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A Private Windfall For Public Property

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 20:37:52 -0400

This is an interesting article. It is followed by a commentary Gerry Faulhaber . Try to read both.


A Private Windfall For Public Property

By Norman Ornstein and Michael Calabrese

Tuesday, August 12, 2003; Page A13

We're no fans of the attempt by the Federal Communications Commission to relax ownership requirements for TV stations and newspapers, but it would be a shame if the battle between FCC Chairman Michael Powell and Congress on this issue distracted attention from another harmful move being contemplated by the commission.

We're talking about the privatization of the airwaves, a public resource worth hundreds of billions of dollars in both market value and future federal revenue. The contemplated FCC action could result in the biggest special interest windfall at the expense of American taxpayers in history.

The rapid trend toward wireless communication has made access to the prime frequencies that pass easily through walls, trees and weather an increasingly valuable right. A recent study estimated the market value of this spectrum at $770 billion. These airwaves are owned by the public. For more than 75 years broadcasters, cellular phone companies and other commercial service providers have acquired exclusive access to scarce spectrum space only under temporary, renewable licenses; in return, they serve the public interest.

But if the FCC has its way, that social contract will be voided. In recent months, through a series of rule changes, the FCC has begun to implement a radical shift in the nation's spectrum allocation policy. Recently it adopted rules allowing licensees -- whether or not they paid the public for their license -- to sell or rent unused capacity to other firms. It also proposed to let universities and other holders of free licenses sell their spectrum to private firms, thus encouraging these hard-pressed nonprofit institutions to abandon their educational use of the airwaves in return for a quick buck on the new private spectrum markets.

The blueprint for this privatization of the public airwaves is a pair of FCC staff reports released last November. In essence, the FCC's Spectrum Policy Task Force proposes that incumbent licensees be granted permanent, private-property-like rights in the frequencies they currently borrow. The task force proposes that future licenses grant firms "maximum possible autonomy" to decide what services to offer, what technical standards to adopt or whether instead to sell or sublease their frequency assignments to other firms. In the future, access to the airwaves would be a commodity traded on secondary markets and free of virtually all public interest obligations.

This is not all bad. The FCC's outdated command-and-control approach -- based on rigidly zoning the airwaves by service and assigning exclusive licenses at zero cost -- has exacerbated the scarcity of wireless bandwidth, stifling competition, slowing innovation and restricting citizen access to the airwaves. The problem is not the stated goals of the task force but the means of achieving them.

The commission's senior economists have added a proposal that these new and valuable rights to sell and sublease frequencies be given away to incumbent licensees at no charge. The proposal is dressed up as an "auction," but it is one in which any incumbent opting to sell its license would be entitled to keep 100 percent of the revenue -- money that under current law would flow into the public treasury. The logic of the proposal is that broadcasters and other spectrum incumbents have so much political clout that the only practical way to reduce scarcity is to bribe them to bring their spectrum to market.

But this approach confers a massive and undeserved financial windfall -- up to $500 billion -- on a few lucky industries. And freezing the old zoning system into permanent private property rights would forestall emerging "smart" radio technologies that can dynamically share today's underutilized spectrum space. Today the fastest-growing demand for telecommunications involves inexpensive WiFi -- short for "wireless fidelity." College campuses and "hot spots" in airports and Starbucks offer this cheap and mobile Internet access by creating a wireless local area network on a small band of "unlicensed" frequencies shared with cordless phones, microwave ovens and baby monitors. Unfortunately, privatizing frequencies would turn this sharing into "trespassing," allowing licensees to demand payment for access to their airwaves.

Market-based spectrum reform can be achieved without a massive giveaway. The flexible new licenses proposed by the FCC task force could be rented for fixed terms. This would put all companies on a level playing field, permit property-like rights for limited periods, protect capital investment by incumbents and internalize incentives to use spectrum efficiently.

The good news is that the FCC cannot transfer a wireless windfall to special interests without additional authorization from Congress. Both the administration and some influential members of Congress have expressed support for spectrum user fees. The bad news is that Congress is not exactly trustworthy when it comes to protecting the public interest from broadcasters and other powerful license holders. The champions of the public, led by Sen. John McCain, have their work cut out for them.

Norman Ornstein is a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. Michael Calabrese directs the Spectrum Policy Program at the New America Foundation.

© 2003 The Washington Post Company

Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 17:51:26 -0400
From: "Faulhaber, Gerald" <faulhabe () wharton upenn edu>

Some Comments re: Private Windfall article in WashPost

An interesting but somewhat confused discussion of the FCC's recent and
very tentative moves toward introducing markets into spectrum
allocation.  Let's take take the points one at a time.

1- spectrum is a public resource worth hundreds of billions of dollars
in market value and future government revenues...  Spectrum is not
actually owned by anyone (as the government has made clear), but the
government (FCC and NTIA) are the gatekeepers, allocating various bands
to private and public users via bureaucratic and political processes
(the author is quite right that the current system is insane; it has led
to huge inefficiencies in spectrum use).  But the question is: what's
the best way to allocate this important resource?  We know that the
current method is a mess and nobody wants that.  How do we usually
allocate resources?  By the market, of course, and that is what the FCC
is slowly moving toward.  What could be more important resources than
food and land (to name but two), both of which are allocated via the
market without people claiming a "public resource" is being given away.

2- the guys that now control the spectrum shouldn't get it  because that
would be a big giveaway.  I agree.  In the best of all possible worlds,
the government should take back all the spectrum at the end of the
license period and then sell or lease it all out, with the money going
to the government.  This event will occur right after the Tooth Fairy
gives us all winning lottery tickets!  Yes, the plans afoot would de
jure grant current license holders what they de facto now have: a
reasonably permanent license to use the spectrum.  Is this this a
private windfall?  No, we've already given it away; the private windfall
has already occurred when the FCC passed out these licenses.  All this
does is permit the spectrum to move to holders that could put it to
better use.  Friends, the windfall has already happened decades ago:
they have the spectrum and they are not giving it back.  To get the
spectrum "into play" (i.e., to its highest valued use), we have to live
with our past mistakes.  Fairness?  Of course not.  But grow up; the
teacher isn't going to intervene to fix this schoolyard tiff.  We have
to be realists here.

3- Social contract?  Serve the public interest?  Puh-lease!  This is a
bit of public policy fluff the FCC put out in the 1950s and has stayed
with us.  Please tell me *any* public
Interest being served by private spectrum holders that is other than
pure profit maximization.  This has never happened and never will.  More
Tooth Fairy stuff.

4- Privatization does away with WiFi?  Not a chance.  What we now call
"Part 15" spectrum (FCC-speak for spectrum open for use by anyone that
follows the rules and uses the right equipment) would continue to be
available; it would be "owned" by the government who would set the
rules.  Using the land analogy, lots of land is owned by the government
which operates it as a regulated commons, such as national parks, state
forests, etc.  Existing Part 15 spectrum (or even new spectrum that the
government designates) could continue to be a regulated commons,
provided that was the best use of it.

5- "freezing old zoning system ... would forestall emerging "smart"
radio technologies that can dynamically share today's underutilized
spectrum space."   Well, no.  Dave Farber and I have made a proposal for
spectrum management that marries property rights with a "noninterference
easement" that explicitly permits "smart" radio technologies.

Interesting article; but the AEI is known for getting its facts right,
and this time the author was rather off-target.

Professor Gerald R. Faulhaber
Business and Public Policy Dept.
Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Farber [mailto:dave () farber net]
Sent: Wednesday, August 13, 2003 4:43 PM
To: Faulhaber, Gerald
Cc: farber () cis upenn edu
Subject: comments for ip?

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