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IP: A report on the WHite House meeting by Gene Stafford

From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 15:27:33 -0500

Date: Sat, 19 Feb 2000 12:59:48 -0500
To: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
From: Gene Spafford <spaf () cerias purdue edu>

Infosecurity at the White House
Gene Spafford


Last week (ca. 2/8/00), a massive distributed denial of service attack was 
committed against a number of Internet businesses, including e-Bay, Yahoo,, and others.   This was accomplished by breaking into hundreds 
(thousands?) of poorly-secured machines around the net and installing 
packet generation "slave" programs.   These programs respond by remote 
control to send packets of various types to target hosts on the 
network.  The resulting flood effectively shut those target systems out of 
normal operation for periods ranging up to several hours.

The press jumped all over this as if it was something terribly new (it 
isn't -- experienced security researchers have known about this kind of 
problem for many years) and awful (it can be, but wasn't as bad as they 
make it out to be).   One estimate in one news source speculated that over 
a billion dollars had been lost in lost revenue, downtime, and 
preventative measures.  I'm skeptical of that, but it certainly is the 
case that a significant loss occurred.

Friday, Feb 11, I got a call from someone I know at OSTP (Office of 
Science and Technology Policy) inquiring if I would be available to meet 
with the President as part of a special meeting on Internet security.  I 
said "yes."   I was not provided with a list of attendees or an 
agenda.    Initially, I was told it would be a meeting of security 
experts, major company CEOs, and some members of the Security Council, but 
that was subject to change.

The Meeting

I arrived at the Old Executive Office Building prior to the meeting to 
talk with some staff from OSTP.   These are the people who have been 
working on the Critical Infrastructure issues for some time, along with 
some in the National Security Council.   They really "get it" about the 
complexity of the problem, and about academia's role and needs, and this 
may be one reason why this was the first Presidential-level meeting on 
information security that included academic faculty.

After a few minutes, I was ushered into Dr. Neal Lane's office where we 
spent about 15 minutes talking.   (As a scientist and polymath, I think 
Lane has one of the more fascinating jobs in the Executive Branch: that of 
Assistant to the President for Science and Technology  and  Director of 
OSTP .   For instance, on his table he had some great photos of the Eros 
asteroid that had been taken the day before.)   We then decided to walk 
over to the White House (next door) where we joined the other attendees 
who were waiting in a lobby area.

Eventually, we were all escorted upstairs to the Cabinet Room.  It was a 
tight fit, as there were over 30 of us, staff and guests (invitee list at 
the end).   We then spent a half hour mingling and chatting.  There were a 
lot of people I didn't know, but that's because normally I don't get to 
talk to CEOs.  Most notably, there were people present from several CERIAS 
sponsor organizations (AT&T, Veridian/Trident, Microsoft, Sun, HP, Intel, 
Cisco).  I also (finally!) got to meet Prof. David Farber in 
person.  We've "known" each other electronically for a long time, but this 
was our first in-person meeting.

After a while, some more of the government folk joined the group: Attorney 
General Reno; Commerce Secretary Daley; Richard Clarke, the National 
Coordinator for Security, Infrastructure Protection and Counter-terrorism; 
and others.   After some more mingling, I deduced the President was about 
to arrive -- several Secret Service agents walked through the room giving 
everyone a once-over.   Then, without any announcement or fanfare, the 
President came into the room along with John Podesta, his chief of staff.

President Clinton worked his way around the room, shaking everyone's hand 
and saying "hello."  He has a firm handshake.  In person, he looks thinner 
than I expected, and is not quite as tall as I expected, either.

We all then sat down at assigned places.   I had the chair directly 
opposite the President.  Normally, it is the chair of the Secretary of 
State.   To my left was Whit Diffie of Sun, and to my right was John 
Podesta.   I was actually surprised that I had a seat at the table instead 
of in the "overflow" seats around the room.

The press was then let into the room.  It was quite a mass.   The 
President made a statement, as did Peter Solvik of Cisco.  The press then 
asked several questions (including one about oil prices that had nothing 
to do with the meeting).   Then, they were ushered out and the meeting began.

