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IP: Yet again -- Many Deserve Credit for Creating the Internet

From: David Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Thu, 14 Oct 1999 02:10:34 -0700

Date: Tue, 12 Oct 1999 14:07:03 -0500
To: chapman () lists cc utexas edu
From: Gary Chapman <gary.chapman () mail utexas edu>


Below is my Los Angeles Times column for yesterday, October 11, 
1999. As always, please feel free to pass this on, but please retain 
the copyright notice.

Not a whole lot of news to report here, but for those who are 
interested or in the Washington, D.C., area, I will be the keynote 
speaker at this year's conference of the National Telecommunications 
and Information Administration, of the U.S. Department of Commerce, 
a conference titled "Networks for People," scheduled for November 
1st in Arlington, Virginia. The agenda and registration info is at

Hope everyone is doing well and enjoying the fall season.


-- Gary

gary.chapman () mail utexas edu


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October 11, 1999


Many Deserve Credit for Creating the Internet

By Gary Chapman

Copyright 1999, The Los Angeles Times, All Rights Reserved

UCLA celebrated the 30th anniversary of the Internet last month, in 
observance of the first time that digital bits were passed between 
machines using a computer called an Interface Messaging Processor, 
or IMP, in the Boelter Hall laboratory of computer science professor 
Leonard Kleinrock.

UCLA Chancellor Albert Carnesale said at the Sept. 2 event, "The 
Internet has many fathers who claim to be responsible for this 
child," and photographs of several of these "fathers" were shown on 
a large screen.

After the celebration, however, a few of these "fathers" expressed 
some annoyance over how the early history of the Internet is being 
described these days.

"The UCLA event furthered some controversy that has been stirred up 
over the past six years," said Bob Taylor, a retired research 
laboratory director who headed labs for both Xerox Corp. and Digital 
Equipment Corp. Taylor led the effort that produced the ARPAnet, the 
forerunner of the Internet and the project that funded and built the 
IMP computers at UCLA and other institutions.

"The team concept is not getting enough credit," said Taylor, who 
cited the contributions of the team in Cambridge, Mass., at Bolt, 
Beranek & Newman that built the first IMP computers in early 1969.

Another early founder of the ARPAnet, who wishes to remain 
anonymous, wrote recently: "As the staggering impact of the Internet 
has become apparent, a number of individuals have been shamelessly 
elbowing their way into the limelight, claiming far more than their 
share of credit for helping to bring it all about. Many people 
contributed to the experiment that blossomed into the Internet. 
Although a very few prescient individuals actually had a vision, 
albeit somewhat imprecise, of what the future might hold, most just 
worked from day to day on their part of the effort.

"Watching a few individuals and institutions now puffing themselves 
up beyond all recognition and trying to bend history to the needs of 
their personal ambition is both disheartening and irritating. In 
part, such behavior is the product of a society in which notoriety 
has become a sort of summum bonum. And the media, contributing to 
this foolishness and craving oversimplification, tend to heed the 
loudest voices."

"In my opinion," said J. Strother Moore, a professor of computer 
science at the University of Texas, "Bob Taylor is not getting 
enough credit. I rarely see his name in the newspaper when the 
history of the Internet is discussed. He, perhaps more than anyone, 
deserves the credit for the vision that created the Internet."

Severo Ornstein, one of the original Bolt, Beranek & Newman team 
that built the first IMPs, concurred. "It was Taylor's vision, his 
tenacity, and his perseverance that built the ARPAnet, the precursor 
to the Internet," Ornstein said. "Without him, we probably would not 
have developed the system."

Taylor was named director of the Information Processing Technologies 
Office of the Pentagon's Advanced Research Projects Agency in 1966. 
He worked with ideas developed by his predecessors in that position, 
J.C.R. Licklider and Ivan Sutherland, to promote a visionary project 
based around the then-novel concept that computers are primarily 
communications devices, not just number-crunching machines.

Taylor and Licklider wrote a famous and landmark white paper, "The 
Computer as a Communications Device," 
( in April 1968. When Taylor took 
over the office in 1966, he convinced ARPA Director Charles Herzfeld 
that the agency should fund a project in computer communications, 
and that project became the ARPAnet.

"The ARPAnet began in 1966, not 1969," Taylor told me last week. 
"There's some revisionism going on today."

To be sure, most of the "fathers" of the Internet are generous in 
their praise and acknowledgment of all the numerous people who 
contributed to its development. But institutional public relations 
departments have tended to promote their own affiliated individuals 
as the key contributors, fostering a "celebrity model" of 
technological history instead of the team effort it was.

Many people feel Taylor is not getting enough credit, however. He 
doesn't have a public relations machine working for him.

"I'm doing fine," he said with a chuckle. "Not enough other people 
are getting their share of credit."

In the 1970s, Taylor went on to lead the famous Computer Systems 
Laboratory of Xerox's Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), the most 
renowned and prestigious lab in the history of computer science. 
There he assembled the all-star team that created computer 
networking, desktop publishing, laser printers, the graphical-user 
interface and modern word processing, among other innovations.

"Taylor has a sixth sense about what needs to be done and how to do 
it," Ornstein said.

Moore said that when he reflects on who should get credit for the 
Internet, he thinks first not only of Taylor at ARPA but of Taylor's 
lab at Xerox PARC. "Bob Taylor is the finest research laboratory 
manager this country has ever produced," he said.

What does Taylor think of the Internet today? "I'm surprised it's 
taken so long to get to where we are," he says. The industry made 
many mistakes in the past that slowed development of the Internet, 
such as the fact that it's only been recently that networking has 
come to personal computers, he said.

"Everything the Internet is being used for today was anticipated," 
he said. "Except for its pornographic implications -- I didn't 
anticipate that."

Taylor believes that the biggest challenge ahead is to make using 
the Internet "a right and not a privilege."

"We sometimes refer to the Internet as the 'information 
superhighway,' " he said. "But using the highway is a right, not a 
privilege. Now, using the Internet is a privilege, and that should 

Taylor thinks the government has a role in helping change this, 
perhaps by making the Internet part of universal service for all 

UCLA has every reason to be proud of its early contributions to the 
Internet. But all Americans should be grateful for the vision of Bob 
Taylor and many other technology innovators who deserve to be 
household names.

Gary Chapman is director of The 21st Century Project at the 
University of Texas at Austin. He can be reached at 
gary.chapman () mail utexas edu.

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