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IP: Beware the ICANN Board Squatters

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 16:43:41 -0400

Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000 14:21:22 -0400 (EDT)
From: "Michael Froomkin - U.Miami School of Law" <froomkin () law miami edu>
To: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu> or, of course, via

Beware the ICANN Board Squatters

By A. Michael Froomkin
Professor, University of Miami School of Law
October 27, 2000

Four of ICANN's self-appointed directors have announced they will
perpetuate themselves.  Through an arbitrary and secretive process, four
of the initial directors, each of whom had originally undertaken to serve
for only one year, or two years at most, have been chosen to serve for at
least two more years. In confronting this upcoming opportunity to again
perpetuate themselves, each of these four persons must ask themselves:
"Are my promises to be trusted? What would continuing on the ICANN Board
say about me?" The answer is clear: "Staying on past your original term
says you are a Board Squatter."

Who decided which Directors would stay on? "The decision on those who
would accept extended terms was made by the nine original Directors" in
secret, with no public process.  In the past, ICANN's unelected Board
members have cited 'continuity' as a reason for staying on. That's
balderdash: even if they all left today, a majority of the Board - nine
members - would be experienced, and only five would be new (what's more,
most of the five new directors have considerable ICANN experience and/or
superior technical credentials). Plus, there's the continuity provided by
the staff members who have been with ICANN since it started. No, the real
reason why unelected Board members would hang on is because they are
afraid of what ICANN might do if they are not there to stop it. They don't
trust their own system, and they especially don't trust the result of

I call on Frank Fitzsimmons, Hans Kraaijenbrink, Jun Murai, and Linda
Wilson to honor the pledge made at the time you were named: that your term
would end not later than two years after your appointment. Resign. It is
the right thing to do.

A Tiny Bit of History

Back in the days of the White Paper, the document which still provides the
foundation for whatever legitimacy ICANN may retain, the United States
government assured all that the initial, secretly appointed members of the
ICANN Board were only temporary.

As the White Paper put it, NewCo (later, ICANN) should:

"appoint, on an interim basis, an initial Board of Directors (an Interim
Board) consisting of individuals representing the functional and
geographic diversity of the Internet community. The Interim Board would
likely need access to legal counsel with expertise in corporate law,
competition law, intellectual property law, and emerging Internet law. The
Interim Board could serve for a fixed period, until the Board of Directors
is elected and installed, and we anticipate that members of the Interim
Board would not themselves serve on the Board of Directors of the new
corporation for a fixed period thereafter."

Anyone who dared suggest that the Board's power to amend its rules at will
might lead this "Interim Board" to entrench itself was dismissed as a
crank. Nice people, responsible people, the kind of people of long
experience and reputation selected to form ICANN, don't do things like
that, my dear boy.

Although the Interim Board was self-appointed, the White Paper called for
half of the ICANN Board to be selected in a manner calculated to represent
user interests. But first, the other half of the Board was to be selected
on corporatist principles from the three 'functional' constituencies - the
ASO, the PSO, and the now dysfunctional DNSO. Presently, within a year or
at very maximum two, the Directors elected by the "membership" would
replace the Interim Board Members. In order to demonstrate the seriousness
of the commitment that the Interim Board members would be gone in one
year, the early ICANN By-laws required that the Board vote by a special
majority if it determined that it needed to stay in office a second year:

"The At Large members of the Initial Board shall serve until September 30,
1999, unless by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of all the members of the Board
that term is extended for some or all of the At Large members of the
Initial Board for an additional period, to expire no later than September
30, 2000. The members of the Initial Board (other than the At Large
members) shall serve the terms specified in Section 9(d) of this Article.
No At Large member of the Initial Board shall be eligible for additional
service on the Board until two years have elapsed following the end of his
or her term on the Initial Board."

The ICANN Board duly extended itself in Resolution 99.86, but still said
it would leave office no later than the original (extended) schedule:

"RESOLVED [99.86], that under in Article V, Section 1 of the Corporation's
bylaws the term of each of the At Large Directors of the Initial Board is
extended to expire on the sooner of (i) the seating of the At Large
Director's successor selected pursuant to the process referred to in
Article V, Section 4(iv) of the Bylaws and (ii) September 30, 2000."

