here are made up
of just a handful of people who are throwing parties in their Georgetown
mansions for the commissioners who are casting the votes. It's the same
club. It's not some kind of independent, objective authority we're talking

You seem to see much larger forces at work here.

I'm seeing democracy at work. People are getting what they voted for or what
they let other people vote for.

But back to Powell's argument -- how as chairman would you handle this

Any competent appellate lawyer could build a case for media diversity and
win it in any fair court in the country. Period.

So you don't think the FCC has doggedly pursued a legal challenge?

They haven't even taken it to the Supreme Court. When the Court of Appeals
votes the right way -- pun intended -- then this FCC doesn't take the case
to the Supreme Court, which is a much closer call on all issues. They don't
ever try.

If you were chairman would you have taken them to the Supreme Court?

Big matters should go to the big court.

Back to 1995 when the Telecom Act was pending: A lot of the ownership limits
about to be implemented were part of that proposed legislation, correct?

When Newt Gingrich was running the House of Representatives, effective in
the fall of 1994, he called all the media owners together in a room down on
Capitol Hill, and according to what people who were there told me, he told
them he'd give them relaxed rules allowing media concentration in exchange
for favorable coverage. Now I wasn't there, but that's what they said they
understood he meant.

But in the end, those provisions for cross-ownership for newspaper and
television, they didn't survive the Telecom Act, right?

In the end, President Clinton allowed only the radio industry to be
consolidated. Not because he wanted it, but because he used up his political
capital fighting consolidation in the other media groups.

And why was he opposed to cross-ownership for newspaper and television?

Because he believed all different points of view should have a voice in the
mass media. That's not a very radical idea. In times past, Republicans
believed in that also.

Did he have any practical experience in his past that led him to that?

He used to tell people there were only two major media outlets in Arkansas
and if they were both owned by the same guy who hated him, then neither he
nor any other progressive would ever get their message across.

But this is a different world today. Progressives would be better off going
to a Ouija board to channel the spirits of Upton Sinclair and Ida Tarbell,
rather than trying to shake the conservative majority at the FCC. There's no
way the three votes there are going to be altered in any way by any kind of
popular protest. You can walk the streets of the United States and you will
never find a single person who's in favor of more consolidated media, unless
by chance you happened to bump into one of Rupert Murdoch's children.

So the vote on Monday will be a culmination of what Newt Gingrich set in
motion nearly 10 years ago after the Republican Revolution?

It's the culmination of the attack by the right on the media since the
independent media challenged and helped topple Richard Nixon.

But in a sense aren't conservatives suspicious of the media? Why would they
want media companies to become more powerful?

Conservatives hope, with some reason, that the major media will be their
friends. That's what Dwight Eisenhower was talking about when he warned
against the military-industrial complex in his last speech before leaving
office. If Dwight Eisenhower were alive today he'd be warning us about the
dangers of the military-industrial-media complex.

The concern was that that complex would not be a separate stand-alone one,
and that it would soon morph into a quasi-governmental one?

Ever since the invention of the printing press, governments have tried to
make an ally out of owners of the means of information distribution. That's
as old a story as when the powers that be tried to suppress Gutenberg's
Bible. Not because they didn't believe in the Bible, but because they didn't
believe everyone should be able to get one.

This is a 600-year-old story. It's not a new story. But it's news to the
United States that one side should get this close to that goal.

When did the FCC in effect get out of the regulation business?

I don't think it's out of the business, at least not until the June 2 vote.
It's regulation to insist on market structures that provide multiple voices.
That's good, healthy regulation. We don't need regulations that tell people
what to say. But antitrust policy has always been used to promote diversity
in all industries. And there's never been any industry where that's been
more important than the media.

Robert J. Berger - Internet Bandwidth Development, LLC.
Voice: 408-882-4755 eFax: +1-408-490-2868

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