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IP: RE: passive radar in Risks Digest 21.49

From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 07:12:24 -0400

From: Ben.Crystall () rbi co uk
To: dave () farber net
Subject: RE: passive radar in Risks Digest 21.49
Date: Tue, 19 Jun 2001 10:13:53 +0100

thought you might be interested to know that New Scientist magazine ran this
story over 18 months ago (4 December 1999 issue). This story has been known
about since at least summer 1999. The telegraph has just dredged up old
stuff--as often happens--probably by accident. For your information here is
the copy we ran:

@Intro:America's stealth planes once ruled the skies. But now their
inventors need to spot the whispery traces of stealth weaponry in enemy
hands, reports David Fulgham.
@Body:HE SHOULD have been untouchable. Heading for home in one of the most
advanced bombers money can buy, the pilot had no reason to suspect that his
enemy even knew he was there. But they did.
        Out of nowhere, four bright explosions enveloped his plane, slicing
chunks from its wings and smashing an engine. The next moment, the aircraft
was tumbling downwards out of control.
        The pilot, a young US Air Force lieutenant, clawed desperately for
the ejection handles, but with the plane's violent spinning, they remained
just beyond his grasp. "The one fragment of this whole event I can't
remember is pulling the handles," he recalls. Nevertheless, he did somehow
eject safely and, after six hours shivering in a ditch just 200 metres from
the burning wreckage of his plane, he was scooped to safety by a heavily
armed rescue team.
        This event, which occurred during the Kosovo conflict on 27 March,
was a major blow to the US Air Force. For the aircraft was special: a F-117
Nighthawk stealth bomber that should have been all but invisible to the
Serbian air defences. And this certainly wasn't a fluke--a few nights later,
Serb missiles damaged a second F-117.
        There were several simple reasons for the loss. For example, the
Serbians plugged powerful computers into their well-integrated air defence
system to help generate rough route tracks from the faint, whispery radar
returns of the American stealth aircraft. And the missiles they fired were
optically sighted and automatically detonated to avoid giving off radio
signals that would reveal their positions to the bomber.
        But the real clincher was the mistakes made by American planners.
Night after night, their stealth planes used the same route home. Worse
still, NATO mistakenly left three early warning radars intact. With these
critical systems still active, the Serbian defences were able to plot the
flights of American stealth aircraft for the three nights before they
finally shot a F-117 out of the sky.
        In the technological battle to counter stealth, this was simply a
skirmish. But full-scale war is imminent. With stealth cruise missiles and
even ballistic missiles expected on the world market within a decade,
researchers--mainly in the US--are frantically designing radar systems
designed to defeat stealth technologies and uncloak enemy aircraft and
        Some of these systems are surprisingly simple. For example, among
the best radar systems for revealing stealth aircraft are those based on
designs dating back more than half a century. Others are mind-boggling--for
example, in the future radar defences may rely on everyday radio and TV
stations to detect a stealth attack. One day, even your local FM radio
channel could be doing its bit to defend your country.
        To work out how to defeat stealth technology, of course, you first
have to understand how it works. Aircraft give many clues to their
presence--the sound they make, infrared radiation from their hot engines,
chemicals in their exhaust and even the white vapour trails they leave in
the sky. One of the best methods of spotting them, however, is radar, which
reveals distant objects such as aircraft in much the same way that a torch
lights up a face in a darkened room.
        Instead of light, a radar transmitter sends out pulses of radio
waves or microwaves while a receiver, usually mounted close by, keeps watch
for any reflections that bounce back. Analyse these and you can work out the
position, altitude, speed and even the identity of your target.
        So how do aircraft designers hide their creations from radar's
all-seeing eyes? The most important trick is to shape an aircraft so that it
reflects as little energy as possible back towards the radar receiver--that
is, to reduce its radar "signature". So out go externally-mounted missiles
and bombs, prominent tailplanes and large vertical panels on the fuselage.
These act like mirrors, efficiently reflecting any radar pulses that hit
        Just as bad are places in an aircraft's structure where surfaces
meet at right angles. These junctions act like the corners of a billiard
table, bouncing radio waves straight back to their source. Instead, the
fuselage and wings must be smoothly angled or curved so that they deflect
radar signals well away from vigilant radar receivers--sideways, upwards or
straight down to the ground.
        The second key to stealth is a thick coating of radar-absorbing
paint. For example, the active ingredient in the coating used on the SR-71
