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IP: More on Judge limits media in DVD case

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2000 17:28:36 -0400

Date: Thu, 8 Jun 2000 17:21:22 -0400
To: farber () cis upenn edu, ip-sub-1 () majordomo pobox com
From: Mike Godwin <mnemonic () well com>

Dave, I think Declan's story as presented doesn't quite convey the 
significance of the judge's ruling in the MPAA case. I was there, and my 
account takes a different focus, which is that the movie companies lost 
their play to block press access to deposition testimony:

From the June 8, 2000 issue of E-Commerce Law Weekly
In the Courts
Movie Studios Lose Battle to Impose Blanket Bar Of Press, Internet
Access to Deposition Testimony

A federal judge denied June 6 a motion by movie studios seeking a
blanket protective order barring disclosure of deposition testimony
on the Internet (Universal City Studios Inc. v. Reimerdes, S.D.N.Y.,
CA No. 00 Civ. 277 (LAK), motion denied 6/6/00).
The underlying case concerns whether the dissemination and linking to
a DVD decryption utility known as DeCSS is actionable as a violation
of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act's anticircumvention
The case was brought earlier this year by a group of movie-studio
plaintiffs against defendants who either had published the source
code for the DeCSS utility on their websites or who had linked to
websites where the DeCSS program or source code could be found (2
ECLW 87, 1/25/00). The suit is widely regarded by
intellectual-property experts and the computer industry as a landmark
case addressing questions of the scope of the DMCA's
anticircumvention provisions and the applicability of "fair use"
doctrine in the digital world.
In response to a motion from the plaintiffs to categorically bar
press access to depositions and to bar parties from disclosing
deposition transcripts and evidence to the press-or to the public
through the Internet-Judge Lewis A. Kaplan invited intervention on
the issue from members of the press (2 ECLW 629, 6/1/00).
The parties and the intervenors argued on the plaintiffs' motion at
the June 6 hearing. Attorneys for defendant Eric Corley, who
publishes 2600 magazine and who operates a related website, argued
for press access to the depositions and evidence. Press intervenors
contended that the press and the public were harmed by closed
depositions, and some intervenors criticized the parties for agreeing
to any confidentiality stipulation.
Prior Confidentiality Agreement
Ruling from the bench, Kaplan denied the plaintiffs' blanket
protective order but held that the parties already-signed
confidentiality agreement enabled them to redact any confidential,
proprietary, or trade-secret information from deposition transcripts
and evidence. Except for such redacted information, he ruled,
deposition transcripts and testimony will
generally be available to the press-
and publishable on the Internet-10 days after the deposition dates.
Kaplan made important exceptions to the 10-day rule: With regard to
the testimony of Motion Picture Association of America CEO Jack
Valenti and other "prominent" witnesses such as Disney chief
executive Michael Eisner, the parties will make the transcripts and
evidence available in three rather than 10 days. Valenti's
deposition, which took place on the morning of June 6, was included
in Kaplan's ruling.
Encryption Information Gets Limited Protection
At the hearing on the plaintiffs' motion to bar public and press
access to depositions, arguments for media intervenors were made by
lawyers for the Times Mirror Co. and for the Village Voice, and by
Mike Godwin, senior legal editor of E-Commerce Law Weekly and
columnist for American Lawyer, who argued pro se.
Kaplan also held that parties' confidentiality stipulation, which
Kaplan had approved June 5, will remain unmodified. The Times Mirror
Co. and the Village Voice had sought to overturn the confidentiality
stipulation, under which parties are bound to keep confidential
certain kinds of information that may be disclosed in the discovery
phase of the case.
Among the types of information that qualify as "confidential
information" to be redacted under the stipulation, Judge Kaplan
ruled, are: information that could lead to harm of a deponent; trade
or business secrets; and information on present or future DVD-movie
encryption protection measures. Excluded is information or testimony
that is embarrassing to deponents.
Kaplan said protection of the encryption information is limited to
the discovery phase of the case because the encryption technology
used in manufacturing DVD movies is central to the lawsuit and thus
will likely become public at trial.
Although he did not grant a broad protective order to the plaintiffs,
Kaplan did modify the confidentiality stipulation as a result of the
hearing on press access. He held that publicly released material may
be posted on the Internet as well as released to other communications
media and that videotapes of the depositions, if made, could also be
released subject to the redaction of stipulated information.
Kaplan also held that parties could propose that other "prominent"
deponents' testimony be subject to the three-day rule rather than the
10-day rule.
Kaplan stated that he will rule promptly on any disputes as to
whether particular material falls within the terms of the
confidentiality stipulation but warned that parties will be subject
to sanctions if there is any attempt to use this adjudication process
either to force disclosure of confidential information or to slow
parties' preparation for trial, which is set for July.
Mere Embarrassment Not Enough for Redaction
In response to complaints by the plaintiffs that their filings appear
on the Internet within a day or two of submission, Kaplan commented
that this kind of rapid publication on the Internet is something
parties will have to get used to, and noted that federal judges' own
financial statements are now subject to disclosure on the Internet.
Kaplan also noted that mere embarrassment of a deponent-as when a
deponent does not know an answer to a question or answers
incorrectly-does not rise to the level of the kind of harm that would
lead to testimony being blocked or redacted by the confidentiality
The plaintiffs had expressed concern, in their argument for a blanket
protective order, that deponents were being asked questions that
would publicly embarrass them. Kaplan said Valenti, Eisner, and other
prominent deponents do not need his court to protect them from
Both sides of the dispute and the media intervenors proposed
alternative arrangements under which the court could make
particularized rulings as to whether information should be blocked
from disclosure to the press or the public.
But Kaplan said he was unwilling to open the proceedings up to the
kind of delay those arrangements-such as a review by an independent
magistrate-would cause. Because the case is set to go to trial in
July, he said, his ruling is designed to avoid procedures and
proceedings that would lead to further delay.
… By Mike Godwin
[Editor's note: Mike Godwin's motion was made on his own behalf, and
his appearance at the hearing was pro se. Godwin's argument and
motion do not necessarily represent the views of American Lawyer
Media Inc., the  publisher of E-Commerce Law Weekly.]


"I speak the password primeval .... I give the sign of democracy ...."
           --Walt Whitman
Mike Godwin can be reached by phone at 202-223-7843.
His book, CYBER RIGHTS, can be ordered at .

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