As we all know, key players in ICANN never believed that member elections
were appropriate and they worked hard to prevent it, first by attempting
to prevent direct elections then, when met by massive opposition, by
grudgingly allowing only five of the nine promised seats to be subject to
open election. That left the Board four seats short, but it promised that
the four seats would be filled by elections later, once it was clear that
global online membership elections could work. (Are the Initial Directors
of the opinion that the elections didn't work, and thus require their
continued presence as a corrective? If so, don't the rest of us deserve to
hear this?) Outside observers such as Common Cause and the Center for
Democracy & Technology worried that the ICANN Board might never allow
those four seats to be filled by election, but ICANN didn't listen.

ICANN Changes Its By-laws to Permit Board Squatting

Meanwhile, however, ICANN pulled a fast one: at its July, 2000 meeting in
Yokohama -- without any prior public warning or time for public comment --
it decided that the least legitimate members of the Board would stay in
office until replaced, for as much as two more years, making what was
initially described as a one-year term into a four-year term. ICANN did
this by first, reducing the number of seats that could be elected by the
membership from nine to five, and then by deciding that the seats that
would not be filled by election would, instead of becoming vacant, be
reserved for the Interim Directors. Since there are nine Interim (now
'Initial') directors, and five are being replaced by the elected
directors, that will leave four Board Squatters in place.

In fact, the four lucky Board Squatters could stay on longer than four
years: Amazingly, only legitimate directors have to vacate their seats
when their terms end, whether or not there is a replacement chosen. The
four Board Squatters get to stay on in perpetuity if no replacements are
chosen. And, there is absolutely no guarantee that these replacements will
ever materialize, since ICANN plans to re-open the question of whether
there should be any member-elected directors at all.

ICANN's explanation for this takes some suspension of disbelief.  ICANN
CEO Mike Roberts recently stated his understanding that, had the original
Directors left office as they had promised ICANN would then be four
directors short of a full complement and someone might have thought ICANN
was up to something.  Since ICANN has apparently no present intention of
actually electing four more directors from the membership -- this might
actually create a theoretical danger that business interests might lose
control -- it needed the four extra bodies so that critics wouldn't think
ICANN was trying to shrink the Board.  WAIT A MINUTE?  ICANN is acting to
please critics who claim that the organization lacks legitimacy -- and
that's why it is breaking promises and making surprise self interested
decisions without public notice or comment and, once again, finding new
reasons to renege on the commitment in the White Paper and in ICANN's
founding documents for a sunset to the self-selected Directors?  Be
serious.  The people who argued from the start that ICANN lacked
legitimacy, and who complained of the manner in which the interim
Directors were selected, are the group demanding they stay?

ICANN is about to do something utterly illegitimate, without even the
usual fig leaf of transparency, consultation, or 'bottom-up' support. As
ICANN approaches its second annual meeting, and as the maximum original
term of the self-selected directors has come to an end, it is time to
direct some pointed questions at any Board member thinking of staying on
through this meeting:

Some Questions for the ICANN Board Squatters:

* Why was this decision as to who should stay on taken in secret?  Where
was the public process?

* Why should anyone believe that these Board Squatters will ever leave?
What is to keep them from amending the ICANN by-laws to make themselves

* Is the presence of the four Board Squatters to be used as an excuse to
put off the election of four more directors from the ICANN membership? If
not, when is that election to be held?

* Will the Board Squatters promise to recuse themselves, and also to
absent themselves from the discussion, when the new Board is making
decisions regarding the election of new directors, since the election of
the full complement of nine member-selected directors would result in
their replacement? Does this self-interest qualify as a conflict of
interest under ICANN's conflict policy?

* Is each would-be Board Squatter prepared to explain in public why they
believe that their presence on the Board is critical to the achievement of
ICANN's objectives of "stability, competition, private bottom-up
coordination, and representation"?

And Finally...

* Are you prepared to have your integrity questioned at every Board
meeting you attend?

* If you go back on your original commitment to the Internet community,
won't that be what you have earned?

 On Sat, 28 Oct 2000, Dave
Farber wrote:

                Please visit
A. Michael Froomkin   |    Professor of Law    |   froomkin () law tm
U. Miami School of Law, P.O. Box 248087, Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA
+1 (305) 284-4285  |  +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)  |
                       -->It's warm here.<--

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