Blackbird--a spy plane incorporating some of the earliest stealth
technology--is glass balls less than a micrometre across, each covered with
a magnetic metal ferrite coating.
        These spheres behave like tiny, inefficient radio aerials, absorbing
radio waves and dissipating their energy before it can be re-emitted. The
energy of the radio waves is absorbed by the electrons in the magnetic
coating. In a good conductor such as a metal aerial, the electrons can move
freely and the radio waves are re-emitted. But the ferrite-coated spheres
like those used in the SR-71's radar-absorbing paint are poor conductors, so
the motion of the electrons is quickly damped by the material's electrical
resistance (New Scientist, 6 December 1997, p 32).
        With the right shape and coating, aerospace engineers can shrink the
radar signature of an aircraft to tiny dimensions. For example, the B-2
Spirit bomber has a wingspan of 52 metres yet its radar signature gives the
impression that it is about the size of a large marble. And although
existing radar-absorbing coatings are rather delicate (New Scientist, 23
August 1997, p 5), aircraft such as the F-22 raptor and joint strike fighter
that will enter service early next century should have far more robust
radar-absorbing coatings, yet their radar signatures will make them seem
about the size of a golf ball.
        But no matter how carefully stealth aircraft are crafted, they still
reflect minute amounts of radiation back towards the electronic ears of the
enemy. In flight, stealth aircraft minimise these telltale signs by using
their own radio receivers to listen for radar. When the aircraft is "pinged"
with a radar beam, the pilot alters the plane's orientation and direction to
minimise the reflections bounced back towards the receiver. But as it banks
or climbs, short bursts of radio waves are reflected in every direction,
just as a mirrored sphere bounces light all over the place. If radar
operators can detect and plot these ghostly traces, they may be able to
track stealth aircraft or missiles.
        One of the best ways to pick up these flickering signals is to
separate the transmitter and receiver. This arrangement--known as bistatic
radar--is particularly good at catching the radar reflections that are
deflected away from the transmitter (see Diagram, p ??). With high-speed
computers, defenders can use these fragmentary data to plot the path flown
by stealth aircraft and predict their course with enough accuracy to
saturate a given piece of the sky with anti-aircraft fire.
        Bistatic radar systems also have other advantages. Split the
transmitter and receiver, and you can mount the two separately, in small
unmanned drones for instance. Since the transmitter is vulnerable to
anti-radiation missiles that lock onto the radar beam and follow it back to
its source, this reduces the danger to radar operators. It is also fairly
simple to convert existing radar into bistatic systems, although
coordinating the signals they generate--and using them to plot a target's
movements--remains a challenge.
        Senior US military commanders are keen to get bistatic radars
operational within five to ten years, prompted in part by fears that foreign
manufacturers of medium-range ballistic missiles will soon add stealth to
their weapons. In the meantime, researchers are also working on a
surprisingly simple way to tackle stealth attacks, using technology that
dates back to the 1930s.
        At that time, radar researchers used radio waves with wavelengths of
the order of metres to spot slow-moving biplanes. Since then, the wavelength
of radar has shrunk to less than a centimetre, mainly because short
wavelength radio waves make radar far more accurate. But when it comes to
spotting stealthy aircraft however, longer wavelength beams still have an
        It turns out that with long-wavelength radar, the cloak of
invisibility begins to unravel rapidly. "The changes you see on today's
electronic battlefield are because we have finally awakened to the fact that
the scientists had it about right when they first built radar," says a US
Navy official. When the wavelength of a radar beam approaches the size of
the structural elements of an aircraft--such as the tailplane, wings or
fuselage, for instance--these elements start to act like aerials, absorbing
and then re-emitting the radio waves.
        The effect is enhanced when the wavelength of the radar is exactly
twice the size of the "aerial". In this situation, the radio waves are
absorbed and re-emitted very efficiently, with these in-phase reflections
making the aircraft appear far larger than it really is. (Precisely the same
phenomenon is exploited by chaff, the metallic ribbons dispensed by planes
under attack to confuse radar.)
        Worse still for stealth pilots, there are large numbers of Soviet
and Chinese-made long-wavelength radars in use all over the world. Enhanced
with the latest computers, these can provide a powerful means to spot
stealth planes. Although these radars are among the easiest things to
destroy on the battlefield since they are large and hard to move or
camouflage, their signals are difficult to jam. And some Soviet-made
long-range surveillance radars operate at precisely the right wavelengths to
spot stealth aircraft such as the F-117.
        On the other hand, long-wavelength radar is usually accurate only to
