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IP: Salon: If Enron isn't a political scandal, nothing is

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2002 06:23:44 -0500

Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 16:20:54 -0800
Subject: Salon: If Enron isn't a political scandal, nothing is
From: Paul Saffo <psaffo () iftf org>

The latest from Scott Rosenberg. Another good reason to subscribe to

If Enron isn't a political scandal, nothing is
So what if Bush and company didn't bail out Enron? The outrage lies in what
politicians did for the company on its way up, not the way down.

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By Scott Rosenberg

Jan. 18, 2002 | The collapse of Enron, we now hear, is not a "political
scandal" -- it's a business story. A fine distinction! So far, no one
possesses evidence that government officials lied, goofed around with
interns, ran guns from the White House basement, burglarized opponents'
campaign offices or accepted bags of unmarked bills. And so a growing chorus
in the media now chants that the Enron affair should not be considered in
the same class as Whitewater, Watergate, Iran/Contra or any of the other
previous brouhahas that have consumed Washington and brought presidencies to
their knees.

"I don't think it's a political [scandal] story yet. I think it's a business
scandal" -- that's how the National Journal's Charlie Cook put it during a
journalism panel covered in the Hotline. "Reporters try to put everything
into a  Whitewater/Watergate prism."

This tells us that the scandal yardstick our political and media culture
currently uses is bent like a pretzel. You say your president may have
finagled a real estate deal many years ago? Time to name a special
prosecutor! He lied  about his sex life? Draw up the articles of
impeachment! But tell us that a high-profile corporation donated millions
 of dollars to legions of politicians, including the president; bent the
government to its will; lined the pockets of its executives while dodging
all taxes; then went bankrupt, vaporizing thousands of employees' retirement
accounts?  Nah, that's no "political scandal." Come on -- where're the

Enron's dismal story simply doesn't meet the high bar of triviality the
press today demands. The sums of money involved are too great; the flaws in
our political system that it exposes are too vast. It's just too real to

The Enron affair seems to have earned its "get out of jail free" card from
the  pundits because, so far, it seems that no one in the Bush
administration was stupid enough to try to help the corporation last autumn
as its fortunes circled  the drain. And since Enron's campaign-donation
tentacles and friends-in-high-places influence appears to have extended to
both parties -- lopsided a good ways toward the Republicans but also
boasting some serious Democratic names (including former Treasury Secretary
Robert Rubin and  New York Sen. Charles Schumer) -- the Enron saga does not
perfectly fit the  capital's partisan templates.

To which the conscientious citizen should respond, so what? If Enron isn't a
political scandal then we might as well retire the phrase from our
vocabularies. Of course no one in the Bush administration lifted a finger to
help Enron while it was on the way down; they all understood that the
spotlight on them was too glaring. It was while Enron was on its merry way
up the stock price charts, conjuring markets out of thin air and billions in
revenue through accounting tricks, that the company cashed in its chits with
our politicians. Enron's campaign contributions may not have purchased it a
reprieve from bankruptcy, but its gifts had already been paid back with
interest by both the legislative and the executive branches of our

 What did Enron get for its money? We're only beginning to unravel the full
list, but from what's already known, the answer is: plenty. Enron's
political contributions weren't made out of charity or friendship; they were
quid pro  quos. The "quids" are on public record because campaign finance
laws require their disclosure. Here are some of the  "quos."

We know that Enron essentially shaped the Bush administration's energy
policy, with its pro-drilling slant, bias against conservation and
reluctance to intervene in California's electricity crisis. Enron officials
met six times with vice president Dick Cheney's energy policy task force
last year -- and Cheney is still stonewalling the release of records of
those meetings from congressional inquiry.

We know that Enron essentially engineered the removal of a chairman of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission whose policies it disliked and had him
replaced with a long-time Texas ally who could be expected to be more
friendly to its interests.

 We know that Enron would have benefited profusely from the corporate
alternative minimum tax repeal that President Bush and his party have pushed
so avidly. Not paying any income tax (through "the creation of 881
subsidiaries abroad, including 692 in the Cayman Islands, 119 in the Turks
and Caicos, 43 in Mauritius and eight in Bermuda"!) wasn't enough for Enron;
it wanted -- and would have won, if this provision became law -- a gigantic
tax rebate from the public trough.

