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From: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 1999 06:29:06 -0400

To: Dave Farber <farber () cis upenn edu>
Date: Thu, 05 Aug 99 11:26:46 PDT
From: "Willis H. Ware" <willis () rand org>

 A msg had been circulated that evidently originated with some lawyers
 advising people to get an SSA earnings statement.  The message raised the
 spectre that the SSA could crash and all records of past earnings lost.  I
 guess lawyers have never heard about back-up tapes and similar

 From my point of view, it was unnecessary panic-type hype of the kind that
 we've seen too much of and I answered as below.

 If anyone is interested, the URL for the OMB/Y2K Council that rates
 USGovernment systems is:


 ------- Forwarded Message

 Subject: Re: SSA and the Millennium Bug]
 Date: Wed, 04 Aug 99 13:54:29 PDT
 From: "Willis H. Ware" <willis () rand org

 With regard to the message that hyped the risk that SSA might crash
 catastrophically, BALONEY with a capital B.  Via a governemnt advisory
 body that I chair, we poked fairly deeply into the status of SSA in re
 Y2K.  Of all the Federal agencies, the one most regarded as being ready is
 the SSA.  It started on the effort about 5 years ago because it
 accidentally discovered the problem when trying to do 10-year
 projections around the turn of the millenium and finding that the systems
 couldn't handle them.  I heard their readiness briefing, and I'm not
 worrying about my SSA checks being either late, wrong, or missing.  Even
 if everything crashed, the SSA has several sets of backup tapes stored
 off-site in a cave somewhere in Pennsylvania.

 ALSO, there is an emergency procedure in place for printing checks.  Even
 if the SSA installation were to crash completely, the Treasury (which
 prints the checks at several sites throughout the country) automatically
 repeats last month's check-run and mailing.  Then any errors are corrected
 in the following month or so.

 ALSO if you look at the Federal OMB assessments of the agencies, the SSA
 has been the only one for a long time that gets an A+ in readiness on Y2K.

 The hypster message is spreading the most unnecessary and alarming kind of
 Y2K un-truth. Kill the mythology and hype; don't pass it around and create
 needless panic reaction.

 On the other hand, anyone is wise is to get a PEBES report from time to
 time, but do it as prudent fiscal management, no as a Y2K panic move. You
 can request it online but the results are USPS mailed to you as a security
 measure. And you can do it at your leisure.


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