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Re: IP: more on Feds say New York terrorist lawyer helped him plot

From: Dave Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 04:27:54 -0400

From: "James Nix" <jaynix () hotmail com>
To: farber () cis upenn edu, ip-sub-1 () majordomo pobox com
Cc: jaynix () rci rutgers edu
Subject: Re: IP: more on Feds say New York terrorist lawyer helped him plot

To Dave Farber and the whole group of us lucky subscribers, (,Man, I enjoy
your work.;-)

Ashcroft vindicated??!!  Hardly.

Exposed is more like it.  Does anyone have a clue how expensive and
insidious this method of  ["Completely violating someone’s rights"] -
information gathering is...???

- Regardless of, or even in spite of, 'technical advancements'...??

Attorney Client Priviledge is not-at-all about "keeping 'BAD' secrets" from
the "Good Guys" (YIKES!);

Attorney Client Priviledge (ACP) is much more about nurturing (It succeeded
in nurturing an entire society, this glorious Place, a beacon for others
drawn to the Hope of a Better Way)... nurturing trust and fairness in the
individuals (sometimes OVERWHELMING) efforts to not be chewed up and spit
out, wrought with TERROR, everytime the Government gets imposingly involved
in an individuals life.

Government Intrusions...HMmmmmmmm... isn't that supposed to raise the ire of
everyone to the right of Al Gore???  Judging from the "happy to convict
without a trial" letter in support of Ashcroft's misguided and HORRIFYING
abuse of power (and our equally scary acquiescence to these abuses)
[HMmmmmmm again!!] ......  maybe this disdain for Intrusive Government is
only when THEY are telling YOU not to pour PCB's into our drinking water

Attorney Client Priviledge is, quite frankly, so awesomely Inspired AND
Brilliant, in so many (should be) fathomable ways, but the failure to see
it's gift; it's real value, to so many future generations, is a failure of a
lack of imagination.  [One that could be quickly cured by an experience of
encountering the judicial realities, AS A DEFENDANT, in a Society that
doesn't comprehend this gift either.]

The absolute genius of our Founding Fathers still has the power to surprise,
Thank God.  Regardless of the birthdate of the expression ACP, the source
for it’s implementation is obvious and clear = The Bill of Rights.
(Ratified I am proud to say, on my Birthday, September 17th. 215 years

Look at how societies evolve WITHOUT this precious sanctuary.   The last
thing a citizen there would want to see is what we take for granted...  "The
United States of America versus John Doe" replaced by, "The Peoples Republic
of China versus 'Citizen So Truly Frightened to Death!!!'"

Sanctuary is precisely where the ACP notion sprang from, not “keeping
secrets”.   It was a sort of non-denominational acknowledgement of the
immense value of the Religious Concept of Sanctuary, (an actual practical
Last Hope, for many, against Brutal and ARBITRARY tyranny).  It was pure
genius to apply this concept without favoring any single interest group,
except the ACCUSED, regardless of Religion, and regardless of the severity
of the accusations.

Does anyone know the bitter vile taste of Government Arbitrariness??   Once
you have a mouthful, you never want even one single drop more.  I am ashamed
that my government has been guilty of this lack of vigilance, ashamed of our
United States of America’s, Governments Abuses, of whom I was a victim once,
but not at all ashamed or regretful of the lessons it taught me first hand.

These painful ‘lessons’ will keep me ever vigilant, (and regretfully
cautious) and they will also keep me from ever supporting the further flood
of more and more erosions of decency and privacy, and maybe most of all,
they will keep me from ever supporting any complete disregard for how
dangerously contaminating ARBITRARINESS is to the strength of OUR ‘Systems’
of co-existence and governance.

I can not support John Ashcroft.  His actions are criminal and the “barely
surviving” victim is the Bill of Rights.

This earlier reply (below) that mentioned wiretapping EVERYONE is a perfect
synopsis of where arbitrariality leads... and Ashcroft’s willful neglect of
the Founding Fathers genius, and his willful assault on the offer of “a
sanctuary of words” to a defendant being caught in the governments
crosshairs, is only one of many Ashcroft actions that make him the biggest
threat to freedom that I have ever seen ascend to such power, after he LOST
an election no less!!

Lost to a deadman...imagine how bitter this cat really is, well apparently
he is trying to get his revenge, but it’s mistakenly a sad revenge on us and
our transcendent Constitution, not just on the folks who supported a dead
man over his almost lifeless, but distinctly vaporous, strange form.

ok sorry about that....

IN THE “SHOW ME” STATE NO LESS!  Way to go, MIGHTY MO!  (cannot be

“Show me a body to elect!”  instead was replaced by, “Hell just shows me
anything but that John Ashcroft dude!!!!””Please!! haha can’t make up better
stuff than what Missouri voters actually did!

This very sanctuary, ACP, is how WE were able to evolve towards having LESS
FEAR of our Government... less fear than WE would need to even survive, in
those places with  "misguided and HORRIFYING" Judicial Systems, i.e. places
without, WITHOUT any Attorney Client Priviledge.

Without Sanctuary.  Imagine the hopelessness of being accused by your
government over there.

That maybe, at least, aww shucks, John Ashcroft has "Good Intentions", is
just too tragically inadequate at placating anyone of penetrating awareness
or vision.  His deeds are Ominous and WRONG, and frankly, He should know

What has gone so bloody wrong with the unbloodied right???

I certainly do not blame the bible thumping illiterates for this menace.

In Service,

A military veteran, unaffiliated voter and a lover of someone killed in
Tower 2, Sep. 11th,

James Christopher Nix
Rutgers University Center for Applied Computer Technologies
jaynix () rci rutgers edu

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