 We know, thanks to the Wall Street Journal, that Enron used its political
clout to ward off government oversight of its trading in derivatives. Many
financial experts and public officials foresaw trouble in Enron's growing
role as both "market maker" for the trading in these complex financial
instruments and a participant in the same markets it oversaw. Enron turned
to recipients of its largesse like Texas Sen. Phil Gramm to keep the
government's fingers out  of its hair. (Gramm's wife, Wendy, led a
deregulatory push as head of the Commodity Futures Trading  Commission in
the early '90s -- then resigned to become a member of Enron's board.) Even
after the 1998 collapse of the Long Term Capital Management hedge fund
spurred new congressional calls for reform, Enron pulled strings
to make sure that it could do as it pleased in these markets, unrestrained
by the kind of fair-rules enforcement  provided in more traditional
commodities and securities markets.

We know that Lawrence Lindsey, Bush's chief economic advisor, was put in
charge of monitoring Enron's collapse, even though he was a paid advisor for
Enron as recently as the year 2000. That's just at the federal level. In
Texas we know that Enron's contributions to then-Gov. George W. Bush won it
a  variety of perks and favors, including a Bush effort to lobby his friend
Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Ridge on behalf of Enron. And in California, Enron was
a key architect from the beginning of California's disastrously half-baked
 energy deregulation plan, which last year drove the cost of energy in the
nation's most populous state through the roof and cost the state treasury a

No doubt there's more. Plainly, Enron got its money's worth. As we learn
more about Enron's business from the growing stink of the Arthur Andersen
coverup, it's increasingly clear why Enron needed to buy so many political
favors: It was the most efficient means of providing cover for the company's
smoke-and-mirrors financial strategy. Enron pumped up its stock price by
jaw-droppingly "aggressive" accounting practices, like fobbing off its debt
onto hidden partnerships, claiming hundreds of millions in revenue from
phantom projects (like the broadband video pilot project the Wall Street
Journal reports on today, where 1,000 test customers for a movie-on-demand
 service somehow generated $110 million in profits -- that's $110,000 per
couch potato!) and counting as revenue the entire cost of energy trades it
brokered, rather than simply the commissions it earned -- a practice known,
aptly, as "gross accounting."

If Enron had fairly and accurately reported its numbers in terms laymen
could understand from the beginning, it  would never have earned its
stock-market darling status. And, once its stock price had been jimmied
through the roof, if it suddenly switched to telling the truth, its house of
cards would collapse -- that is the stark message of the anonymous
whistle-blowing letter Enron official Sherron Watkins sent to chairman
Kenneth Lay last August.

Enron positioned itself as a "new economy" company as it divested itself of
physical assets and proudly forged businesses built on the trading of
intangible financial instruments. What we can now see is that the Enron
collapse,too, is a true information-age scandal. If good information had
been available to the government and the public from  the start, Enron could
never have climbed to the heights from which it fell.

Enron was the proud standard-bearer of the deregulation movement. But its
executives and supporters conveniently conflated two different kinds of
regulation as it boldly fought for freedom from government control. The
public understands "deregulation" to mean an end to government-mandated
pricing of goods like airline seats and electricity. And common sense
supports the notion that markets set such prices better than government
bureaucrats can.

But there's another kind of regulation that's absolutely essential for those
markets to work properly. It's the kind of regulation that publicly
certified accountants and the SEC provide for the stock market --
regulations that require companies to disclose information that partners,
competitors and the public need to make rational business choices. Enron's
success at remaining "deregulated" in this second meaning of the word paved
its way toward its collapse.

It doesn't take a doctorate in economics to see the fixes our political and
economic system require in the wake of Enron. We need more effective
oversight of new buccaneer markets, not to "regulate" the life out of them
but to ensure that they operate fairly and don't get manipulated by
Enron-style hucksters and shysters. And we need tough campaign finance
reform -- stronger than the relatively mild constraints that the Republican
House, led by friend-of-Enron Tom Delay, has so far successfully blocked --
to make sure that participants in those markets don't buy exemption from
such oversight.

It may be that Enron and its officers did nothing in technical violation of
the law. If so, the scandal lies precisely there: that what they did was
legal when it plainly should have been outlawed; that they managed to buy
the laws they needed to build the financial house of cards that earned them
millions before crashing down on stockholders'  heads.

The Bush administration is deep in denial mode because so much of what was
wrong in the Enron story is simply business as usual for its cadre of former
oil executives and commuters through the revolving door between industry
and government. Clearly, we need some new, better laws. Either Congress will
pass some, or we will see just how  thoroughly Enron managed to corrupt our
system. And wouldn't that be a scandal.

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About the writer
Scott Rosenberg is Salon's managing editor. For
more columns by Rosenberg, visit his column
archive. He also maintains Wordyard.

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