The President asked a few individuals (Podesta, Daley, Reno, Pethia, 
Noonan) to make statements on behalf of a particular segment of industry 
of government, and then opened it up for discussion.   The next hour went 
by pretty quickly.  Throughout, the President listened carefully, and 
seemed really involved in the discussion.  He asked several follow-up 
questions to things, and steered the discussion back on course a few 
times.  He followed the issues quite well, and asked some good follow-up 

During the discussion, I made two short comments.  The first was about how 
it was important that business and government get past using cost as the 
primary deciding factor in acquiring computer systems, because quality and 
safety were important.  I went on to say  that it was important to start 
holding managers and owners accountable when their systems failed because 
of well-known problems.   I observed that if the government could set a 
good example in these regards, others might well follow.

My second comment was on the fact that everyone was talking about 
"business and government" at the meeting but that there were other 
players, and that academia in particular could play an important part in 
this whole situation in cooperation with everyone else.    After all, 
academia is where much of the research gets done, and where the next 
generation of leaders, researchers, and businesspeople are coming from!

Overall, the bulk of the comments and interchange were reasoned and 
polite.  I only remember two people making extreme comments (to which the 
rest of us gave polite silence or objections); I won't identify the people 
here, but neither were CERIAS sponsors :-).   One person claimed that we 
were in a crisis and more restrictions should be placed on publishing 
vulnerability information, and the other was about how the government 
should fund "hackers" to do more offensive experimentation to help protect 
systems.    My summary of the major comments and conclusions is included 

After considerable discussion, the meeting concluded with Dick Clarke 
reminding everyone that the President had submitted a budget to Congress 
with a number of new and continuing initiatives in information security 
and cybercrime investigation, and it would be up to Congress to provide 
the follow-through on these items.

We then broke up the meeting, and the President spent a little more time 
shaking hands and talking with people present.   Buddy (his dog) somehow 
got into the room and "met" several of us, too  -- I got head-butt in the 
side of my leg as he went by. :-)  The official photographer got a picture 
of the President shaking my hand again.

The President commented to Vint Cerf how amazed he was that the group had 
been so well-behaved --- we listened to each other, no one made long 
rambling speeches, and there was very little posturing going 
on.  Apparently, similar groups from other areas are quite noisy and 

We (the invitees) then went outside where there was a large crowd of the 
press.   Several of us made short statements, and then broke up into 
groups for separate interviews.    After that was done, I left and 
returned home to teach class on Wednesday.

My interview with the local news station didn't make it on the 6pm news, 
and all the print accounts seemed make a big deal of the fact that "Mudge" 
was at the meeting.   Oh well, I thought "Spaf" was a way-cool "handle", 
better than "Mudge" but it doesn't go over as well with the press for some 
reason.  I'll have to find some other way to develop a following of 
groupies. :-)

On Friday, I was back in DC at the White House conference center to 
participate in a working session with the PCAST (President's Committee of 
Advisors on Science & Technology) to discuss the structure and 
organization of the President's proposed Institute for Information 
Infrastructure  Protection.   This will have a projected budget of $50 
million per year.   CERIAS is already doing a significant part of what the 
IIIP is supposed to address (but at a smaller scale).  Thus, we may have a 
role to play in that organization, as will (I hope) many of the other 
established infosec centers.  The outcome of that meeting was that the 
participants are going to draft some "strawman" documents on the proposed 
IIIP organization for consideration.   I am unsure whether this is 
significant progress or not.


I didn't enter the meeting with any particular expectations. However, I 
was pleasantly surprised at the sense of cooperation that permeated the 
meeting.    I don't think we solved any problems, or even set an agenda of 
exactly what to do.   There was a clear sense of resistance from the 
industry participants to any major changes in regulations or Internet 
structure.  In fact, most of the companies represented did not send CEOs 
so that (allegedly) there would be no one there who could make a solid 
commitment for their firms should the President press for some action.

Nonetheless, there were issues discussed, some subsets of those present 
did agree to meet and pursue particular courses of action, and we were 
reminded about the President's info protection plan.  To be fair, this is 
an area that has been getting attention from the Executive Branch for 
several years, so this whole event shouldn't be seen as a sudden reaction 
to specific events.   Rather, from the PCCIP on, there has been concern 
and awareness of the importance of these issues.   This was simply good 
timing for the President to again demonstrate his concern, and remind 
people of the national plan that was recently released.