between 30 and 50 metres--so air defences must still rely on shorter
wavelength radar to guide a fast-moving missile to its target. Link two or
more radar systems operating at widely separated wavelengths--multiband
radar--and you can glean useful data from specific points in the
electromagnetic spectrum. Virtually every target has an electronic "sweet
spot" that, if recorded and catalogued, will identify it unequivocally.
        There are even plans to move anti-stealth radar into space. At the
moment, stealthy aircraft aren't shaped or treated to be invisible from
above so they can be picked up by high-flying aircraft "sentries" packed
with high power radar. The next step is to move long-wavelength or multiband
radars into space. For example, the American military Discoverer 2 satellite
constellation is expected to grow from a system designed to track moving
ground targets to one capable of stealth detection.
        Not surprisingly, multiband radar is also the key component of both
the Pentagon's secret cruise missile defence scheme and an improved system
for gathering intelligence about foreign ballistic missile tests. This
system, which is under development by the US Defense Intelligence Agency,
aims to use one radar to search for missiles at long range while a much
shorter wavelength radar identifies and plots a target's precise position.
        For all their advantages, long-wavelength radars face a growing
challenge, not from the latest radar-absorbing material or electronic
jamming device, but from DJs, mobile phone users and television
broadcasters. For long-wavelength radars operate at the same frequencies as
television and FM radio stations, navigation aids and cellular telephones.
Such signals are creating an ever intensifying soup of electromagnetic noise
in which stealth aircraft and missiles might reasonably hope to conceal
        Soon, however, they may have no place to hide. One of the latest
anti-stealth technologies uses the electromagnetic noise that once protected
stealth aircraft to reveal them. After 15 years of research, Lockheed Martin
Mission Systems of Gaithersburg, Maryland, has released details of Silent
Sentry. This system dispenses with conventional radar transmitters
altogether and instead exploits broadcasts from TV and FM radio stations.
        Any aircraft flying through this soup of music and electronic chit
chat generates patterns of reflections. Using conventional radio receivers
and powerful parallel processors, Silent Sentry sifts through the soup
looking for these reflections. From their angles of arrival, time delay and
Doppler shift relative to the unscattered broadcasts, Silent Sentry can
pinpoint a target's location and plot its position on a three-dimensional
electronic map.
        In tests around Baltimore-Washington international airport, for
instance, Lockheed Martin researchers followed targets less than 10 square
metres at ranges up to 190 kilometres, using an antenna just 3 metres by 8
metres. The system can even screen out stationary targets such as tall
buildings or radio masts, while still picking out helicopters by the
Doppler-shifted reflections from their rotating blades.
        Engineers at Lockheed Martin say they can use the broadcasts from
many of the world's 55 000 commercial FM radio and television stations, and
in theory, any normal radio transmission will do. To make the system work
anywhere, they are busy creating a huge database that lists the locations
and frequencies of every useful transmitter on the globe.
        With no transmitter of its own, the Silent Sentry can't be detected
and destroyed by radar-seeking missiles. And since FM radio beams hug the
earth, Silent Sentry should be good at detecting low-flying aircraft and
cruise missiles, or even the high-speed boats favoured by drug smugglers.
Although the technology isn't yet good enough to accurately target an
aircraft with a missile, there are plans to link it to a second, more
accurate radar system.
        So in the next conflict, even the radio waves carrying the pictures
of the fighting and the voices of reporters may become a weapon. The term
media war could be about to take on a whole new meaning . . .
@Biog:David Fulghum is military editor at Aviation Week & Space Technology
@Further reading:Further reading: The US Intelligence Community by Jeffrey
T. Richelson, (Westview Press, 1999)
The Invention That Changed The World by Robert Buderi (Simon & Schuster,
For more information see:

Date: Sat, 16 Jun 2001 10:39:31 -0400
From: David Farber <dave () farber net>
Subject: Passive radar?  Removing the cloak of invisibility (What's New)

So just how stealthy is the $3.6B stealth bomber?  Radar would need to look
straight up at the bomber's flat bottom surface.  Tracking would therefore
require a vast array of antennas.  But according to a story early this week
in the *London Daily Telegraph*, such arrays already exist: Roke Manor
Research in Britain claims that stealth aircraft can be tracked by their
effect on ordinary mobile phone traffic.  News media in the US did not
discover the story until last night.  The Pentagon is taking it seriously,
and other nations, including China, are now developing such a system.
[Source: What's New, 15 Jun 2001, from Dave Farber's IP distribution]



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