Interesting People mailing list archives

IP: Re: Independent Technical Review of the Carnivore System

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 14:10:08 -0500

Date: Wed, 22 Nov 2000 11:47:42 -0500
To: farber () cis upenn edu
From: Barry Steinhardt <Barrys () aclu org>
Subject: Re: IP: Independent Technical Review of the Carnivore System


Below is the ACLU's initial statement on the "Independent" review of 
Carnivore. I thought the list members might be interested in it.

We will soon be carefully analyzing the details of the report and 
submitting our comments.

Barry Steinhardt

--The American Civil Liberties Union today greeted with skepticism but 
little surprise preliminary reports on a new FBI Internet surveillance 
tool, saying that a biased review team guaranteed a pat on the head to the 
system known as Carnivore.
"What surprises me is not that the review team is telling reporters that 
they gave a thumbs-up to Carnivore, but that they expect anyone outside of 
the government to take this report seriously," said Barry Steinhardt, 
Associate Director of the ACLU.
The report, which will not be released to the public and the media until 5 
p.m. today, is part of a review process grudgingly agreed to by the 
Justice Department to examine the technical capabilities of the system.
"This report is, at best, a fuzzy snapshot of Carnivore, and it will be 
obsolete in two months when the FBI comes out with the next version of 
Carnivore," Steinhardt said.
Despite the review team's assurances in news stories today that Carnivore 
does not "overcollect" evidence, documents obtained through a Freedom of 
Information Act (FOIA) request by the ACLU clearly state that Carnivore 
could "reliably capture and archive all unfiltered traffic to the internal 
hard drive."
Steinhardt noted that the review panel from the Illinois Institute of 
Technology apparently was not allowed to look the bulk of the cases where 
Carnivore was used because of "national security" concerns, and that the 
team was not asked to look into the assertion by Internet Service 
Providers that they are capable of providing court-ordered information to 
the government without using Carnivore.
The Carnivore system -- essentially a computer running specialized 
software -- is attached to an Internet Service Provider's network and 
searches through all of its customers' electronic messages (including 
e-mail, web addresses and instant messages) looking for the messages of a 
person suspected of a crime.
Most of the nation's prestigious academic computer departments either 
declined to review the system or withdrew their applications after 
objecting to constraints the Justice Department placed on the review, 
Steinhardt noted, adding that many of the experts selected to review 
Carnivore have extensive ties to federal law enforcement agencies and the 
White House.
Dozens of politicians from across the political spectrum have called on 
Attorney General Janet Reno to suspend the use of Carnivore until Congress 
can determine its legality. The ACLU said it will ask the new Attorney 
General to do so when she or he takes office early next year.

At 12:02 AM 11/22/00 -0500, you wrote:

The document is now up on the DOJ website -- is the direct 
URL, or you can go to and look under "hot topics" or "new on site".

For archives see:

Barry Steinhardt
Barrys () aclu org
Associate Director
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad St. New York, NY 10004
212 549 2508 (v) 212 549 2656 (f)

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