I came away from the meeting with the feeling that a small, positive step 
had been made.   Most importantly, the President had made it clear that 
information security is an area of national importance and that it is 
taken seriously by him and his administration.   By having Dave Farber and 
myself there, he had also made a statement to the industry people present 
that his administration takes the academic community seriously in this 
area.  (Whether many of the industry people got that message -- or care -- 
remains to be seen.)

I recall that there were about 7 major points made that no one disputed:
  1)  The Internet is international in scope, and most of the companies 
present have international operations.   Thus, we must continue to think 
globally.   US laws and policies won't be enough to address all our problems.
  2) Privacy is a big concern for individuals and companies 
alike.  Security concerns should not result in new rules or mechanisms 
that result in significant losses of privacy.
  3) Good administration and security hygiene are critical.   The 
problems of the previous week were caused by many sites (including, 
allegedly, some government sites) being compromised because they were not 
maintained and monitored.    This, more than any perceived weakness in 
the Internet, led to the denial of service.
  4) There is a great deal of research that yet needs to be done.
  5) There are not enough trained personnel to deal with all our security 
  6) Government needs to set a good example for everyone else, by using 
good security, employing standard security tools, installing patches, and 
otherwise practicing good infosec.
  7) Rather than new structure or regulation, broadly-based cooperation 
and information sharing is the near-term approach best suited to solving 
these kinds of problems.

Let's see what happens next.  I hope there is good follow-though by some 
of the parties in attendance, both within and outside government.


Rich Pethia of CERT, Alan Paller of SANS, and I have drafted a short list 
of near-term actions that sites can implement to help prevent a recurrence 
of the DDOS problems.  Alan is going to coordinate input from a number of 
industry people, and then we will publicize this widely.   It isn't an 
agenda for research or long-term change, but we believe it can provide a 
concrete set of initial steps.   This may serve as a good model for future 
such collaborative activities.

I was asked by several people if I was nervous.   Actually, no.    I've 
been on national television many times, and I've spoken before crowds of 
nearly a thousand people.   Actually, *he* should have been nervous -- I 
have tenure, and he clearly does not. :-)

The model we have at CERIAS with the partnership of industry and academia 
is exactly what is needed right now.  Our challenge is to find some ways 
to solve our faculty needs and space shortage.  In every other way, we're 
ideally positioned to continue to make a big difference in the coming years.

Of the 29 invited guests, there was only one woman and one member of a 
traditional minority.    I wonder how many of the people in the room 
didn't even notice?


Douglas F. Busch
Vice President of Information Technology, Intel

Clarence Chandran
President, Service Provider & Carrier Group, Nortel Networks

Vinton Cerf
Senior Vice President, Internet & Architecture & Engineering, MCI Worldcom

Christos Costakos
Chief Executive Officer, E-Trade Group, Inc.

Jim Dempsey
Senior Staff Counsel, Center for Democracy and Technology

Whitfield Diffie
Corporate Information Officer, Sun Microsystems

Nick Donofrio
Senior Vice President and Group Executive, Technology & Manufacturing, IBM

Dave Farber
University of  Pennsylvania

Elliot Gerson
Chief Executive Officer,

Adam Grosser
President, Subscriber Networks, >President, Subscriber Networks, Excite@home

Stephen Kent
BBN Technologies (GTE)

David Langstaff
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Veridan

Michael McConnell

Mary Jane McKeever
Senior Vice President, World Markets, AT&T

Roberto Medrano
Senior Vice President, Hewlett Packard

Harris N. Miller
President, Information Technology Association of  America (ITAA)

Terry Milholland
Chief Information Officer, EDS

Tom Noonan
Internet Security Systems (ISS)

Ray Oglethorpe
President, AOL Technologies, America Online

Allan Paller
Chairman, SANS Institute

Rich Pethia
CERT/CC, SEI at Carnegie-Mellon University

Geoff Ralston
Vice President for Engineering, Yahoo!

Howard Schmidt
Chief Information Security Officer, Microsoft

Peter Solvik
Chief Information Officer, Cisco Systems

Gene Spafford
CERIAS at Purdue University

David Starr
Chief Information Officer, 3Com

Charles Wang
Chief Executive Officer, Computer Associates International

Maynard Webb
President, Ebay

Peiter Zatko a.k.a. "Mudge"


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